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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ H ] / Hang in

Hang in traducir portugués

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Hang in there, Mac.
Aguentem leitores.
Hang in there, Ian.
Aguenta aí, Ian.
Just hang in there. - Your killer isn't here.
- O assassino não está aqui.
I'm gonna hang in my room. Security check.
Vou para o meu quarto.
Yeah, I usually hang in the lot during games.
Sim, gosto de jogar a estes jogos.
Hang in there.
Aguentem-se aí
Hey, just hang in there okay?
Hey, aguenta-te, ok?
Hang in there, buddy.
Força, amigo.
Hang in there, Joan.
Aguenta-te aí, Joana.
Hang in there, guys!
Aguentem-se aí, malta!
Just hang in there.
Tem forças.
Come on. Hang in there!
Segura ai!
You hang in there, you hear me?
Aguenta-te, ouviste? Vamos!
- Hang in there, Mikey.
- Aguenta-te, Mikey!
Hang in there, buddy.
Aguenta-te aí, amigo.
Hang in there, OK?
Aguenta-te, está bem?
Hang in there.
Be strong and hang in there.
Sê forte e aguenta-te.
Look, hang in there.
Olha, pendura lá.
Just hang in there.
Basta pendurar ali.
Just hang in there.
Aguenta aqui.
It's been a regret that I didn't just hang in there, especially when I see my contemporaries progressing in their musical lives.
Sempre me arrependi de não ter continuado. Sobretudo ao ver as minhas colegas a progredir na carreira.
Hang in there and turn it over!
Chama-lhe a atenção! - Fá-la virar!
Hang in there.
Aguenta firme.
Now just hang in there.
Agora é só aguardar ali dentro.
Hang in there, Tung!
Aguente firme, Tung!
Hang in there, Tung.
Aguente firme, Tung
Hang in there, champ.
Ageunta-te, campeão.
All right, hang in there, cuz.
- Aguenta firme, prima.
Just hang in there.
That hoop in his ear, he could hang his house keys on it.
Aquela argola na orelha, ele podia pendurar as chaves de casa nela.
Simon belong to a gang out street kids all hang out in gang stage.
O Simon fazia parte de um bando de garotos de rua, todos no início da fase criminosa.
Hang on though, I got stuff in there.
Espere aí, tenho coisas lá dentro.
Do not hang the door in bay three. Is blocked!
A Porta Estanque 3 não fechou Ela está presa.
I will not hang out in the hammock!
Não vai sair na rede!
But, you know, while we got to ski all over the world, you got to hang out in your parents'basement and smoke hash.
Quando íamos fazer ski pelo Mundo, tu tinhas de ficar na cave dos teus pais a fumar erva.
More like you hang out when you're in vegas.
São só companhias em Vegas.
If those pervs didn't even wanna peep in her window, why would they wanna hang out with her?
Óculos fundo de garrafa e aparelho nos dentes. Se aqueles pervertidos nem queriam espreitar pela janela dela, porque quereriam sair com ela?
We're gonna hang out with them here in Barcelona before joining them in Paris for their final show.
Vamos passar tempo com eles, aqui em Barcelona. Antes de ir ter com eles até Paris, para o último concerto.
Hang in there.
Uh, in the movie, the next thing to happen is the biker girls all have a pajama party, and the surfer guys all hang at Big Momma's.
No filme, as raparigas Motards têm uma festa de pijama e os Surfistas estão todos no Big Momma.
He'd still be doing time if he didn't hang himself in his cell. - Really?
Sim, ainda estaria preso se não se tivesse enforcado na cela.
You hang around in war zones. You seem to need it.
Pareces precisar de cenários de guerra.
Because Jack Crawford would hang her for what her father's done and the world would burn Abigail in his place.
Porque o Jack Crawford faria com que ela pagasse pelo pai e o mundo queimaria a Abigail no lugar dele.
Now you are welcome to hang out in here and play video games.
Bem... Podem ficar aqui, e jogar videojogos.
I've never been able to hang with the in crowd before.
Nunca pude andar com a malta porreira.
You can hang her in your house.
Podes pendurá-la na tua casa.
A hang-up would have resulted in a three-second call.
Se tivesse desligado, a chamada seria apenas de três segundos.
Hang in there.
I want you to hang one of these pictures in your shop.
Quero que pendures uma destas fotos na tua loja.
I ran into him in town, and I'm just gonna go hang out for a bit.
Encontrámo-nos na cidade e agora vou sair com ele.

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