Which is nothing traducir francés
426 traducción paralela
Well, that may prevent Ro-man from finding us and blowing us up which is nothing!
Cela empêche Ro-Man de nous trouver et de nous pulvériser. Une bagatelle!
The last three years I've turned 29, which is nothing for a woman my age.
Depuis 3 ans, j'en ai 29. C'est peu pour une femme de mon âge.
I see him behaving abominably, which is nothing new, is it?
- Ce comportement ne date pas d'hier.
About as much as the captain, which is nothing at all.
Autant que le capitaine, autant dire rien.
Because of this flesh, which is nothing but a shitbag, you call flesh "Nature" and forget about the rest.
Vous dépendez de votre chair, de votre sac à merde, en les considérant comme "la nature", et vous oubliez le reste.
It's usually 40-60 % 0, especially from German measles, which is nothing when it comes to human blood, but it wipes them out.
D'habitude, c'est 40 à 60 %, surtout à cause de la rougeole, bénigne pour nous, mais dévastatrice pour eux.
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
Signorina Carlotta, if this is nothing but a game for you, the pleasure of playing around or even worse, then you are, despite your sweet face and your voice which sounds like a message from heaven, a devil!
Signorina Carlotta, si ce n'est que jeu, plaisir de batifoler ou pire encore, malgré votre doux visage, et votre voix suave comme un message du ciel, vous n'êtes qu'une diablesse!
- Which means you have a car. If so, 6 francs 50 is nothing to you.
Si vous avez une automobile, 6,50 francs ne vous feront pas peur.
The shameless way in which the deficiency bill has been delayed is nothing short of criminal.
Le procédé honteux par lequel on a repoussé le déficit budgétaire est proche de l'illégalité.
The paper fortunes built up over the past few years crumble into nothing before this disaster which is to touch every man, woman and child in America.
Des fortunes s'écroulent dans un désastre qui affecte tous les Américains.
I know as much about this case as you do, which is absolutely nothing.
J'en sais autant que vous sur ce cas, c'est-à-dire, absolument rien.
Patience is a game one only plays out of boredom, which condition of mind it does nothing to relieve.
On ne fait de patience que par ennui. Cela ne soulage nullement.
Why is it she never seems to find enough time in which to do absolutely nothing?
Elle court toujours après le temps, sans jamais savoir qu'en faire.
Journalistic ethics, honesty, which is the foundation of every decent newspaper, means absolutely nothing to him.
L'éthique journalistique, l'honnêteté, qui est à la base de tout journal respectable, ne signifie rien pour lui.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
All of which goes to prove that nothing is wasted.
Ce qui prouve que rien ne se perd.
I have nothing to give but my heart, which is so full... and these empty hands.
Je n'ai à vous offrir que mon amour fervent et ces mains vides.
Just a dream of which almost nothing is left.
Un rêve dont il ne reste rien ou presque.
Yes. And their brain tissue, which, after all, is nothing more than a storage house for electrical impulses.
Oui et leurs cerveaux, qui n'est rien qu'un énorme reservoir d'impulsions éléctriques.
But he sees no beauty nothing but some secret trouble which is always with him.
Mais plus rien ne le touche, qu'un mal secret qui ne le quitte jamais.
Yup, Old Gezo and his tribe left nothing alive once they raided a village. Well, nothing that is but the good ones, which I had to pay hard cash for.
Rien ne survivait où Geezo était passé, sauf les meilleurs
Reverend Brown. Reverend Brown. I know it's the great zeal of your faith which makes you utter this prayer, but it is possible to be overzealous, to destroy that which you hope to save so that nothing is left but emptiness.
Mon révérend, je sais que c'est le zèle de votre foi qui vous dicte cette prière, mais on peut parfois être trop zélé et détruire ce qu'on espérait sauver, de sorte qu'il ne reste plus que le vide.
Which is why they'll get nothing.
C'est pour ça qu'ils n'auront rien.
... nothing speaks anymore. ... Rather, it is a sort of implied speech,... cut short,... stifled just before the key moment,... and which cannot cross the final barrier.
... rien ne parle plus,... mais c'est une sorte de parole tacite,... arrêtée,... endormie juste avant la parole... qui ne peut traverser ce champ où elle est freinée.
Which is, nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Ce qui n'est rien Absolument rien.
You've been cackling away all afternoon as if the invasion... in which the fate of nations and the lives of millions are at stake... is nothing more to you than a private joke.
Tu as ricané tout le temps comme si cette invasion, où des nations et des vies sont en jeu, n'était pour toi qu'une vaste plaisanterie.
We know nothing of it except for there are six bodies one of which we can only assume is the sun.
On ne sait rien dessus, sauf qu'il contient six astres. On peut supposer que l'un d'eux est le soleil.
An organization in Paris which I mustn't name will know where we are but nothing is certain and there is very little time.
Un organisme parisien que je ne puis nommer saura où nous sommes. Mais rien n'est sûr, et on n'a pas de temps.
Besides, the spell will be in my book which is coming out next month and I do not believe in giving away anything for nothing.
La formule sera dans mon livre qui sort le mois prochain, et je ne crois pas en l'altruisme.
Sensors reveal nothing which is inimical to human life.
Il n'y a rien d'hostile à la vie humaine.
I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy, which is as thin of substance as the air
Enfants d'un esprit oisif... que fait naître une vaine fantaisie... aussi légère que l'air!
- It's not that I'm afraid of being laughed at. - Mr. Aldrich... there is nothing you could say or do at this moment which would make me laugh.
Rien de ce que vous pourriez dire ou faire ne me ferait rire.
Nothing here which would indicate this is anything but a planet.
Rien ici n'indique que ce n'est pas une planète.
Which is not in Europe, and which has nothing whatsoever to do with California.
À Hollywood. Ce n'est pas en Europe, et ça n'a rien de californien.
On Sunday, we'd go to these Italian beaches of ours the whole world is jealous of but which are nothing but dirt.
Le dimanche, nous allions à nos plages italiennes Dont le monde est jaloux qui sont remplies d'ordures.
The shortest road about which I know nothing but evil legends is the old Bamian Road.
Le plus court... dont je ne connais que de maléfiques légendes... est l'ancienne route de Bamiyan.
there is nothing of which to be alarmed.
Rien de grave.
But magic is a word which explains nothing.
mais la magie est un mot qui n'explique rien.
very difficult to imagine - and seeing that we are going to take the liberty of designing this material according to our imagination, we are also going to take the liberty of attributing a nature to it in which there is nothing which could prevent anyone from knowing it as perfectly as possible.
Et comme nous prendrons la liberté de dessiner cette matière selon notre imagination, nous prendrons aussi celle d'attribuer à la nature dans laquelle il n'y a rien, ce qui nous empêche de la connaître avec perfection.
Which is just what you got : nothing.
C'est exactement ce que vous avez obtenu : rien.
In the station which blows up and nothing is left and over there is our star Jackie who sees the arrival of the Indians and kills with manchester about 50 of them...
Dans la gare, .. il y a la protagoniste... qui voit arriver les Indiens.
Wait. What we think of your father has nothing to do with our job which is getting you back to him safely.
Ce que l'on pense de votre père n'a rien à voir avec cette mission... qui est de vous conduire à lui en vie.
I could be so many things were I not Regent, which is less than nothing.
- C'est inouï tout ce que j'aurais pu être,
All he has to lose is his honor, which is worth nothing here.
II lui reste que son honneur à perdre, ici sans valeur.
Besides which, Phil, nothing you have is legally germane to anything.
D'ailleurs Phil, vous n'avez rien qui soit légalement recevable.
To my mind there is nothing more contemptible than stealing the laurels which properly belong to a man who was killed in action.
À mon avis, il n'y a rien de plus méprisable que de voler les lauriers d'un homme tué dans la bataille.
... that the sum of all conglomerations of stars forms a close finite system in the shape of a rotation - ellipsoid then one cannot disregardthe idea that it is nothing but one of the molecules from which greater bodies are constructed
Il doit aussi y avoir des peuples et des étoiles que le malheur s'obstine à frapper, de telle sorte qu'il semble que les lois de la nature se retournent pour que tout tende à leur affliction. C'est ainsi que les anciens en sont venus au concept de fatum et nous, à celui du destin.
A man with which our entire world organization is familiar... and would like nothing better than to see him out of the way.
un homme connu de toute notre organisation mondiale. On ne demanderait pas mieux que de le voir hors circuit.
Coming true here is only what's in line with your nature, with your essence, of which you know nothing.
Ne s'accomplira ici que ce qui correspond à ta nature profonde, un aspect de ton moi dont tu n'as aucune idée.
The sun is 300,000 times bigger than the Earth and there is no end of other numbers and zeroes which simply goes to show that we are a zero ourselves, absolutely nothing.
Le Soleil est 300 000 fois plus grand que la Terre, et il faut rajouter des chiffres et des zéros, qui montrent que nous sommes des zéros, des moins que rien.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112