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Who was that man traducir portugués

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Who was that man?
Quem era aquele homem?
Who was that man?
- Quem era aquele homem?
- Who was that man?
- Quem era esse homem?
- ( shrieks ) - WHO WAS THAT MAN?
Quem era aquele homem?
- Chief, who was that man?
- Chefe, quem é esse homem?
- Who did you say that man was?
Quem é ele exactamente?
I'll take your word for it, Franz... provided... you can tell me... who the man was that you were looking for and that you found in that building.
Eu acredito em ti, Franz... desde... que me digas... quem era o homem de que andavam à procura e que encontraram naquele edifício.
And so the political situation was, I think, very much so that people wished for something, some strong man who would clean up the place.
A situação política era tal que as pessoas desejavam um homem forte que pusesse tudo em ordem.
The publishers did not see that my purpose was to write a moral lesson of the punishment that befell a mortal man who dared to emulate God.
Os editores não viram que o meu objectivo era escrever uma lição moral sobre a punição que recai sobre um mortal que se atreva a emular Deus.
This man, charged with murder, is the Frederick Garrett who by the testimony of your eyesight, Miss Hooper was at home that Saturday afternoon and evening, then?
Este homem, acusado de assassinato, é aquele que... ... segundo o seu testemunho, Miss Hooper, esteve em casa, naquele sábado à tarde e à noite?
"A statement made by Longfellow Deeds, New York's new Cinderella Man, " who last night proved that his late uncle from whom he inherited $ 20 million, "was an amateur in the art of standing the town on its cauliflower ear."
Uma das revelações de Longfellow Deeds, o no Cinderella man de Nova Iorque, que provou ontem à noite que o tio, de quem herdou vinte milhões de dólares, não passava de um amador na arte de virar a noite do avesso. "
Does that look like a man who's life was empty?
Parece-lhe um homem com a vida vazia?
That was the man who defeated the Swedes on the Neva.
É o homem que venceu os suecos no Neva.
Terrible thing, sir, that poor man who was here this morning.
Uma coisa horrível, senhor, aquele pobre homem que esteve aqui esta manhã.
And that it was you who rescued Sherazade from the man who bought her.
E que foi você quem resgatou Sherazade do comprador dela.
And that old man who was with you isn't here?
E o velho que estava com você não está aqui?
You remember that story about the young man — I think he was a shepherd who was walking in the woods —
Lembra-se da história daquele rapaz... penso que ele foi um pastor que andava nas florestas...
When I first heard that a general of the British Army was arranging a ball for the benefit of those nurses of the West Riding who had taken part in the four-year struggle, I said to myself, 'There is a man whose heart is in the right place.'
Ao saber que um general do exercito britânico... promoveu um baile em benefício das enfermeiras... que tomara parte em quatro anos de luta, eu pensei...'eis um homem cujo coração está no lugar certo'.
AII I know is that with such a stupid joke, a young man's illusions have been destroyed, someone I liked and who was willing to make me happy.
Só sei que com essa estúpida brincadeira, destruíram as ilusões de um rapaz de quem eu gostava e que estava disposto a fazer-me feliz.
That man who was just here.
O homem que esteve agora aqui.
My aunt told me that she had discovered a wonderful young man... who was going to help with her charities and that his name was Dorian Gray.
Disse que tinha descoberto um jovém maravilhoso que estava a ajudá-la nas obras de caridade que o nome era Dorian Gray.
That young man who was with you - where can I find him?
Aquele jovem que estava consigo, eu gostaria de falar com ele. - Onde o posso encontrar?
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
Acreditas no que o velhote, o que estava no Oso Negro, disse na outra noite... acerca do ouro nos mudar a alma de tal forma que não somos os mesmos... antes e depois de o encontrar?
That was the man who brought me some money when Harry died.
Foi o homem que me trouxe algum dinheiro quando o Harry morreu.
It was this Tajomaru who killed that man.
Foi esse tal de Tajomaru quem matou aquele homem.
And that's the man who was working in the guesthouse.
E este é o homem que estava a trabalhar no albergue.
I suppose you might say that there was a man who really lost his head over her, huh?
Podemos dizer então que aí está um homem que perdeu a cabeça por ela, hein?
The man who conceived that rocket, and whose house was burned down.
O homem que projectou o foguetão, e cuja casa foi queimada.
Papa, what was the name of that man? The one who worked for the city.
Pai, como se chamava aquele senhor trabalhava na Câmara?
But if it was Bouchard who sent that message, and he told us the truth they'll sail in without losing a man.
Mas se foi Bouchard que enviou a mensagem, e nos disse a verdade,... chegarão sem perder um homem.
That burglar in your house was really a notorious jewel thief... who works for a man named Austin Cloquet. The bureau has learned that Cloquet plans to sell the jewel... tomorrow at a secret auction up at a ski lodge.
Aquele ladrão foi contratado por um tal Austin Cloquet que vai vender a jóia amanhã num leilão secreto na montanha.
Well, I would have thought no more of it, I suppose, just a case of mistaken identity. But a few days later, here at the club... in fact at that table over there, where Manning and his father are now... I was having lunch with a man from Detroit... who had inherited an estate I was handling.
Não pensei mais no assunto, uma mera troca de identidades, mas, dias mais tarde, aqui mesmo, no clube, naquela mesa onde se encontram o Manning e o pai estava eu a almoçar com um senhor de Detroit
She will positively identify him for you, ladies and gentlemen as being the same man who was in that insurance office on the date that the robberies occurred.
Ela vai identificá-lo para vocês, senhoras e senhores, como sendo o homem que esteve na seguradora nas datas em que ocorreram os assaltos.
When you wrote that the pÉaintiff, AngeÉe Ducros, attempted suicide... for the Éove of a man who rejected her, was that ÉittÉe anecdote... intended to amuse?
Quando escreveu que a queixosa, AngeÉe Ducros, se tentou suicidar... por amor ao homem que a rejeitou, achava esse pequeno reÉato... divertido?
Now, in Chapter Seven, which you've entitÉed "AÉÉ For Love"... you suggest that Ìadam Ducros not onÉy attempted suicide for the Éove of a man... but for a man who was not then, and is not now, her husband.
Bem, no CapituÉo Sete, que intituÉou "Tudo Por Amor", a senhora sugere que a Ìadam Ducros nao so tentou suicidar-se por amor, como tentou suicidar-se por amor a um homem que nao era, nem e, o seu marido.
Morey, I'd like to know who that man was.
Morey, gostaria de saber quem era aquele homem.
He was sure that he had the Negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete beaten.
Ele estava certo que o negro, um bom homem, | grande atleta estava derrotado.
And I was avoiding the obvious comment that you said that with the ease of a man who's said it often to an assortment of women.
E eu estava a evitar o comentário óbvio, de que disseste isso... - Isso não é verdade..
Well, I would like to call the court's attention to the fact that it was not I who tried to shift the guilt to a dead white boy to save this man!
Bem, gostava de chamar a atenção da corte ao facto... que não era eu... quem tentou culpar... um garoto branco morto para salvar este homem!
I'm a rock-ribbed Republican... who thought that Franklin Roosevelt was a great man.
sou um republicano insensível... que acreditava que Franklin Roosevelt era um grande homem.
The defense will show... that Ernst Janning's personal physician was a non-Aryan... a Jewish man... who he kept in attendance, much to his own peril.
A defesa mostrará... que o médico pessoal de Ernst Janning que era um não ariano... judeu... que ele manteve por perto, apesar do perigo.
Instead, he met a reasonable man who explained calmly that the human race was doomed.
Em vez disso, conheceu um homem razoável que lhe explicou sossegadamente que a raça humana estava condenada.
And when he recognized the man who had trailed him since the underground camp, he understood there was no way to escape Time, and that this moment he had been granted to watch as a child, which had never ceased to obsess him,
E quando reconheceu o homem que o tinha seguido desde o acampamento subterrâneo compreendeu que não existia forma alguma de iludir o Tempo e que esse momento que lhe tinha sido concedido observar enquanto criança... e que sempre o assombrou...
That little old man who was spying on us?
Ah, era o velhinho que nos espiava na rua. St. Antoine?
They can tell it to whoever they wish but nobody can say that to me, because I was always a boxer when I was fighting and I was an idol and I was a man who would fight any foreigner.
Podem dizer a qualquer pessoa, mas a mim ninguém me diz, porque eu fui sempre um "boxeur" no tempo de jogar boxe e era um ídolo e um homem que jogava com qualquer estrangeiro.
Well, Ben, modesty prevents me from saying that perhaps it was a man of great taste, who, who fancied a work of art.
A modéstia me impede de dizer que, talvez, fosse um homem de bom gosto fascinado por uma boa obra de arte.
That man this afternoon, who was he?
Aquele homem esta tarde, quem era?
Do you know there was a cat once who fell asleep in the sun and dreamt that he was a man who fell asleep and dreamt he was a cat.
Sabia que, uma vez, um gato adormeceu ao sol e sonhou que era um homem que tinha sonhado que era um gato?
You know, of course, that she was in The Man Who Came To Dinner.
Entrou na peça "O Homem Que Veio Para Jantar".
That man who was smiling, who is he?
Quem era aquele homem que estava a sorrir?
After some preliminary guessing games, at which I was never very good it was explained by my daughter that she intended to get married and that her intended was a young man whom I'd never met who happened to be a Negro.
Após algumas charadas preliminares, para as quais nunca tive jeito, a minha filha explicou-me que tencionava se casar e que o pretendente era um jovem que eu não conhecia e que, por acaso, era negro.

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