And here i was traducir portugués
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He said he was busy and that I should meet him here, at his place.
ele disse que estava ocupado. E que deveria esperá-lo, aqui, na sua casa.
Here I am thinking I was working in the most dangerous places in the world, and Annie, back home, was safe.
Ali estava eu a pensar que estava a trabalhar num dos locais mais perigosos do mundo, e a Annie, em casa, estava segura.
I was just driving by with some baby stuff we didn't need and, uh, well, here's some diapers Maggie's too big for, and an incredible educational toy I forgot to give Bart.
Estava a passar aqui por perto com algumas coisas para bebés de que já não precisamos e, bem, aqui estão algumas fraldas que não servem para a Maggie, e um incrível brinquedo pedagógico que me esqueci de dar ao Bart.
Well, I will vote for you early and often but I was pulled over by this foul-mouthed blonde lady last month and it turns out she's not even from here.
Votarei em si logo e sempre, mas fui parada por uma senhora loira desbocada no mês passado, e acontece que ela nem é daqui.
It was a guy and a girl, and, I mean, they sounded younger, but... they were here.
Era um tipo e uma miúda, quero dizer, eles pareciam jovens, mas... - Eles estavam aqui.
And here, I was just beginning to tolerate you.
E eu estava a começar a tolerá-lo.
You knew exactly why I was here and what I would do for them.
Sabia porque eu estava aqui e o que faria por elas.
When I showed Neeko and Carolina there's still some, you know, really sad-looking food here... there was the rice that maybe could still be eaten.
Quando eu mostrei ao Neeko e à Carolina que ainda havia alguma, sabes, comida com mau aspecto, aqui... havia arroz que talvez ainda pudesse ser comido.
I was literally just thinking about you, and you're here.
Estava a pensar em ti e estás aqui.
I gave him the car, the location, and he went on his way... he was here maybe 20 minutes tops.
Dei-lhe o carro, o local, e meteu-se a caminho... chegava aqui a 20 minutos, no máximo.
I've got an ALC attack to stop, and Langley decides to send the one officer whose ass I had to save the last time she was down here.
Tenho um ataque da ALC para impedir, e Langley manda uma agente, cuja pele eu salvei da última vez que esteve aqui.
I think he's having an affair, and he told my mother that he was having a business dinner here.
Acho que ele está a ter um caso. Ele disse à minha mãe que veio a um jantar de negócios aqui.
And when I put my fingers around its neck, and I squeezed... it was like I was here... for the first time.
E quando meto os meus dedos à volta do pescoço, e aperto... era como se eu estivesse aqui... pela primeira vez.
Well, I fell asleep in the bathroom, and then I came out here and everyone was gone, the door was locked, and I fell asleep out here.
Eu adormeci no quarto de banho e, daí, vim para cá e toda a gente tinha ido embora, a porta estava trancada, e, então, dormi aqui.
All I know is that I was with him at his condo, and then I woke up here.
Tudo o que sei é que eu estava com ele no condomínio dele, e, depois, acordei aqui.
And he wasn't answering his phone, so I came here and the fire department was just leaving.
Ele não atendia o telefone, por isso, vim até aqui e os bombeiros estavam a sair.
You know, when I was living here and sleeping in a cave, I used to dream of you coming to rescue me.
Sabes, quando estava cá a viver e a dormir numa gruta, costumava sonhar que tu me vinhas salvar.
- He was here when I fell asleep, but I heard a noise, and when I got to the deck,
- Estava aqui quando adormeci. Ouvi um barulho, e quando fui até ao convés, vi o seu corpo a boiar.
Yes, I wanted to be thorough with inventory, so I worked late last week, and taking a nap here was easier than going back home to my bed.
Sim, queria despachar o inventário, por isso trabalhei até tarde a semana passada, e dormir aqui era mais fácil do que voltar para a cama em casa.
So he was here as my guest, as it were, and for that reason, I made him my captain.
Então ele estava aqui como meu convidado, por assim dizer, e por essa razão, fi-lo meu capitão.
I was here, But I can still - I can kill a man with very little effort and a lot of joy, but I try not to.
Estou aqui, mas ainda consigo matar alguém sem muito esforço e com muito prazer, mas eu tento não fazer isso, está bem?
I'm just here to get some answers and... I was hoping to get a letter from Agent Burke stating my complete innocence.
Vim cá obter algumas respostas e... tinha esperança de obter uma carta do agente Burke declarando a minha inocência.
I mean, he was God's vessel to show me that I'm meant to live a long and meaningful existence here on earth.
Ele foi o veículo de Deus para me mostrar que estou destinado a uma vida longa e significativa na terra.
Here's what happened, I was sniffing around these seismic anomalies, and guess who decided it was playtime?
Eis o que aconteceu, estava a verificar estas anomalias sísmicas, e adivinhem quem achou que era hora de brincar?
No, I was shooting, like, really early this morning, and then we were driving out here and I was like,
Não estive a filme bem cedo, esta manhã. e depois viemos para cá e era tipo,
It's fine. It was a bit weird with Paul here, I know, and I was a bit drunk.
Foi um pouco estranho com Paul aqui, eu sei, é eu estava um pouco bêbada.
A cemetery worker was murdered here last night, and how is it, Miss Fisher, you always manage to turn up when I'm on the case?
Um funcionário foi assassinado ontem à noite. Como é que Miss Fisher aparece sempre que estou a trabalhar num caso?
I delivered his first kid here, and perhaps he thought I was discreet.
Ajudei a nascer o primeiro filho dele. Talvez julgasse que eu era discreta.
I mean, here I was thinking this was the worst part of your life, and it turns out it was the best.
Estava eu aqui a pensar que esta foi a pior parte da tua vida, e afinal foi a melhor. Porque partiste daqui?
It was two months, Sam, okay, and I couldn't wait to get out of here.
Foi por dois meses, Sam, sim? E mal podia esperar para poder sair daqui. Não sei o que te dizer.
I was - I was cleaning, and I got stuck up here.
Ouve, eu estava a limpar e fiquei preso aqui em cima.
I was your excuse so you could see him, and I knew you needed to, so here I am.
Era a tua desculpa para o veres, sabia que precisavas. Aqui estou.
Here are your morning announcements that I didn't do earlier because I was busy publicly breast-feeding my baby at Starbucks. Once again, it's flea and tick season.
Pensei que ia dar em louco, tantas eram as saudades.
I wonder how many of the commuters who come and go every day here in the Gare du Nord know that it was a project of the French Rothschild family.
Pergunto-me quantos dos viajantes Quem vem e vai todos os dias aqui na Gare du Nord Saiba que era um projeto da família francesa Rothschild.
Hey, you know, when we were last here, All I could smell was blood and flesh and death, and all the screaming',
Sabes, da última vez que estivemos aqui, só sentia o cheiro, a sangue, carne e morte.
I didn't quite know where to go, and before I knew it, I was, uh... I... I was here.
Eu... eu não sabia para onde ir, e antes que soubesse,... apareci por aqui.
Tell you what, you give us the gun that was used, and maybe I'll have this lovely lady here cut you a deal.
- Claro. Se nos entregares a arma que foi usada, talvez esta adorável senhora consiga um acordo.
My phone was in the back of the van, and I was so hell-bent on getting Billy here that I forgot to call HPD about the cabin.
O meu telemóvel estava na parte de trás da carrinha, e eu estava tão preocupada em trazer o Billy para aqui que me esqueci, de ligar á polícia sobre a cabana.
I realize it was difficult for you to pack up all your things, move out here with me and leave all your little friends behind, so, uh...
Sei que foi difícil para ti, juntares as coisas e vires morar comigo, deixar os teus amigos para trás.
He said he was meeting friends and hearing some music. I said I'd be here at midnight to pick him up. Where are his friends?
Ele disse que se ia encontrar com amigos e, ouvir música, eu disse que estaria aqui à meia-noite para vir buscá-lo, onde é que estão os amigos?
- Yep, I'm getting full bars, which means if I was down here and 25 guys were in scary red masks, you know what I would do?
- Alguma coisa? - Sim, tenho rede. Se estivesse aqui em baixo com 55 homens de máscara, sabem o que é que eu faria?
I could swear it was two rights and a left, but is that it here?
Podia jurar que era por aqui, mas o que é isto?
Oh, and here you thought I was the troublemaker, Dad.
E achavas tu que eu era o problemático, pai.
And she was headed here, and so... you know... here I am.
Ela vinha para aqui, então... sabe... aqui estou eu.
We started to arrange travel and then I get a call from my friend in Croatian consulate that the men he was trying to bring here were flagged by Interpol as Croatian mob.
Começamos a organizar a viagem, recebi uma chamada do meu amigo no Consulado, dizendo que os homens que ele estava a tentar trazer faziam parte da máfia croata.
I'm just guessing here, but in high school she was the queen bee, super good looking, a little crazy, and dynamite in the sack?
É só uma suposição, mas na escola ela era a rainha, super bonita, algo louca, e dinamite na cama?
Pesach and Seder was the one thing I always looked forward to more than anything else, so, um, I'm very happy you're here.
Pessach e Seder foi a única coisa que sempre aguardo com expectativa Mais do que qualquer outra coisa, então, eu estou muito feliz por você estar aqui.
And here, what I wasn't doing, because I was much too scared, are pictures, actually little animal doodles.
E aqui, o que eu não estava fazendo, porque eu estava muito assustado, São fotos, na verdade, pequenas doodles de animais.
Oh, well, here I thought your haven was your illegitimate son and that adorable little gallery you share.
E pensava eu que o teu santuário era o teu filho ilegítimo e a tua adorável galeria.
And since Barkov called Moreno here when he needed help, That's right. I'm thinking that job was for his old friends back in Albania.
E já que o Barkov ligou para o Moreno aqui, quando precisou de ajuda, acho que o serviço foi para um velho amigo na Albânia.
Everyone I know was just born here and doesn't have the energy to leave.
Todos os que conheço nasceram aqui e não têm força suficiente para sair.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here i was 27
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here i was 27
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
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i wasn't thinking 181
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i was kidding 211
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i was just leaving 200
i wasn't invited 33
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i wasn't there 230
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i was drunk 199
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i was going to 181
i wasn't there 230
i was so scared 191
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181