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Blow them out traducir portugués

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She has to blow them out as if it was her birthday
Tem que apagá-las como se fosse o aniversário.
Blow them out.
When viets will touch him, it will blow them out!
Quando os vietmin lhe mexerem, rebentar-lhes nas trobas
Blow them out.
Give them distance. Then blow them out of the sky!
Deixa-os ganhar distância e acaba com eles.
- Skipper, what we do about it is blow them out of the water.
os destruimos em alto mar.
Blow them out.
Nossos homens foram atirados borda fora, tendo sido deixados debaixo de água.
Blow them out!
And Mommy will blow them out for you.
E a mamã vai apagá-las por ti.
Now, quickly. Blow them out before the wind does.
Agora, depressa, sopra-as todas antes que o vento o faça.
Blow them out!
I'll swing around from behind and blow them out of the sky.
Vou aparecer por trás e explodi-los em pedaços.
Blow them out.
Sopra isso.
Yeah, I blow them out in back all the time.
Sim, rebento-as no quintal para me divertir.
He'd probably try to blow them out of the sky.
Tentaria rebentar com eles.
Wait, aren't I supposed to blow them out?
- Eu não devia apagar as velas?
You have to blow them out.
Tens de as apagar.
Let's blow them out. Do it.
Vamos soprar as velas.
Go on, blow them out.
Vá lá, apaga as velas.
Quickly, blow them out before the roses melt!
Depressa, apaga-as antes que as rosas derretam.
Light let you blow them out. He was such a gentle boy...
O teu irmão deixou-te fazê-lo, mesmo sendo o aniversário dele.
Well, we just got offers from Victoria Newsome and Little, Brown, but I think Random House is gonna blow them out of the water.
Tivemos propostas da Victoria Newsome e da Little Brown, mas acho que a Random House vai pô-las fora de cena.
If we hit them in the wrong spot, we could blow them out of the sky, or the drones could just bounce harmlessly off the shields.
Se atingirmos algo errado, podemos explodi-los no céu ou, os drones podem bater inofensivamente nos escudos. Não há maneira de saber.
Blow them out.
Assopre logo isso.
I was gonna blow them out, make a wish.
Eu ia sopra-las, pedir um desejo.
Because if I roll and determine the suspects are black, yellow or brown, I'll blow them out of their socks.
Se vou trabalhar e vir que os suspeitos são pretos, amarelos ou castanhos, rebento-lhes com a cabeça.
- Blow them out.
- Assopra.
Now, blow out them candles. Go on.
Apaga as velas!
Blow out them candles on that stupid cake.
Apaga as velas do raio do bolo!
It'd be too easy for enemies to sneak in at night and blow up every one of them if they're left out there.
Os inimigos não teriam dificuldades em entrar aqui à noite, furtivamente, e mandar todos eles pelos ares, se os deixarmos ali.
Pour in the soup and Blow the shit out of them.
Entornava o "nitro" e iam pelos ares.
How it's gonna look to them if the Governor tells the army to blow the shit out of your convoy?
Que imagem vai dar, se ele mandar o Exército rebentar consigo?
Well, I hope they don't blow the bottom out of this tub when you give them the Uzis.
Espero que não disparem para o chão desta banheira... quando pegarem nas Uzis!
Blow your caps to draw them out, take your escape routes, go home, and don't look back.
Acionem-nos para acabarem com eles, Sigam as vossas rotas de fuga, vão para casa, e não olhe para trás.
If necessary, we'll blow that door off its hinges and get them out.
Se for necessário, nós o golpe que a porta desativado suas dobradiças e fazê-los para fora.
Blow them all out at once.
Todas de uma vez!
Amd in 1 5 years, whem they're all paid for... ... h'hh set my charges and blow the shit out of them.
E daqui a 1 5 anos, quando estiver tudo pago, preparo o dinamite e mando tudo pelos ares.
Why don't we save them the bother and blow our own brains out?
Mais vale dar um tiro nos miolos, poupando-lhes o incómodo.
If they're planning on hooking up that satellite dish to them wires... they're gonna blow out their electricity in nothing flat.
Se eles pensam montar o satelite ali vão destruir a ligação eléctrica.
I'll swing by for a minute... allow them to envy me, grab a handful ofpopcorn shrimp and blow out ofthere.
Mas só um minutinho... para me invejarem ; comer pipoca e me pinicar de lá.
When I found out they were putting people in here, I tried to blow the whistle on them.
Quando eu sabia que eles estavam ficando a pessoas aqui, eu queria falar com a polícia.
Well, deeply move yourself to blow out them candles, so we can try a slice.
Obrigado. Então comove-te profundamente para apagares as velas,
Well, deeply move yourself to blow out them candles, so we can try a slice.
Bem, vê lá se apagas as velas para podermos provar uma fatia.
So you can blow the hell out of these bastards when we find them.
Para podermos dar cabo desses bandalhos, quando os encontrarmos.
- Blow them out the airlock.
- Mande-os pela câmara pressurizada.
We gotta have words with them get this sorted out, otherwise we blow that place out.
Temos de conversar com eles para sair desta, doutro modo damos cabo do lugar.
He admits to strangling his victims, pulling out their hair and ravaging them. The Grasse girls were killed by a blow to the back of their heads their hair was carefully cropped, and not one of them was violated.
Confessa estrangular as vítimas, arrancar-lhes os cabelos e desvirginá-las, quando as de Grasse foram mortas com um único golpe na nuca, os cabelos cuidadosamente cortados e nem uma delas, violada.
We need it to blow towards the lake to carry the meaty smell and draw them out of the water.
Precisamos que sopre para dentro do lago para manter o cheiro de carne, e os atraiam para fora da água.
Blow the glass, pull them out...
Rebentávamos o vidro e pronto.
Get them out? I think we should blow them up.
Acho que devíamos explodí-los.

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