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Did you tell anyone traducir portugués

267 traducción paralela
Did you tell anyone else?
Falaste disso com alguém?
Did you tell anyone at the consulate you were coming here?
Disse no consulado que vinha cá?
Did you tell anyone? No.
- Você não disse nada a ninguém?
Just one question of the utmost importance, Mr. Phelps. Did you tell anyone that you had this special task to perform?
Só mais uma pergunta de importância vital, Sr. Phelps, disse a alguém que estava incumbido desta tarefa especial?
Did you tell anyone we were coming to Santa Fe?
Disseste a alguém que vínhamos para Santa Fé?
Did you tell anyone else this?
Alguém sabe disto?
Did you tell anyone?
Comentaste isso com alguém?
Did you tell anyone where you were?
Disse a alguém onde estava?
- Did you tell anyone?
- Disse a alguém?
Listen, did you tell anyone about us?
Escuta, contaste a alguém sobre nós?
Did you tell anyone you were coming here?
Disse a alguém que vinha cá? Não.
Did anyone ever tell you that you look like the Prince of Wales? That's funny.
Já lhe disse que parece o principe de Gales?
Did anyone ever tell you that you look like the Prince of Wales? Not the present Prince of Wales.
Já lhe disse que parece o príncipe de Gales?
Did anyone ever tell you you had beautiful eyes?
Já alguém lhe disse que tem uns olhos bonitos?
Did anyone ever tell you that your manners left much to be desired?
Nunca te disseram que as tuas maneiras deixam muito a desejar?
Well, if you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in to my guilty secret. I did murder them all.
Se prometeres não contar a ninguém, conto-te o meu segredo :
Did anyone ever tell you you look like a prince out of the Arabian Nights?
Alguém já lhe disse que parece um príncipe saído de "As 1001 Noites"?
Did anyone ever tell you you had the most beautiful legs in the world?
Já alguém te disse que tens as pernas mais lindas do mundo?
Did anyone ever tell you, Miss Ogi, that you're a fine-looking woman? I mean, really fine.
Já alguma vez lhe disseram que é uma mulher bonita?
Did anyone tell you different?
Alguém lhe disse outra coisa?
Did anyone ever tell you you couldn't sing? Nice.
Alguém lhe disse que não podia cantar?
All I can say is... - Did you tell anyone?
Contou para alguém?
Did anyone ever tell you that you were very sexy?
Alguém já lhe disse que você é muito sexy?
Frank, did anyone ever tell you that you have a tendency toward self-pity?
Frank, já alguém lhe disse que tem tendência para ter pena de si próprio?
Even if I knew where we were, I couldn't tell anyone. Did you hear me?
Mesmo que soubesse onde estamos não saberia dizer a ninguém.
- Did anyone ever tell you you're a moron?
- Já lhe disseram que é uma besta?
Johnny, did anyone ever tell you that you got one set of lousy manners?
Alguém já te disse que tens péssimos modos, Johnny.
You didn't tell anyone, did you?
Não disseste a ninguém?
Did anyone ever tell you that?
Ja alguem te tinha dito isso?
- Why did you not tell me? - One cannot tell anyone anything unless they are ready to hear it.
Só se diz algo a quem está pronto para ouvir.
And we thought you ought to know we want you to stay with us, because we need you. But if anyone wants to leave us please, come to us, tell us and we can give you papers that might stop another Salem Jones from doing what he did to our James.
Queremos que saibam, que gostaríamos que ficassem connosco, pois precisamos de voc ~ es, mas se alguém quiser partir, por favor, venham ter connosco e digam-nos, que dar-vos-emos documentos, que talvez impeçam que outro Salem Jones faça o mesmo que este.
You didn't tell anyone, did you, kate?
- Não contaste a ninguém, pois não Kate?
Do you know where that's going? Did anyone tell you where...
Sabem onde fica isso?
Well, you did overflow the toilet and not tell anyone.
Bem, entupiste a sanita e não disseste nada a ninguém.
Did anyone ever tell you you really are a beautiful man?
Já alguém te disse que és um tipo muito bonito?
Did anyone ever tell you how attractive you are?
É assim mesmo. O que acha disso?
If this doesn't work, you can't ever tell anyone I did this, OK?
Se isto não resultar, não podes contar a ninguém o que eu fiz, OK?
- Tell me, did either of you see anyone pass by Madame Giselle during the flight?
Algum de vocês viu alguém passar pela Madame Giselle durante o voo?
Did anyone else in the precinct tell you that they knew that you were gay?
SUPREMO TRIBUNAL QUINTA-FEIRA, 13 DE MAIO Alguém na esquadra lhe disse que sabia que era gay?
Did anyone ever tell you your eyes shine with the brilliance of Kibberian fire diamonds?
Já alguma vez lhe disseram que os seus olhos brilham com o fulgor de diamantes de fogo kibberianos?
Did anyone ever tell you you have very strange taste?
Já lhe disseram que tem um gosto muito estranho?
Did anyone ever tell you that you're...?
Já alguém lhe disse que é...
Connie, did anyone ever tell you you're a truly evil person?
Connie, já te disseram que és mesmo maldosa?
You didn't- -? You didn't tell anyone else about this, did you?
Não falou com mais ninguém sobre isso, pois não?
I've never kissed anyone inside a nebula before. What did I tell you?
Os nossos replicadores não conseguem produzir órgãos holograficos compatíveis para ele.
Did anyone ever tell you that?
Já te tinham dito?
Madame, if you'd be so kind as to tell me did you see anyone last night?
Madame, diga-me, por favor, viu alguém ontem à noite?
Did anyone ever tell you you're angry when you're beautiful?
Alguém já lhe disse que fica muito bonita quando está zangada?
You can never tell anyone you did this.
Não pode contar isto a ninguém.
Did anyone ever tell you you're a fuddy-duddy?
Já alguém te disse que és um bocadinho retrógrado?
Did anyone ever tell you you're kind of a sexy fuddy-duddy?
Já alguém te disse que és um retrógrado sexy?

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