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Before he traducir portugués

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And then he can witness the utter destruction of all his creation... before he himself is swept away.
E depois ele poderá testemunhar a destruição total de toda a sua criação... antes dele próprio ser aniquilado.
He just got back from Aspen, but he's off to LA tomorrow, so he wants something in place before he leaves.
Ele veio agora de Aspen e amanhã parte para L.A. e quer ver algo concreto antes de partir.
He was nothing before he met you. I know him.
Não era nada entes de o conhecer.
Look, I promise, I had to kill him before he killed me.
Olhem, tive de o matar antes que me matasse.
We know that Zane called you from a burner phone hours before he was killed.
Sabemos que o Zane ligou-lhe horas antes de morrer.
! You knew... You knew him before he sat in that chair.
Antes de ocupar aquele cargo.
This American is not going to be President forever, and before he steps aside,
O americano não será presidente para sempre.
He would have come to say goodbye before he went Code 44.
Ele teria se despedido antes de executar o Código 44.
But his product tanked when the virus was nearly eradicated before he got it to the market.
O produto foi descontinuado, porque o vírus foi praticamente erradicado antes de pô-lo no mercado.
We have a witness who overheard Wes before he took his own life.
Temos uma testemunha que ouviu o Wes antes dele tirar a vida.
Last time I saw him was a couple weeks before he got arrested.
A última vez que o vi foi duas semanas antes de ser preso.
Tony's dad made me promise to have dinner with him before he told me anything about Tony's apartment history.
O pai do Tony fez-me prometer jantar com ele antes de contar-me a história do apartamento do Tony.
He wishes to see his child before he dies.
Ele deseja ver o seu filho antes de morrer.
Before he fired me.
Antes dele me demitir.
At least we stopped him before he could put it to use.
Pelo menos impedimo-lo antes que pudesse usá-la.
A few days before he abandoned us, he told her about his first family, you, your brother, your mom.
Uns dias antes de ele nos abandonar, contou-lhe sobre a primeira família, tu, o teu irmão e mãe.
The stuff he said before he left, that could have been more ranting.
O que ele disse antes de se ir embora não podia ter sido mais bombástico.
A couple days before he died, Butch Callahan went to an electronics store and bought a pen with a microphone hidden in the tip.
Uns dias antes de morrer, Butch Callahan foi a uma loja electrónica e comprou uma caneta com um microfone escondido na ponta.
If I was in on it, tell me why I would've killed Butch right before he was gonna get a bunch of money from that Potter guy.
Se eu estivesse metida nisso, diga-me lá porque haveria de matar o Butch mesmo antes de ele receber um monte de dinheiro desse tal Potter?
Perhaps he doctored his own papers before he ran out on his wife and disappeared.
Talvez ele tenha forjado os documentos antes de abandonar a mulher e ter desaparecido.
I don't know. You're the only one who knew him before he left.
Tu és a única que o conheceu antes dele partir.
Yeah, I get that, but come on, you remember how good he was before he left, right?
Sim, eu entendo isso, mas vá lá, tu lembraste como ele era bom antes de partir, certo?
Your dad and I had a nice catch-up before he zonked out.
Eu e o teu pai tivemos uma conversa antes de ele adormecer.
So our mystery man dropped a bag before he busted through the door.
O homem misterioso deixou cair um saco antes de sair pela porta.
Yeah, James and I, we knew each other back in the day, in Treme, back before he tried to go straight.
Sim, eu e o James conhecíamo-nos de Treme, antes de ele se endireitar na vida.
Well, just before he died, though, Murray requested a copy of Boyd's autopsy report from the Orleans Parish M.E.
Antes de morrer, o Murray pediu uma cópia do relatório da autópsia do Boyd à Paróquia de Orleães.
He was asking for his lawyer before he even got out of the pool.
- Pediu pelo advogado antes de sair da piscina.
Yeah, but if you're right about Costas, he'll die before he gets to the airport.
Se tens a certeza sobre o Costas ele vai morrer antes de chegar ao aeroporto.
That won't matter if we don't spot Costas before he takes the kill shot.
Isso não importa se não encontrarmos o Costas antes que ele atire.
Good is, we got the bad guy before he hurt anybody else.
A boa é que apanhamos o bandido antes que ferisse mais alguém.
About that, before Phil died, he told me that he wanted you to help be the father to the baby.
Sobre isso, antes do Phil morrer, ele disse-me que queria que tu me ajudasses a ser o pai do bebê.
He's been down this road with Amara before.
Ele já desceu esta estrada com a Amara antes.
Because he had been there before. And why had he been there before?
- Porque ele já lá tinha estado.
He's said it before, so I don't know why it hurt so much.
Ele já o disse antes, por isso não sei porque magoa tanto.
But he had contact with you before the show premiered.
Mas ele falou consigo antes da estreia.
The bartender remembers Karla, but he'd never seen her before that night, and unfortunately, Ned paid the bill.
O garçom lembra-se da Karla, mas nunca a viu antes daquela noite e infelizmente, o Ned pagou a conta.
I didn't get a chance to ask as she burst into flames. And before you ask, no, I did not get a chance to interrogate her little shaman friend, because he vanished at the same time.
Não consegui perguntar-lhe porque ela começou a arder e não, também não pude interrogar o amigo Xamã,
Walked before his first birthday, but he hated pants.
Começou a andar antes do seu primeiro aniversário, mas ele detestava calças.
Michael Ellis, his Instagram account, he deleted it a day before the shooting.
Michael Ellis, a conta dele no Instagram, foi apagada um dia antes do tiroteio.
He dumped my friend Sharon four days before Christmas.
Ele deixou a minha amiga Sharon quatro dias antes do Natal.
He'd rather destroy it all before losing to you.
Ele prefere destruir tudo a perder-te.
Before Phil died, he told me that he wanted you to help be the father to the baby.
Antes de morrer, o Phill disse-me que queria que tu o ajudasses a ser pai do meu bebê.
Did he say he'd left something here in storage before we moved in?
Disse-te que tinha deixado aqui uma coisa antes de virmos para cá?
You shot Butch first, but not before you realized he had a weapon of his own.
Matou o Butch primeiro, mas sem perceber que ele tinha uma arma.
You know, one of my brothers from my squad got a job there when he got back, before it closed down.
Um dos meus irmãos da tropa arranjou emprego lá quando voltou. Antes de fechar.
Well, he surprised me before I could.
Por que esperavas? Ele surpreendeu-me antes de poder fazer isso.
He took the take and before we could get back together to divvy it up, he, uh, he crashed his car.
Ele ficou com o espólio e, antes de nos reunirmos para o dividirmos, ele estampou o carro.
Or Boyd was there because, once he realized the lieutenant was on to him, he knew he had to try and stop him before it was too late.
Ou o Boyd estava lá porque percebeu que o tenente já o tinha topado e tinha de travá-lo antes que fosse tarde demais.
David Larsen photographed all eight victims before and after he killed them.
O David Larsen fotografou as oito vítimas antes e depois de as matar.
And somehow, he's onto them before our own damn police department.
E, de alguma forma, consegue encontrá-los antes da Polícia.
He lost three fingers before we found the right one.
Perdeu três dedos antes de encontrarmos o dedo certo.

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