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And who was that traducir portugués

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And who was that?
E quem era?
I just took two planes, sat in a bus station in a town I think was called Hickory Butt, but that could have been the driver's accent, then I got a ride to your place with a trucker who knows an amazing amount about packing and shipping crawfish, so you will talk to me.
Peguei dois voos, esperei numa rodoviária em uma cidade que achei que se chamava Hickory Butt, mas deve ter sido o sotaque do motorista, então peguei carona com um caminhoneiro, que sabe tudo sobre embalagens e transporte de lagostas.
Look, I know that this is hard for you to accept, but I was the one who was there for Marla at the end, and she wanted me to have the money.
Olha, sei que é difícil para ti aceitar, mas era eu que estava com a Marla no final, e ela queria que eu ficasse com o dinheiro.
Some of the things that I said and how I treated your horse. - I thought he was the one who bit you.
- Pensei que te tinha mordido.
Let's say your daughter found out who her birth family was and knew that she was in line to inherit tens of millions...
Digamos que a sua filha descobriu quem era a sua família biológica e sabia que estava na linha para herdar dezenas de milhões. Aproximadamente 33 milhões de dólares.
Ray, you told me that this book contained the names of many politically prominent women who were carrying on affairs with the victim in your case. And that your killer was one of these women.
Ray, você disse-me que esta agenda tinha os nomes de muitas mulheres importantes, que tinham um caso com a vítima, e que o assassino podia ser uma delas.
Give me the name of the man who was in that car with you, and I can save you.
Dê-me o nome do homem que estava no carro consigo, e posso salva-lo.
It also concerns the son of a Russian crime boss, who was working as an FBI informant and who died the same night you revealed that cooperation to his father's lawyer.
Trata-se também do filho de um grande chefe russo do crime, que estava a trabalhar como informador do FBI e que morreu na mesma noite em que você revelou esta cooperação ao advogado do pai dele.
And I also remember that the only person who stood by me through all of it was you.
E também me lembro que a única pessoa que me ajudou em tudo foste tu.
And when I tried to return it, the cashier, Rhonda, whose nametag said she was happy to help, but who was neither happy nor helpful, said that I couldn't return it because it had already touched my "teef."
E quando fui devolvê-la, Rhonda, a menina da caixa, cuja etiqueta do nome dizia que ficava feliz por ajudar, não ficou nem feliz nem foi prestável e disse que não podia devolvê-la, porque já tinha tocado nos meus "dentess".
My cousin Rosa Marina, when she was ] 4, she stole something, and after that, everybody thinks of her as the girl who steals cars.
A minha prima Rosa Marina, com 14 anos, roubou qualquer coisa... e depois disso, toda a gente pensa que rouba carros.
And Karl Joyner, huh? That's who he was laundering money for.
Era para quem lavavam o dinheiro.
The bundlers of the dept knew it was only a matter of time, before someone would open that box and see that the content was worthless, They were the ones, who packed the boxes in the first place
Os que vendiam, sabiam que era apenas uma questão de tempo para que alguém abrisse aquelas caixas e descobrissem que o conteúdo não tinha nenhum valor, pois eles mesmos tinham empacotado aquelas caixas.
I was struggling with the realisation that the failure and suffering of so many is actually a success and fulfillment for a few, the elite central bankers, who fooled the world into letting them create money.
Eu lutava com a compreensão de que o fracasso e o sofrimento de muitos, representava o sucesso e a realização de poucos. A elite de banqueiros enganou o mundo, permitindo-os criar dinheiro.
Now, if I knew who that was, I might be able to figure out what it is they were trying to do, and then that might help me work out how to undo it.
Se eu soubesse quem era, talvez pudesse perceber o que estavam a tentar fazer, e talvez me ajudasse a descobrir como posso desfazê-lo.
He swears that he and his wife were the only ones who knew it was here.
Jura que apenas ele e a mulher sabiam que estava aqui.
Because the last man who thought that he could strike me... came to a very unpleasant end... and he was a man.
Porque o último homem que pensou que me podia bater teve um fim muito desagradável. E ele era um homem.
Olmedo Señor, I am afraid that his sister was a victim of obsessive compulsive, that psychiatry'lack of moral health as'recognized and who commit ritual murders.
Senhor Olmedo, temo que a sua irmã foi vítima de um maníaco afectado por loucura moral e que mata seguindo um ritual macabro.
Before, all I had to do was look out that window and I'd see a true friend... someone who would do anything for me or my family, but now... it's all gone.
Antes, só precisava de olhar pela janela e via uma verdadeira amiga. Alguém que faria qualquer coisa por mim ou pela minha família, mas agora acabou-se.
And I keep thinking how lucky it is that the person who replaced you was the same guy trying to open his own Christmas village.
E fico a pensar que foi uma sorte que a pessoa que o substituiu foi o mesmo tipo que tentava abrir a sua própria aldeia natalícia.
Yeah, I'm trying to find out where that disposable cell was sold and who bought it.
Pois, estou a tentar descobrir onde este telemóvel foi vendido e quem o comprou.
How is it that you grew up with a dad like that, and never knew who he really was?
Como é crescer com um pai assim e nunca teres sabido quem ele realmente era?
And the last thing he said was that Emily Thorne is not who she claims to be.
E a última coisa que disse foi que a Emily Thorne não é quem pretende ser.
Those who are nostalgic for the freedom of the frontier, should recall that the first thing early settlers usually did was elect a sheriff, and build a jail and collect taxes to pay for both... for good reason.
Aqueles que são nostálgicos da "Liberdade da Fronteira" devem recordar que a primeira coisa que os colonos iniciais normalmente faziam era eleger um Sheriff, construir uma cadeia, e cobrar impostos para pagar tudo isso, e por um bom motivo.
You fire me, and I tell the world that you and your wife were the real reason all those people died on flight 197 and that that guy who worked for you, david clarke, was just a patsy.
Despede-me e digo a toda a gente que você e a sua mulher foram a verdadeira razão da mortes das pessoas do voo 197. E o tipo que trabalhou para si, David Clarke, foi só um burro.
As you know, some evidence that may have identified the spy was destroyed in the infirmary the other night, and I need to question everyone who had access.
Como sabe, as provas que poderiam identificar o espião foram destruídas na enfermaria, há algumas noites atrás, e preciso de interrogar todos os que estiveram lá.
And everybody who was underneath them on a bill was trying to gain that national fame.
E quem estava por baixo deles no cartaz estava a tentar ganhar fama nacional.
He seemed as if he was an old soul, that he could take a song like Who's Lovin'You and he could actually interpret those lyrics in a way that made you believe that he had those experiences, when actually he was 10 years old.
Parecia que era uma alma velha, que podia pegar numa canção como Who's Lovin'You e podia interpretar a letra de forma a nos fazer acreditar que tinha tido as experiências, quando na realidade tinha 10 anos.
And what was proof of that was the naïvete Michael displayed in continuing to talk to this man, who clearly, in my opinion, was bent on destroying his reputation.
A prova disso foi a ingenuidade que o Michael demonstrou ao continuar a falar com aquele homem, o que, na minha opinião, contribuiu para lhe destruir a reputação.
Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, at Neverland, which would suggest that Michael Jackson was heterosexual, and interested in seeing pictures of beautiful women who were naked.
Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, em Neverland, o que seria um indício de que Michael Jackson era heterossexual, e se interessava por ver fotografias de mulheres bonitas nuas.
And you're the only one who cared about him enough to... know that something was very wrong.
E você foi o único que se preocupou o suficiente com ele para saber que algo estava muito mal.
And that was reported to the king who asked for evidence.
E isso foi relatado ao rei que pediu provas.
Well, I was always interested in music, but at that time I was learning a trade, you know, and meet up some guys who can sing.
Eu sempre me interessei na música, mas nessa altura estava a aprender um ofício, sabes? e encontramo-nos com pessoas que sabiam cantar.
When I was born, you know, and growing, there was a certain amount of consciousness... in the higher self... that, you know, it was always a lonely world, not finding people who might think like me, you know?
Quando nasci, e ao crescer "Musico Reggae" havia uma certa consciencia em um Ser Supremo.... e, tu sabes, foi sempre um mundo solitário, não encontrava pessoas, que pensasem como eu, sabes?
You know that experiment that I initiated, which was based on the fact that people who ate old donuts had emotional deficiencies and problems with commitment?
Sabes aquela experiência que eu iniciei, a qual era baseada no facto de pessoas que comem donuts duros têm deficiências emocionais e problemas com compromissos?
And if I was to say that his mom's unhealthy relationship... with some crazy drifter... was creating an unstable environment for my boy... I don't think there's a judge in the world who'd disagree with me.
E se eu dissesse que a relação pouco saudável da mãe dele estava a criar um ambiente instável para o meu filho não deve haver um juiz no mundo que discordasse de mim.
And then right in front of my friends so they understood all that it was me who was the rat.
E depois mesmo a frente dos meus amigos... eles perceberam que era eu o rato.
Of course, sir. with this fabric and color I only made one other, and that was for a gentleman who lives quite far away.
Com este tecido e esta cor, fiz apenas um outro, para um cavalheiro que vive muito longe.
I just wanted to prove to you that it was this Cheech and Chong... who were stealing your money.
Só queria provar-lhe que foi este Cheech e Chong... Que estavam a roubar o seu dinheiro.
And Candace wasn't the only one who was all business that day.
E a Candace não foi a única que acabou com tudo nesse dia.
Those of us who are, we children of the tides... must return to it again and again... until the day we don't come back... leaving behind only that... which was touched along the way.
Todos aqueles entre nós que o são, nós crianças das marés, devemos regressar a ele novamente e novamente, até ao dia em que não regressamos, deixando para trás somente aquilo que foi tocado ao longo do caminho.
And don't you ever fucking forget that I was the one who put you in charge.
E nunca se esqueça que fui eu que o pus nesse cargo.
It was founded in 1903, supposedly by a fisherman who ran around here and liked it so much that he started a crab restaurant.
Foi fundada em 1903, supostamente por um pescador que passou por aqui e gostou tanto que abriu um restaurante de caranguejo.
If your mom was one of those people who went to see a psychic because, um- - her stomach was bothering her and the psychic told her that it was nothing, that it was just a- - a touch of gastritis.
Se a tua mãe fosse daquelas que vai à vidente por andar com dores de estômago e o vidente lhe dissesse que não é nada, que é apenas uma crise de gastrite,
And don't know to this day that it was you who got him through the gate.
E até hoje não sabe que foi o senhor quem o colocou lá.
And who was responsible for that?
E quem foi responsável por isso?
are surveillance cameras and pictures like these of the exploded car... just before it was parked... that the police hoped to catch the man who did this... and devastation left behind in Time Square.
São câmaras de vigilância e imagens como esta do carro que explodiu... pouco tempo após ter estacionado... que a polícia esperava encontrar o homem que tanto queria... aumentar o número de cadáveres em Times Square.
Once upon a time, there was a man with two sons who lived on a farm, and one of the sons thought that life on the farm was too hard of work and too boring, and so he left in search of something different.
Era uma vez, um homem que vivia com dois filhos numa quinta, e um dos filhos pensava que a vida na quinta era muito dura e muito aborrecida. E assim partiu em busca de algo diferente.
I was thinking someone wheelchair-bound that I can share poignant moments with and tell secrets to, and someone who's a good candidate for dying.
Estava a pensar em alguém em cadeiras de rodas Com que eu possa partilhar momentos comoventes. e contar segredos, a alguém que esteja quase a morrer.
Since I became Great Tiger's witch, the ones who tried to hurt me would risk getting killed, because Great Tiger said that, with me, he would win all the battles and that I was sacred.
Depois de me tornar feiticeira do Grande Tigre, os que me fizessem mal arriscavam-se a morrer, pois o Grande Tigre dizia que com as minhas visões ganhava todas as batalhas e eu era sagrada.
That was the spirit of the man who... was brought here, suffered and just tortured here.
Aquilo é o espírito de um homem que... foi trazido para cá, apenas para sofrer e ser torturado.

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