You wouldn't have traducir francés
7,652 traducción paralela
You're here on business, or they wouldn't have let you in.
Vous êtes ici pour affaires sinon vous ne seriez pas entrés.
You wouldn't have had clearance to give the Seraphim new way-points from a remote terminal.
Tu n'aurais pas eu l'autorisation de donner de nouvelles coordonnées au Seraphim depuis un accès à distance.
If it didn't mean anything, you wouldn't have had to destroy the evidence.
Si ça n'avait rien signifié pour toi, tu n'aurais pas détruit la preuve
I wouldn't have even known you were here if it wasn't for Bixby.
Je n'aurais jamais su que tu étais ici sans Bixby.
That wouldn't have made a difference if you were fighting for you.
On aurait pas vu la différence si tu avais du te battre pour toi.
You know we wouldn't have been able to do this without him, right?
Tu sais qu'on aurait pas été capables de faire ça sans lui, n'est-ce pas?
Do you really think that if I did have a source of information among the prisoners, I wouldn't give'em a heads up?
Pensez-vous vraiment que si j'avais une source d'information parmi les prisonnières, je ne l'avertirais pas?
You wouldn't have been normal... but we would have had each other.
T'aurais pas été normale mais on aurait quand même été toutes les deux.
If we wanted you dead... you wouldn't have awoken.
Si nous voulions te tuer, tu ne te serais pas réveillée.
You told me we wouldn't have any problems getting the Avatar.
Tu m'as dit qu'on pourrait prendre l'Avatar sans problèmes.
I was a little nervous that maybe We wouldn't have anything in common And you wouldn't enjoy hanging out with me.
J'étais un peu nerveuse à l'idée que peut-être nous n'aurions rien en commun et que tu n'apprécierais pas d'être avec moi.
You wouldn't have given her to Victor, but giving her to the resistance wouldn't have guaranteed her safety, either.
Tu ne l'aurais pas donné à Victor, mais la laisser à la Résistance n'aurait pas garanti sa sécurité, non plus.
So that you wouldn't have to.
Comme ça tu n'avais pas à le faire.
Well, I wouldn't have because I didn't think you'd need it.
Je ne l'aurais pas fait parce que je ne pensais pas que tu en aies besoin.
You wouldn't have even had a shot at the henhouse if it wasn't for him getting you out from under Tony Gianopolous.
si ce n'était pas lui vous liberant de Tony Gianopolous.
And now I have nothing in it except being with you, and I wouldn't go back even if I could because...
Maintenant tu es tout ce que j'ai, et je ne regrette rien car...
I'm sure you and Henry have said things about the population you police you wouldn't want released for public consumption. Come on.
Je suis sûr qu'Henry et vous avez dit des choses sur votre communauté de la police que vous ne voudriez pas rendre publique.
And I wouldn't have almost had to if you hadn't taken me on this ludicrous date.
Et on aurait pas été dans cette situation Si tu ne m'avais pas amenée à ce rencard ridicule.
He wanted you to know the truth, or he wouldn't have written that letter.
Il voulait que vous sachiez la vérité, sinon il n'aurait pas écrit cette lettre.
I have to say that I was actually really nervous that we wouldn't have anything to talk about in person, you know, because we shared so much digitally.
Je dois dire que j'étais vraiment nerveux en me disant qu'on aurait rien à se dire, vu qu'on s'envoie beaucoup de textos.
You know, maybe if I'd gotten more sleep that night, if the plane had been on time, then I wouldn't have freaked out.
Vous savez, peut-être que si j'avais eu plus de sommeil cette nuit-là, si le vol avait été à l'heure, alors je n'aurais pas pété les plombs.
I wanted you to stay but your mother wouldn't have it.
Je voulais que vous restiez mais ta mère a refusé.
If you hadn't a slept, I wouldn't have been able to escape.
Si tu ne t'étais pas endormi, je n'aurais pas pu m'enfuir.
You wouldn't have to.
Tu n'aurais pas à le faire.
I mean, if you and your horrible friends had invited me to even one party, I wouldn't have spent all high school studying.
Si toi et tes horribles amis m'avaient invité rien qu'à une fête, je n'aurais pas passé tout le lycée à étudier.
And you wouldn't have because you're better than me.
Tu l'aurais pas fait parce que t'es mieux que moi.
- Yes, if you had worn your mask and monitor while building your model boats inside as you do with your larger ones outside, you wouldn't have been poisoned by the glue.
Oui, et si vous aviez porté vos masque et contrôleur pendant que vous construisiez vos maquettes à l'intérieur comme vous faîtes pour les grands dehors, vous n'auriez pas été intoxiqué par la colle.
And you wouldn't have helped if I had just asked you?
Et tu ne m'aurais pas aidé si je t'avais juste demandé?
Your father wasn't comfortable with the details, but he... he felt that you wouldn't have a problem.
Votre père n'était pas à l'aise avec les détails, mais il a pensé que vous n'auriez aucun problème.
It's not as if you wouldn't have fun.
Ce n'est pas comme si tu n'allais pas t'amuser.
Are you sure you wouldn't like to have a biscuit?
Vous ne voulez vraiment pas de biscuit?
- You wouldn't be in this mess - What mess? Have you gone mad?
T'aurais jamais été dans cette merde.
But we'd have to cancel the doves, and we wouldn't be able to send out those fancy invitations you liked.
Mais on devra annuler les colombes et on n'enverra pas tes faire-part chicos.
Uh-oh. I love the part about how you became famous so you could be constantly surrounded by distraction and wouldn't have to be alone with yourself.
J'ai aimé lire que vous êtes devenu célèbre pour être entouré de distractions et ne pas vous retrouver tout seul.
so you wouldn't actually have to talk to me since all you do is avoid me and you're being super confusing and I can't deal with this right now because my so-called friends drugged me and I'm 95 % sure I'm dying.
gérer ça de suite car mes soi-disant amis m'ont droguée et je suis sûre à 95 % d'être en train de mourir.
If you did, you wouldn't have helped send me away!
Si c'était le cas, vous n'auriez pas aidé à me renvoyer!
I knew you would never cheat. You wouldn't leave, and you would be a good father, and we would have a nice life, and we would grow old and die together, and everyone would talk about how lucky we are, and what a smart choice I made.
Que tu ne partirais jamais, que tu serais une bon père, qu'on aurait une vie parfaite, qu'on viellerait et mourrait ensemble, que tous parleraient de notre chance, et quel choix judicieux j'ai fait.
Well, you wouldn't have known that six years ago.
T'aurais pas fait le rapprochement il y a six ans.
But believe me when I say that Mr. Whitehall wouldn't have selected you for this job if you weren't capable of completing it.
Mais croyez-moi quand je dis que M. Whitehall ne vous aurez pas choisi pour ce travail si vous n'étiez pas capable de le faire.
- Sorry, wouldn't you rather have a fractured, combative relationship with your parents that's based on truth than this pleasant artificial
- Désolé, tu ne préfèrerais pas avoir une relation fracturée et combative avec tes parents basée sur la vérité plutôt que cette relation artificielle et
It's not really the same though, is it? Well, you wouldn't know because you don't have cats.
- Comment le saurais-tu, tu n'as pas de chats.
Yeah, but most dudes wouldn't have a bunch of paper around them when they're coming at you.
Oui, mais la plupart des mecs n'ont pas de papier autour d'eux quand ils viennent te voir.
You wouldn't have survived, much less come out the other end a hero, somebody who wants to do good, if you didn't have a light inside of you.
Tu n'aurais pas survécu, tu ne serais pas devenu un héros, quelqu'un qui veut faire le bien, si tu n'avais pas une lumière en toi.
Now, you know your father wouldn't have gone to Chicago without bringing back some- -
Maintenant, tu sais que ton père ne serait pas allé à Chicago sans te ramener des...
Could've sent a runner, but then I wouldn't have been able to get a chance to kiss you.
J'aurais pu, mais alors je n'aurais pas eu l'occasion de t'embrasser.
Kind of quiet and shy. And... you wouldn't have noticed me.
du genre, calme et timide et... tu ne m'aurais pas remarqué.
Like I said, you wouldn't have noticed me.
Comme je l'ai dit, tu ne m'aurais pas remarqué.
If it wasn't justified you wouldn't have come here
Si ça ne l'était pas, tu ne serais pas là.
And if you really thought that version would hold up in court, then you wouldn't have asked me over here.
Si tu croyais vraiment que cette version tiendrait devant un tribunal, alors tu ne m'aurais pas demandé de venir ici.
Well, maybe if you did, I wouldn't have to!
Si vous le faisiez, j'aurais pas à le faire.
Deb-Deb, if she had mentioned you but once in our five-hour date, i wouldn't have let her kiss me.
Deb-Deb, si elle avait parlé de toi ne serait-ce qu'une fois dans notre rendez-vous de cinq heures Je n'aurais pas du la laisser m'embrasser.
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't do it 22
wouldn't have it any other way 18
have some 140
have 400
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't do it 22
wouldn't have it any other way 18
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179