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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Would that be okay

Would that be okay traducir francés

451 traducción paralela
- Would that be okay?
Vous voulez bien?
If I said that you can't really say a word of this to anyone, not a soul, not even your aunt or uncle, would that be okay with you?
Je vais te demander de ne rien dire à personne, même à ton oncle ou à ta tante. Ça te va?
Would that be okay?
- C'est possible?
Would that be okay?
Ça serait possible?
Would that be okay?
Ca te va?
Would that be okay with you, Mr. Merrick? Ah.
Ça vous convient, M. Merrick?
Would that be okay?
Ça irait?
What if we put our laundry in with yours? Would that be okay?
Et si on mettait notre linge avec le vôtre?
Would the angle of fire be okay if it was fired from that window?
Aurait-on pu tirer de la fenêtre?
That would be a big help. Okay.
Ça nous dépanne.
Okay, look we obviously have an intense sexual connection and yes, I would like for there to be something more than that.
Ecoute... on accroche sexuellement. Oui, j'aimerais qu'il y ait autre chose.
- Okay but make it a picture of us hand in hand or when we kiss but not when we make love. That would be nasty.
- D'accord mais fais une photo où on se tient par la main où on s'embrasse mais pas où on fait l'amour, je trouve ça sordide.
I'm sure that would be okay.
Je suis sûre que ça irait.
I suppose that would be okay.
Je suppose que c'est pas un problème.
Okay, the planet closest to the sun? That would be Mercury.
Bon, la planète la plus proche du soleil?
Mr. Thornton, in light of the controversy about the Phoenix Foundation handling the security for the Delasora trial, I feel sure that the Chairman of the Board would want me to check out MacGyver's arrangements, just to be sure that everything is okay.
M. Thornton, étant donné la controverse qui entoure la prise en charge de la sécurité par la Fondation Phénix, je suis sûre que le président voudra que je vérifie les arrangements de MacGyver pour m'assurer que tout va bien.
Now, if bare feet were the only thing, that would be okay, but it's part of a pattern.
Enfin, s'il n'y avait que les pieds nus, ça irait, mais ça fait partie d'un tout.
I guess that's okay. Now, what if instead of giving them away... you sold them at a price... that was practically giving them away? Would that be a crime?
Si au lieu de les donner, on les vend si peu cher... que ça revient au même, c'est pas un crime?
It would be a shame die now, that all began to get out okay.
ça serait dommage de mourir maintenant, quand tout commençait à aller bien.
And love works the same way... So like, if you and I went down in a plane crash, that would be okay, because our souls would keep going.
Ce qui est super dans l'histoire, c'est que si on s'écrase tous les deux en avion, ça ira, parce que nos âmes continueront, tu sais...
Well, if it happened, that would be okay. If it doesn't, that's okay too.
Si ça m'arrive je dirai pas non, mais je m'en passe.
Oh, okay, honey. Well, that would be cheating.
C'est ce qu'on appelle tricher.
- I'll get you something. - That would be great. Okay.
Ce serait formidable.
Okay, that would be ungettable.
Ça paraît inaccessible.
Would that be okay with you?
Ça te convient?
- Why you would be interested in someone who's so mentally deficient that she would... actually believe that she would actually believe there's such a thing as a heart stripe. - Okay, okay.
Pourquoi t'intéresserais-tu à une fille assez débile... pour croire qu'un coeur rayé existe?
But when I found out I was pregnant, I went off the medication so that the baby would be okay.
Mais quand j'ai compris que j'étais enceinte, j'ai arrêté pour ne pas faire de mal au bébé.
I won't tell you. But if you found out on your own that would be okay and we could talk about it.
Mais si tu le découvrais toi-même... on pourrait en parler?
So that would be okay.
Dans ce cas, ça irait.
That would be okay to eat.
Tu peux la manger.
So if you could just get to that as soon as possible... that would be terrific, okay?
Si tu pouvais t'y mettre tout de suite, ce serait génial, O. K.?
I suppose that would be okay.
Je pense que ca ne pose pas de problèmes
That would be okay, and we could talk about it.
on pourrait en parler?
So that would be okay.
Dans ce cas, ca irait.
- Okay, that would be good. - So, that's a date?
Bonne idée.
Okay. Well then I guess my recommendation would be that you get a failing grade on the work at question and a three-hour detention.
Bon... je réclame donc un 00I20 à la place, assorti de 3 heures de colle.
I'll admit that, uh, Fez would be okay for a quick fling... if I was off on a vacation with my parents, like in Michigan or Cuba.
Je serais d'accord pour une passade, si j'étais en vacances dans le Michigan ou à Cuba.
I just keep thinking that if I could just be normal if I could just get out of bed in the morning, everything would be okay.
Je me répète tout le temps que, si je pouvais être normale, si je pouvais me lever le matin, tout irait bien.
- I guess that would be okay.
- Ça devrait aller. - Très bien.
Okay, and who would that be?
De qui s'agit-il?
I saw this moment right now, my three daughters standing before me as beautiful young women, and I knew that everything would be okay.
Ce moment que nous vivons. Mes trois filles devant moi. De superbes femmes.
Yeah. Okay, that would be great.
Ça serait super.
- Okay, that would be nice.
- D'accord, ce sera avec plaisir.
I guess that would be okay.
Bon, si ça lui fait plaisir.
- That would be great. - Okay.
Ce serait très gentil.
Okay, I guess this would be as good a time as any to tell you about that stripper at my bachelor party
Ca doit être le bon moment pour te parler de la strip teaseuse à mon enterrement de vie de garçon.
Hoping, praying that somehow she would be okay.
Esperant, priant qui que ce soit qu'elle soit d'accord.
Not that much. I was wondering if it would be okay- -
Je me demandais si je pourrais...
And on the mornings when she was gone I was left with my little brother this skinny little kid who never, ever did anything wrong and was good and beautiful and sweet, and I would have to tell him that everything was gonna be okay.
Et les matins où elle était partie, je me retrouvais avec mon petit frère, cet enfant doux et chétif qui n'avait jamais rien fait de mal et qui était gentil et magnifique et tendre. Et je devais lui dire que tout allait bien se passer.
That's okay, I knew it would be.
C'est rien, je savais qu'il le serait.
Okay, that would be nice.
Ca serait sympa.

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