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Did you see mr traducir portugués

153 traducción paralela
- Did you see Mr. Hobson, Father?
- Falou com o Sr. Hobson, pai?
- Did you see Mr. Steele last night?
- Viu Mr. Steele ontem?
Did you see Mr. Steele after he and the girl entered his apartment?
Viu Mr. Steele depois de ele e da moça entrarem no apartamento?
- Did you see Mr. Lannier in the evening?
- Viu o Sr. Lannier à tarde?
Tell me, Jesse did you see Mr. Asby the night he was killed?
Diz-me, Jesse, viste o Sr. Asby na noite em que foi morto?
" - Sister, did You see Mr. Hirachand?
- Irmã, você viu o Sr. Hirachand?
Well, Linda, did you see Mr Brewster when you were bathing in Gull Cove this morning?
Você viu esta manhã o Sr. Brewster na Baía de Gull?
Monica, did you see Mr. Cooper anywhere?
Monica, viste o Mr. Cooper algures?
Did you see Mr. Marsh the day before he died?
Viu o sr. Marsh na véspera de sua morte, sra. Braslow? Sim.
And what time did you see Mr. Kirk... take Mrs. Morrissey's bag?
A que horas viu o Sr. Kirk levar o saco da Sra. Morrissey?
Did you see Mr. Morrissey later that evening?
- Mais tarde, viu o Sr. Morrissey?
Did you see Mr. Kirk try to give the shopping bag back to Mr. Morrissey?
Viu o Sr. Kirk tentar devolver o saco ao Sr. Morrissey?
Did you see Mr. Kirk attack Mr. Morrissey... before he started swinging the rebar?
Viu o Sr. Kirk atacar o Sr. Morrissey antes de pegar no varão de aço?
Exactly when did you see Mr. Paris on the day of the murder?
Exactamente quando é que viu o Sr. Paris no dia do homicídio?
Did you see Mr. Courtland at any time yesterday?
- Não.
What did you want to see me about, Mr. Morgan?
Por que queria me ver, sr. Morgan?
Mr. Pendlebury... I did it in my factory. You must see it one of these days.
Foi na minha fábrica, é interessante.
How often did you see Miss Ordway in Mr. Denver's apartment?
Quantas vezes viu a Mna. Ordway no apartamento do Sr. Denver?
Mr. Baron, what did you want to see us about?
Sr. Baron, por que nos queria ver? Aconteceu alguma coisa?
Mr. Stubb, Mr. Flask, did you not see the pennant or hear my command?
Sr. Stubb, Sr. Flask, vocês não viram a bandeira ou ouvido as minhas ordens?
Did you see Mr. Callender this morning?
Viu o Sr. Callender esta manha?
Did you see anyone leaving Mr. Norton's study?
Viu alguém a sair do escritório de Mr.Norton?
You see, in all this trouble, I never did take Mr. Purdy off the case.
Sabes, com todo este problema, nunca pus o Sr. Purdy de parte.
What did you want to see me about, Mr. Kyle?
Porque me queria ver, Mr. Kyle?
Did you ever see Miss Hoffman and Mr. Feldenstein together?
Alguma vez viu a srta. Hoffman e o sr. Feldenstein juntos?
Did Mr. Feldenstein come to see you at your apartment? - Yes.
O sr. Feldenstein veio visitá-la ao seu apartamento?
Let's see. "Did your husband, Mr Raymond Taber,..... act toward you with cruelty?"
Vamos lá ver. "É verdade que o seu marido, Mr Raymond Taber a tratou de forma cruel?"
Mr. Oliva, please, did you see Tabby?
Sr. Oliva, por favor, você viu o gato?
Mr. White, I bet down in Virginia, You never did see a shot like the one I put through that injun.
Sr. White, eu aposto que na Virgínia, nunca viram ninguém matar assim um índio.
Veja, Mr. Hoo, foi assim que eles fizeram.
Mr. Lopez, did you see the defendant kill Dan Sullivan?
Sr. Lopez, viu a réu matar Dan Sullivan?
When did you last see Mr Tindle, sir?
Quando o viu pela última vez?
Oh, I... I just thought that you might like to see something that Mr. Lang did today.
Pensei que gostaria de ver algo que o Sr. Lang fez hoje.
Mr Spock, did you see what I think I just saw?
Sr. Spock, viu o que acho que acabei de ver?
Did you see the body, Mr. McGregor?
Viu o corpo, sr. McGregor?
I must say, Mr. Doyle, that you were the one person I did not want to see again.
Tenho que dizer, Sr. Doyle, que era a única pessoa que eu não queria voltar a ver.
Mr Braxton, did you see they sew old boot tops on the saddle to hold ammunition?
Sr. Braxton, reparou que os tipos venderam... o topo das botas, na sela, só para pôr munições?
When Mr. Arnold came back to see you, what did he tell you?
Quando voltou pela segunda vez, o que lhe disse?
Did you ever see Mr. Brown's navigation kit?
Alguma vez viu o kit de navegação do Sr. Brown?
Mr. Hendershot, did you see he nailed that big one? - Bill, are you okay?
Viste como ele detonou aquele camião?
Did you ever see the movie The Sentinel, Mr Peterson?
Já alguma vez viu o filme "A Sentinela", Sr. Peterson?
Bien,.... tell me Mr. Burgoyne when your master return did you atually see him enter the door?
Diga-me, por favor, viu o seu patrão chegar a casa?
What did you see, Mr. Willis?
O que viu, Sr. Willis?
Mr. Goldman did you see him sign this register?
Sr. Goldman... viu-o assinar o registo?
Did you think we were joking... when we stipulated this amazing time... to see Mr. Derville?
Você achou que estávamos brincando quando lhe dissemos desta hora um tanto estranha para ver o Sr. Derville?
Did you see Guthrie here at work, Mr. Cunningham?
Haveis visto Guthrie a trabalhar?
Now, Ruth Putnam, when did you last see Mr. Jacobs?
Ruth Putnam, quando viu Mr. Jacobs pela última vez?
Mr. Proctor when the devil appeared to you, did you see Rebecca Nurse in his company?
Mr. Proctor quando o Diabo lhe apareceu, vinha acompanhado de Rebecca Nurse?
Mr. Holley, in the early morning of June 12th, 1963 did you have occasion to see Mr. Beckwith?
Nas primeiras horas de 12 de Junho de 1963 você viu o Sr. De La Beckwith?
And when did you last see the doctor's assistant, Mr. Edward Hyde? .
Quando viu pela última vez o assistente do Doutor, Sr. Edward Hyde?
Did you see them as they approached the table where Mr. Nokes was sitting?
Viu os dois homens aproximarem-se da mesa onde Sr. Nokes estava?

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