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Did he just traducir portugués

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Did he just happen to drop it, and you politely picked it up for him?
Ele deixou-a cair, e o senhor educadamente apanhou-a e entregou-lha?
Oh, my God, oh, my God, did he just...?
Meu Deus, meu Deus, ele acabou de...?
- Did he just throw away food?
Ele acabou de atirar comida fora?
- Did he just say what I think he said?
- Ele falou o que acho que falou?
Did he just say from my mother? Did he just say from my mother? Aw.
Ele acabou de dizer a minha mãe? Maça, a mamã te ama.
Did he just say Lynch?
Ele acabou de dizer Lynch?
Did he just call me a limp dick?
Deixa de chamar-me cabeça oca?
Did he just leave the lieutenant back there to die?
Ele abandonou o tenente à morte?
He just did a shift the other night.
Ele fez um turno na outra noite.
He just did his job.
Ele apenas fazia o seu trabalho.
Did he just run into the bedroom and cry?
Ele correu para o quarto e pôs-se a chorar?
He didn't just give it to you, did he, Aaron?
Não to deu assim, pois não, Aaron?
Random just did two years at Five Points Correctional and a week after he got out, he was arrested for a BE.
O Random passou dois anos na prisão de segurança máxima e uma semana depois de sair, foi preso por invasão de domicílio.
So, in a way, he did just get out of prison.
Então, de certa forma, acabou de sair da prisão.
When you guys fooled around, did he ever, like, just lie there?
Quando vocês brincavam, ele simplesmente, ficava deitado?
You just said he did!
Você disse que matou.
Okay, if Reed did do this, why wouldn't he just shoot Hastings and Walker and say they died in the firefight?
Pode tê-los enterrado. Está bem, se o Reed fez isso, porque não apenas atirar no Hastings e no Walker e dizer que morreram em combate?
He did, that was just him.
Era assim.
Just because Booth did it for the money doesn't mean he wasn't doing the right thing.
Só porque o Booth fez isso por dinheiro não significa que não estava a fazer o correcto pelo país.
Bradley didn't just get into that cabinet by himself, did he?
O Bradley não se meteu naquele armário sozinho, pois não?
I did, but he just transferred, and I bumped into Nate outside.
E eu fiz, mas ele acabou de ser transferido e cruzei-me com o Nate cá fora.
My little brother just died. And he was terrified of clowns, so whoever did this was sick.
O meu irmão mais novo morreu e ele tinha pavor a palhaços.
And what did he say just before he blew the truck?
O que disse, antes de mandar o camião pelos ares?
Just like he did when I canceled the fishing trip.
Ele fez a mesma coisa quando cancelei a viagem da pesca.
He slumped over the barbed wire. And no matter what he did to try and wriggle free, it just got worse for him.
Caiu para cima do arame farpado, e fizesse o que fizesse para se tentar libertar, só piorava a situação.
The people who are behind this, they took her just like they took you for the same reason, to force your dad to do what he did.
As pessoas por detrás disto, levaram-na pela mesma razão que te levaram a ti, para obrigar o teu pai a fazer o que fez.
Do you know he plays the French horn, just like you did when you were in school?
Sabias que ele toca trompa como tu, quando estavas na escola?
After everything I did for him, he was just gonna leave me here and go back to Justine.
Depois de tudo o que fiz por ele... Ele ia simplesmente deixar-me aqui e voltar para a Justine.
Just like he did me.
Exactamente como fez comigo.
That Christian just did this? He broke our bond... a... and you had nothing to do with it?
Que ele quebrou a nossa ligação e não tiveste nada a ver com isso?
Okay, okay, well, he, uh, did just get shot in the leg, and is resting up, so he probably won't be available.
Ok, ok, bem, ele, apenas foi baleado na perna, e está a descansar, portanto provavelmente não estará disponível.
Well, apparently, Dublin had a terror of falling back into poverty, of, uh, dying in a pauper's grave like his father did, so he always carried a large diamond with him, just in case.
Aparentemente o Dublin tem pavor de voltar a ser pobre e ser enterrado como pedinte, assim como o pai. Então carregava sempre consigo um enorme diamante, por precaução.
You of all people? Moby Dick took just as much from you as he did from me?
Tu de todos, Moby dick tirou-me tanto de mim como de ti.
He tortured them, just like he did to me.
Torturou-as, tal como me torturou a mim.
- What did he tell you? - Just that it's like being out of control... of everything.
Apenas que é como perder o controlo de tudo.
I mean, this is all just archives... logs of what he did.
São apenas arquivos, registos do que ele fez.
So he's hot so you just did it too, huh?
Então, era um gato e você fumou?
Just like he did with Torres.
Como ele fez com Torres.
He runs to the family just as the mother did.
Corre para a família tal como a mãe.
I just don't know for sure he did it.
Só não tenho a certeza que foi ele.
He just did.
Ele acabou de desligar.
Did you just hear what he said?
Tu ouviste o que ele acabou de dizer?
So he chose to stab him, just like he did before.
Mas ele apunhalou-o, tal como antes.
What did you - - what did you give my dad? He had, like, some back pain, So I just gave him some premium herbage.
- Ele tinha uma dor nas costas, então dei-lhe uma erva especial.
- I just did. He's...
- Sabia, apenas.
He called TVA TV just before we got there. Who did he speak to?
Ligou para a TVA TV, bem antes de chegarmos.
He did not just get off the fucking couch.
Ele não acabou de sair do sofá.
He just went ahead and did it.
Ele revelou tudo.
Did you ever notice that you let go Mexicans into your home... just because he's got gardening tools?
Já reparaste em como se deixa um mexicano entrar em casa só porque ele traz ferramentas de jardinagem?
Did our friend just say where he was going?
O nosso amigo disse para onde ia?
He just did.
Ele acabou de dar.

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