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Did he say why traducir portugués

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Did he say why we busted up?
Disse por que rompemos?
- Did he say why?
- E disse porquê?
Did he say why?
- Ele disse porquê?
- Did he say why I'm here?
Disse-te porque estou aqui?
- Did he say why?
- Ele disse porquê?
Did he say why he did it?
Invocou uma razão?
- Did he say why?
- Disse porquê?
Did he say why?
Disse porquê?
Did he say why?
Disse qual o seu propósito?
- Did he say why he gave it to us?
- Disse porque no-lo atribuiu?
Did he say why he didn't call me and let me know he was all right?
E por que não me disse que já estava bom?
- Did he say why?
- Disse por quê?
When you interviewed Sullivan did he say why Christy didn't go to Barbados?
Quando falou ao Sullivan, ele disse porque a Christy não foi a Barbados?
- Did he say why? - No.
Ele disse por quê?
Did he say why Coelle killed his parents?
Ele disse por que Coelle matou os seus pais?
Did he say why?
O quê?
Why, he didn't say that... or did he?
Ele não disse isso, ou disse?
Prince Selim did not say why he wished to speak to this woman?
O principe Selim não disse porque queria falar com esta mulher?
Did he say anything about himself, about why he broke down?
Ele disse alguma coisa? Sobre si próprio porque teve o ataque?
Mr. Bannister, did the defendant say anything as to why he had taken the job?
Pergunta : Sr. Bannister, o réu disse... porque tinha aceite o trabalho?
Well, if he did, why does she say she killed him?
Se se suicidou, porque ia ela dizer que o matou?
- Why did he say a thing like this?
- Porque é que ele mo disse?
- Why did he say he'd be back after dawn?
Porque é que ele disse que voltava depois do amanhecer?
Who is that killer? Why did you say he isn't dead?
Quem é esse Django de quem falou?
Why did he have the nerve to say I'd marry him?
Por que disse que eu casava com ele?
- Why did he say, "God is love"?
- Por que disse, "Deus é amor"?
Lieutenant, I realize it isn't my place to say anything, but why did you tell him he wasn't the suspect? To throw him off his guard?
Sei que não devo dizer nada, tenente, mas porque lhe disse que não era suspeito?
Why did he say : "Who knows what tomorrow holds for us"?
Por que ele disse : "Hoje estamos aqui, amanhã... quem sabe"?
Why, what did he say to you?
Porquê, que te disse ele?
Ma, are you angry at Mr. Books? Why? What did he say?
Mãe, está zangada com o Sr. Books?
- And why did he say it, then?
- Então porque te disse?
Why, did someone say he was dead?
Porquê, alguém disse que ele morreu?
- Alright. Otherwise he may say : "Why did they write that?".
Se ele não encontrar grosseria...
So why did he say it?
Então por que o disse?
Why did he say that?
O que o fez dizer isso?
Why did he say that?
O que se passa?
Why did he say he didn't want to die?
Bebemos demasiado. Por que é que ele disse que não queria morrer?
- Did he say why?
Ele disse porquê?
Why did he say Bondo when his name is Seltzer?
Por que diz ele Bondo quando o homem se chama Bayer?
Did he say, "Why would Jerry bring anything?"
"Por que havia o Jerry de trazer alguma coisa?"
Why did he say that?
Porque é que ele disse isso?
- Then why did he not say so?
- Entäo porque näo o disse ele?
I think if you asked Derek why it all went the way it did, and where it all started he'd still say it started when our father was murdered.
Se perguntarem ao Derek por que é que a vida dele tomou aquele rumo, ele diria que tudo começou quando o nosso pai foi morto.
- Ricky, he just said "penis." Why did he say "penis"?
Ele acabou de dizer "pénis".
On the day of my judgment when I stand before God and He asks me why did I did I kill one of His true miracles what am I going to say?
No dia do meu juízo final quando estiver perante Deus e Ele me perguntar porquê por que matei um dos Seus verdadeiros milagres que devo dizer?
Did he say why? I don't understand Dickie.
Disse porquê?
Why did he have to say that?
Porque é que ele disse aquilo?
- I - Why did he say that at that time?
Porque é que ele disse isso naquela altura?
That's why I told you to read about him. - He did say that.
Foi sobre isso que eu te disse para leres.
- Then why did you say he was?
- Então, por que disseste que era? - Não disse!
- Oh, why did he have to say that extra thing?
Porque teve ele de acrescentar aquilo? Esquece-o, pai.

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