You and him traducir francés
40,268 traducción paralela
To fight him, though, you need money, and resources.
Pour le combattre, il fallait de l'argent.
And you were the person hired to protect him.
Vous étiez la personne censée le protéger.
You saw Lydia Spring, and as far as I can tell, the only people looking for her are him, me, and you.
Vous avez vu Lydia Spring. Et les seules personnes qui la cherchent sont lui, moi et vous.
No, no, no, no, no, you stop talking to him, and start talking to me, giving me answers.
Arrêtez de lui parler, parlez-moi, donnez-moi des réponses.
And if there's something you don't like about him, you can change it!
Et si quelque chose en lui te déplaît, change-le!
Yo, it's not nothing'cause you were rude as hell to Justin back there, and I have to work with him.
Dis pas qu'il y a rien. T'as envoyé Justin chier. Je bosse avec lui.
There have been times where we've literally looked at him and he's been like, " You know what?
Il y a eu des moments nous l'avons littéralement regardé et il été là : " Vous savez quoi?
Because this is the same thing, you know, when my dad passed away, I was on the other side of the world and I was not with him.
Parce que c'est la même chose, vous savez, quand mon père est décédé, j'étais à l'autre bout du monde et je n'étais pas avec lui.
You were supposed to stop him, not try and take his head off.
Tu étais supposée le stopper, pas lui démonter la tête.
You guys said that you would adopt me, and... and I'm not gonna have to live with him.
Vous disiez que vous vouliez m'adopter, et... et je ne vais pas aller vivre avec lui.
Can you call Topher and have him send in some more supplies?
Le feu a saisi la tour téléphonique.
And then I heard him speak. Are you ready?
Puis je l'ai entendu parler.
And you tell it to him in the morning, when his mother goes out of here to take care of somebody else's kids.
Et vous le lui dites le matin, quand sa mère sort pour aller s'occuper des enfants de quelqu'un d'autre.
If I'm not the nigger here and you invented him, you the white people invented him, then you've got to find out why.
Si je ne suis pas le nègre dans cette histoire, vous l'avez inventé, vous les Blancs l'ont inventé, alors vous devez savoir pourquoi.
I'm well aware, but as he tells it, you asked him to watch Jeffrey for a couple of hours, and haven't returned since.
Je le sais bien, mais il prétend que vous lui avez demandé de s'occuper de Jeffrey quelques heures et n'êtes pas revenue le chercher.
Your actions indicate that you trust him as a caregiver, so I have acted accordingly and filed a recommendation for his father to take custody until the hearing is settled.
Votre comportement indique que vous lui faites confiance en tant que père. J'ai donc agi en conséquence et rempli un dossier pour qu'il ait sa garde jusqu'à la prochaine audience.
And yet I'm the one taking care of him while you bail for days at a time?
Je m'occupe de lui quand tu te tires!
And if you're here with me, then you're not in Metropolis with him.
Et si tu es ici avec moi, ça signifie que tu n'es pas à Metropolis.
Uh-huh. And he's definitely got an axe to grind with the whole "you not noticing him in school" thing.
Il a l'air un peu furieux du fait que tu ne te souvienne pas de lui.
All right, this is about me and him ; you're not part of it.
C'est entre lui et moi, vous n'en faîtes pas partie.
Please, you're gonna let him try and flip her?
Tu veux vraiment le laisser essayer et la retourner?
Elliot, you need to listen to him and step away from the computer!
Elliot, tu dois l'écouter et t'éloigner de l'ordinateur!
Did you or did you not give Joe Blake the film and let him escape?
As-tu, oui ou non, donné à Joe Blake le film et l'as-tu ou non laissé filer?
You're the only one standing between him and... Yeah.
Tu es le seul qui se tient entre lui et...
You're gonna run, beat him and move on to the Nationals.
Là, tu vas faire ta course, tu vas clencher Jeff, pis tu t'en vas aux nationaux!
And you know me, I ´ m just gonna say to him, you ´ re gonna tell me where I can find this guy right now,
Et vous me connaissez, je lui ai juste dit : " Tu vas me dire tout de suite où je peux trouver ce mec.
[pastor ] Let not those who hope in you be put to shame... [ whispering] Will you tell him I said thank you and that I'm glad I came?
Que ceux qui placent leurs espoirs en Toi n'aient pas honte... Dites-lui merci, je me réjouissais de venir.
Okay, he seems like a really nice guy, and you have him doing all these chores just because he thinks you're sick.
Il a vraiment l'air gentil, et il fait toutes ces corvées, car il pense que tu es malade.
Traitor to our home world, murderer of your own father, and you let him go?
Traître de ta propre planète, meurtrier de ton propre père, et tu l'as laissé partir?
He's waiting for you to realize you'll be safer and happier with him.
Il attend que tu réalises que tu seras plus en sécurité et plus heureuse avec lui.
I was there with you when you put him away, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't remind you what you said about him at the time.
J'étais là à sa condamnation, et je m'en voudrais si je ne te rappelais pas ce que tu as dit.
That guy was a murdering piece of shit who should've been put away for life, and now you're trying to get him out?
C'est un sale meurtrier méritant la prison à vie, et tu veux l'en sortir?
But what you don't know is, I made a deal with him, and I'm not gonna break it.
Mais tu ignores que j'ai un accord avec lui, et je ne vais pas le rompre.
It's the tape we had of him admitting that he murdered that man that you shit the bed with and got excluded from evidence.
L'enregistrement où il avoue avoir tué un homme, celui avec lequel tu avais merdé et fait exclure des preuves.
And what makes you think just because you follow him, it's gonna stop him from committing crimes?
Qu'est-ce qui te fait penser que le faire suivre, va l'empêcher de commettre des crimes?
After you told him I was involved with this thing, he called me and asked if I could do something about his friend Kevin.
Après avoir appris que j'étais impliqué, il m'a appelé pour aider son ami Kevin.
And so you made some bullshit promise with him in exchange for doing that.
Et donc tu lui as promis du vent en échange de son service.
'Cause I'm gonna get to him, and I'm gonna get to you.
Parce que je vais l'atteindre, et je t'atteindrai toi aussi.
And you'd rather let him stay there than to admit the truth.
Et vous préfériez qu'il le reste plutôt qu'admettre la vérité.
Approach him with respect, pull the Band-Aid off, and if you have that same look on your face as you do right now, he'll send you on your way with a handshake.
Approchez-le avec respect, soyez franc, et si vous avez la même expression qu'à cet instant, il vous serrera la main en sortant.
Instead of coming here and telling me to betray my cellmate because Gallo will never get parole, maybe you should be helping me get it for him.
Au lieu de me demander de trahir Kevin car Gallo ne sera pas libéré, tu devrais m'aider à le faire libérer.
So you met with him for ten minutes and you're ready to release him?
Donc vous l'avez rencontré dix minutes et vous êtes prête à le relâcher?
So in case you're thinking of trying anything, that kid has a monitor on his leg, and if it goes dark for even one second, I'm gonna make sure that you end up in a cell here with him.
Donc si vous pensez essayer quelque chose, ce gamin a un moniteur à sa jambe, et s'il s'éteint ne serait-ce qu'une seconde, je ferai en sorte que vous finissiez dans une cellule à côté de la sienne.
It sounded crazy to me at first too, but Harvey's living with the guilt of putting Mike in there and Cahill was willing to do it, so can you blame him?
Ça me paraissait fou aussi au début, mais Harvey vit avec la culpabilité d'avoir mis Mike là-bas et Cahill était prêt à le faire, donc peux-tu le blâmer?
Then look me in the eye and tell me you didn't make that call before you asked me to get him out.
Alors regarde moi dans les yeux et dis moi que tu n'avais pas pris cette décision avant de me demander de le sortir de là.
Then leave him a dozen more, and while you're at it, don't leave your desk until he calls back.
Alors recommence, et d'ailleurs, ne quitte pas ton bureau avant qu'il rappelle.
Well, then it better be someone huge, and you better do it in the next 48 hours because that's when I set our next appointment with Sutter, and when we get there, we're signing him as a client.
Ça a intérêt à être une célébrité, et dans les 48 heures, car c'est la date du prochain rendez-vous avec Sutter, et à cette occasion, on le prendra comme client.
Hey, you didn't even want me to try and get him out in the first place.
Tu ne voulais même pas que j'essaie de le faire transférer.
And I sure as hell didn't ask you to put him in here in the first place.
Et je ne t'ai pas demandé de le faire enfermer non plus.
Goddamn it, Donna, I told you to call Nathan's office and tell him I'd be late.
Bordel, Donna, je t'avais dit d'appeler Nathan pour le prévenir.
I got a piece of your company too, which means you either hire me and we fight that bastard together, or you go with him and you take me on.
J'ai aussi acheté des parts, donc soit vous m'embauchez et nous battons cet enfoiré ensemble. soit vous pariez sur lui, et je vous défie.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
and him 200
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
and him 200