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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ D ] / Did you know her

Did you know her traducir portugués

773 traducción paralela
- Did you know her?
- Conhecia-a?
Did you know her family?
- Connhecia a sua família?
- When did you know her?
- Quando a conheceu?
- Did you know her? - I'd seen her around, you know.
Já a tinha visto, sabe?
Did you know her?
- Did you know her?
Sim, conheci-a aqui.
How well did you know her, Alex?
Quão bem a conhecias, Alex?
Did you know her?
Did you know her well?
Conhecia-a bem?
- Did you know her well?
- Sim. - Conhecia-a bem?
Did you know her?
- Conhecia-la?
You're a little late. Did you know her?
Está meio atrasado.
Did you know her or not?
Conhece ou não?
- Did you know her?
Mas então você a conhecia? Sim... eu a conheci.
Did you know her well?
- Conhecia-a bem?
How well did you know her?
- Conhecia-a bem?
Did you know she seated him at her right?
Sabe que ela o sentou ã direita dela?
Did you know or did you suspect he was going to bring her here Friday night? How could I?
Sabia ou suspeitou que ele a ía trazer aqui na Sexta à noite?
Did you know that the history of Mexico is in her flag?
Sabiam que a História do México se pode ver na bandeira?
Did you know right away that you loved her?
Você sabia imediatamente o que você amou?
Did you know her?
- Conhecia-a?
Did you know anything about her family?
Sabia alguma coisa da família dela?
Did you ever know her?
- Mrs. Helm, when the prisoner said "I have killed her", did you know to whom he referred?
- Sra. Helm, quando o acusado disse "Eu matei-a", você sabia a quem se referia?
Did you know that in her new will, you were the beneficiary of £ 80,000?
Sabia que no testamento dela. era o beneficiário de 80.000 libras?
Well, she did her best to make it, but you know how these things are.
Bem ele fez os possíveis, mas sabes como é.
Maybe you know who did kill her?
Porventura saberá quem a matou?
How did you know anybody was in her room?
Como você soube que havia alguém no quarto dela?
- Fine. Humbert don't tell Charlotte that I told you this, will you but did you know that you've had the most remarkable effect on her?
Humbert, não conte isso a Charlotte, por favor... mas sabia que você teve um efeito notável nela?
After Miss Granger returned to her apartment, after you overheard this conversation, did you let her know that you were there?
Depois de Miss Granger ter voltado para o apartamento e depois de ter ouvido a conversa deixou-a saber que estava lá em casa?
I take it you know her. I thought I did.
Presumo que a conhece.
Did you know that this walking corpse here preferred one to me whose only female attribute is her name in the family book?
Sabia que este condenado preferiu a outra do que a mim, cujo único atributo é o nome da família!
Where did you get to know her?
Como a conheceste?
You killed her, I know you did!
Foi você que o matou. Foi você.
But you did let her know?
Mas quer que ela saiba?
Did you know that she's seeking a divorce from her husband?
Sabia que ela pediu o divórcio ao marido?
You didn't happen to know her, did you?
Por acaso, não a conhecia?
Why, did you know her?
- Porquê, conhecia-a.
And even if she did know about you she wouldn't turn her back on anyone in trouble.
E mesmo que ela soubesse sobre ti... ela não vira as costas a ninguém em apuros.
Did you ever know her? - No.
I know. But did you believe her?
Mas acreditou nela?
I know you've been putting it about that my nephew did her in.
Sei que tens difundido o rumor que o meu sobrinho foi quem o fez.
So I haven't seen her in three years, you know, and... But I still love her just as much as I ever did, you know?
Não a vejo há três anos, mas ainda a amo, tanto como dantes.
And how do you know? You did not even see her.
Para ver sem ser vista.
She doesn't want to meet you. She doesn't know me. What did you tell her?
- Nem sequer me conhece.
Did you know that she's seeking a divorce from her husband?
Sr. Holmes. Bom dia, Dr. Watson.
You know, it's no mistake that she didn't have any pupils in her eyes... carla, that was such a sweet thing you did.
Não era mentira que não tinha pupilas nos olhos... Carla, o que tu fizeste foi muito querido.
- Five years ago I didn't know her. - Sure you did.
Não a conhecia nessa altura.
Did you know that May Williams over at Channel Five... has her own office?
Sabias que a May Williams do Canal 5... tem um escritório próprio?
You know, and if i know her father, she's not gonna have to do it like i did.
E se eu conheço o pai dela, ela não vai ter que fazer o que eu tive que fazer.
You know, all the tips she's ever made in her life wouldn't amount to that, even if she did report'em, you know what i mean?
De todas as gorjetas que ganhou, não daria tudo isso mesmo que as reportasse, percebes o que quero dizer?

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