Which is impossible traducir francés
237 traducción paralela
Forget your feelings, which is impossible for you.
Oubliez ce que vous ressentez, votre amour est impossible.
It would require physical contact, which is impossible, Captain.
Cela exigerait un contact physique, et c'est impossible.
It's my opinion that we should fight the war to win in Korea, rather than try to settle at the diplomatic table, which is impossible when you're dealing with Russia.
Je pense que nous devons nous battre pour vaincre en Corée, plutôt que de s'asseoir à la table diplomatique, ce qui est impossible avec la Russie.
He is holding his Stetson, which is impossible if his wrist is shattered.
Il tient son Stetson, ce qui est impossible s'il a le poignet brisé.
In a particularly delightful corner of London, which is impossible to find unless you got some reliable guide who knows the way.
C'est dans un coin ravissant de Londres et impossible à trouver à moins d'avoir quelqu'un qui connaît le chemin.
- Which is impossible.
- Impossible.
The red blood cells are biconvex, which is impossible.
Ses globules sont biconvexes. C'est impossible.
And if the disease to the retina is reduced or in check, which is impossible to know at this point, but if that is the case, using this new procedure, there is a good possibility we can give you sight.
Et si l'affection de la rétine est réduite ou tenue en échec, - ce qu'on ne peut anticiper - avec notre nouvelle technique, il y a une forte probabilité qu'on vous rende la vue.
Which is impossible, as it only appears for a single frame.
Impossible, ça apparaît sur une seule image.
There is a certain difference in our walks of life, sir, which makes it impossible for me to sit at the same table with yourself, sir.
La différence entre nos conditions m'interdit de m'asseoir à la même table que vous.
Don't let people dictate what you shall do or shall not do because it would be impossible for you to do anything which is not fine and decent and true.
Ne laisse pas les gens te dicter ce que tu dois faire ou non car il te serait impossible de faire quoi que ce soit qui ne soit bon, décent et honnête.
May I point out that you can't exactly reproduce the circumstances of Higgins's death... which I presume is what you're after. - Oh?
Il me semble impossible de reconstituer les circonstances précises de la mort d'Higgins.
Everything which can be done for her is being done.
Ils font l'impossible pour elle.
The reason why he buys everything he can, is because of a crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting which it never can be.
Il a une raison pour acheter autant : L'espoir qu'une des choses qu'il achète le rendra immortel. Ce qui est impossible.
I've exercised every ingenuity of which a man is capable to keep at bay the advances of this precocious jezebel.
J'ai fait l'impossible pour repousser les avances de cette Jézebel en bas âge!
Which is physically impossible for one man.
Ce qui est physiquement impossible pour un seul homme.
Everything we've uncovered points to Jack the Ripper, which is an impossibility, isn't it?
Tous les éléments jusque-là accusent Jack l'éventreur, ce qui est en soi impossible.
- Well, I also bloody know it's quite bloody impossible... - to spoil anything which is already bloody awful.
Je sais sacrément qu'on n'abîme pas ce qui est sacrément mauvais.
But if the tranquilliser does not function, which is clearly impossible, then a radical alteration of our thought patterns must be in order.
Mais si le tranquillisant ne fonctionne pas, alors une altération de notre mode de pensée doit se produire.
No, I can't say which one it is.
Non, impossible de vous dire laquelle des deux c'était.
Which is scientifically impossible under conditions there.
Scientifiquement impossible.
Welcome to the Penal Colony of French Guiana whose prisoners you are and from which there is no escape.
Vous êtes à la Colonie Pénitentiaire de la Guyane française. Je vous préviens : s'évader de St-Laurent est impossible.
I consider marriage to be based on something which is completely impossible for me.
Je considère que le mariage est fondé sur quelque chose de totalement impossible pour moi.
What I find nearly impossible to bear and I'm not the only one on the paper who feels this way is when someone shows feelings about something one has experienced, something which you really have something to say about
Il y a une chose que je ne peux plus supporter et je ne suis pas le seul ici à le ressentir. C'est que si on propose quelque chose de senti, qu'on a dans la peau, qu'on a vécu et dont on veut parler alors il faut contrôler un peu par-ci, un peu par-là et partout.
A terrible, seIf-imposed code which it was to prove impossible for him and his feIIow-fighters to keep Which is why, through inferiority and guilt, they were strict and cruel merciless insisting on everyone's observance of that code
C'est ainsi qu'il devint Siegfried et amateurs de westerns, selon le schéma : seul contre tous, le petit bien contre le grand mal.
And all I have to do now is get my posing routine down more perfect... which is almost impossible to do.
Il ne me reste qu'à perfectionner mon enchaînement, et c'est pratiquement impossible.
Unfortunately and as a result from wounds received... dead police officer One of the assailants has been identified as Carl Robson which is being operated surgically in the hospital Barstock has done is not known whether disclosures the identity of his accomplices before entering the operating room
Le malfaiteur, identifié comme étant Karl Robson se trouve dans un état grave à l'hôpital de Freesnow impossible de savoir s'il a pu donner le nom de ses complices
There is no adequate way in which we can express our gratitude to the men themselves because they are no longer among us.
Il nous est maintenant impossible d'exprimer notre reconnaissance à ces hommes, puisqu'ils ne sont plus parmi nous.
Many physicists think this is fundamentally impossible that we could not build a device which would carry us backwards into time.
Nombre de physiciens estiment impossible... que l'on construise un vaisseau... permettant de nous ramener dans le passé.
Which aspects of our nature will prevail is uncertain. Particularly when our visions and prospects are bound to one small part of the small planet Earth.
Impossible de dire quel côté de notre nature l'emportera... surtout si notre champ de vision et nos projets se cantonnent... à une minuscule portion de notre petite planète Terre.
But we can't, which is rather frustrating.
Mais c'est impossible! Et rageant!
It is impossible to say which came first to his mind - - the sight of this young girl or the resolution which followed.
"Il est impossible de dire " qui vint le plus tôt à son esprit, ou la vue de cette enfant, " ou la résolution qui en fut la suite.
It is also completely fuel-efficient... and is operated entirely by microprocessors... which make it virtually impossible for it to be involved in any kind of mishap or collision.
C'est une voiture économique qui ne fonctionne que par microprocesseurs, ce qui rend toute collision impossible.
We don't have enough fuel until Earth is in the correct position which is three weeks away. So, it's impossible for both of us.
Nous manquons de carburant pour un retour avant trois semaines.
While I was doing research on my novel, Murder on the Amazon, I came across an obscure curare derivative... which is almost impossible to trace...
Quand je faisais des recherches pour mon roman, Meurtre sur l'Amazone... j'ai découvert un dérivatif obscur du curare... qui est presque impossible à déceler...
Yes, but it's impossible to tell which tunnel it is down here.
Oui, mais il n'y a aucun renseignement qui permet d'indiquer notre position.
Which is not possible cos we already forgot'em!
C'est impossible puisqu'on les a oubliés.
But the rarity of it is, which is indeed almost beyond credit - That our garments, being, as they were, drench'd in the sea, hold, notwithstanding, their freshness and glosses, being rather new-dy'd, than stain'd with salt water.
Mais ce qu'il y a de plus rare, il est presque impossible d'y croire... c'est que nos habits, qui ont été trempés dans la mer, gardent néanmoins leur fraîcheur et leur éclat, et sont plutôt ravivés que tachés d'eau salée.
A precise dose of the right toxins can induce a coma state, which is nearly impossible to distinguish from death.
Une dose précise d'une certaine toxine peut induire un état comateux qu'il est difficile de distinguer de la mort.
Impressed, or I may say touched by the words of goodwill and friendship I have heard I promise you that I shall do my utmost to change my country's policy towards that nation which was once our foe but is now, I may venture to say our friend.
Impressionné, voire touché... par Ies mots de bonne volonté que j "ai entendus. Je vous promets de faire I" impossible... pour changer Ia politique de mon pays... envers une nation autrefois ennemie... mais qui est aujourd " hui, dirais-je... notre amie.
That is, something which can be lost within a minute. Why?
Parce qu'il est impossible de prévoir quoi que ce soit dans notre pays, et qu'il existe un danger :
Because it's impossible to predict what's going to happen with our country, so there's a danger of losing whatever we have - a kind of inner pivot which is ever present...
celui de perdre ce que l'on a, cette sorte de pivot au fond de nous-mêmes qui est toujours présent... Et c'est quoi, la Patrie, pour toi? C'est quelque chose de grand et de très beau.
Which is almost impossible since apparently the idea of school spirit... is out the window.
Ce qui est quasiment impossible, l'idée d'un esprit scolaire... semblant dépassée.
And if there was probably a childhood trauma that I had... other than the Dodgers leaving Brooklyn... which if you think about it is a reason why some of us are imbued with a cynicism... that we never recovered from, obviously you're not a Mets fan... and you can't possibly be a Yankee fan.
Dans mon enfance, j'ai dû souffrir d'un autre traumatisme que le départ des "Dodgers" de Brooklyn, qui, si on y pense, explique que nous soyons imbus d'un cynisme dont on ne s'est jamais remis. Impossible d'être un fan des "Mets". Ni des "Yankees".
Say you go $ 5,000 to $ 12,000 at the most, which is impossible for him.
Au maximum. Pour lui, c'est pas croyable.
He did the well-remembered music for the crime series on Lt. Stanley and Sgt. Morrison titled "impossible Duty," which is what the critics said about seeing the series.
On se souvient de sa musique pour le feuilleton policier sur le Lieutenant Stanley et le Sergent Morrison : "Devoir lmpossible", rebaptisée par les critiques : "lmpossible à voir".
But they're also asking about this office expansion which we said that the loan was for which it ain't since you got no place to expand since the place next to you is taken.
Mais ils s'interrogent sur l'agrandissement des bureaux pour lequel on a prêté. Et qui est impossible, puisqu il n'y a plus de place à côté.
Some seem to think my work is drawn from an expression of horror, which has never really concerned me.
Il paraît que mon travail exprime une horreur mais ça ne me concerne pas. Le plaisir est impossible à définir.
Which is a mathematical impossibility, but they buy it anyway.
Ce qui est mathématiquement impossible, mais ça marche.
It's from a life-form which doesn't seem to be carbon-based, which, by the way, is impossible.
Elle vient d'une forme de vie dénuée de carbone, c'est impossible.
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37