Have you been well traducir portugués
872 traducción paralela
Clinton, have you been well?
Clinton, tem passado bem?
Well, whoever she was, she could not have been half as beautiful as you are right now.
Bom, quem quer que ela fosse, não tem metade da tua beleza.
You seem to know quite well, Rüdiger, that I have been exposed to grievous wrongs in the house of my clan!
Rüdiger, parece que sabeis muito bem que... estou à mercê... de qualquer injúria... na casa de meus parentes!
Well, you simply should have been more careful with that policeman.
Devia ter tido mais cuidado com aquele polícia.
Well, how many places have you been in, Mr. Charles?
Bem, em quantos sítios esteve, Sr. Charles?
If you hadn't interfered with the execution the girl would have been hanged and all would be well.
Se não tivesse interferido com a execução a rapariga teria sido enforcada e tudo estaria bem...
Well, well, well, what have you been doing with yourself?
Bem, bem, bem. - O que andaste a fazer?
Well, have you been to Earl Carroll's Vanities?
Bem, viram "As Vaidades de Earl Carroll"?
Well, how long have you two been so friendly?
Há quanto tempo é que são tão amigos?
- Well, I just don't think you should have been cheated, Mrs. Draque.
- Bom, não penso que deva ser enganada, Mrs. Draque.
Well, what have you been doing with yourself lately?
Bem, que tens tu feito últimamente?
Well, after all, you know, Cole wouldn't have been much help.
Depois de tudo, o Cole não teria sido de muita ajuda.
Well, where have you been?
- Onde é que te meteste?
Well what have you been looking for me for? Because I want to tell you not to come to see me tonight, like you promised 4 months ago.
Porque vim para te dizer para não vires ter comigo esta noite, como prometeste há quatro meses atrás.
Well, if I'd have been there, Wyatt Earp or no Wyatt Earp, he wouldn't have run you out of town.
Se eu tivesse lá estado, com ou sem Wyatt Earp, ainda estavas na cidade.
"Well, you certainly have been antisocial since you got back from Scotland."
"Bom, estás muito anti-social desde que chegastes da Escócia."
- Well, you must have been thinking something.
Deves ter pensado em algo.
Well, where have you been, boy?
Onde tens estado, pequeno?
Well, we wanna ask you have you ever been in the offices of the Associated Life of New York in the Victor Moore Arcade building?
Queremos perguntar-lhe se já esteve nos escritórios da Associated Life of New York, no edifício da Victor Moore Arcade.
Well, Mr. Bishop, you have not been beaten, of the highest quality.
Bem, o Sr. Bispo, não foi vencido, da mais alta qualidade.
well, you really have been making yourself useful, haven't you?
Bem, realmente tem sido muito útil, não é?
Well, it's a little easier to understand them when you realize that our men have been away for more than three years.
Precisamos chegar em seu caso e entender o desconforto da situação. Os homens foram para a guerra há três anos.
You seem to have been, well, let us say, on intimate terms with this man.
Parece que tem mantido, digamos, ligações intimas com esse homem.
Well, there have been a couple of developments since I talked to you.
Ouve alguns desenvolvimentos, desde que falei consigo.
Well. just the same. I think you'd have been way ahead if you let them hang me.
Só acho que estaria melhor se os deixasse me enforcarem.
Well, no, I mentioned you looked familiar and Neil said, "Could it have been Mason?"
Bem, não, eu mencionei que você parecia familiar e Neil disse, "Poderia ter sido Mason?"
He has, and I may as well tell you, I consider him to have been... somewhat hasty in asking your advice.
Já, e eu considero que ele se precipitou ao pedir a sua ajuda.
( laughter ) Well, if you had, it'd have been your last supper, too.
Bom se o tivesses feito também teria sido a tua última ceia.
Mrs. Gumley, if i could spare a dollar, i'd give it to you, believe me i would, but... well, things have been rough here.
Sra. Gumley, se eu pudesse dar um dólar, eu daria, acredite que daria, mas... as coisas têm sido duras, aqui.
Well, I suppose if you hadn't... she would still have been lying there.
Suponho que, se não se tivesse molhado, ela ainda estaria ali tombada.
- Well, you must have been dreaming.
- Devias estar a sonhar.
Look, Belle, I know this hasn't been a good trip for you, but, well, we're going to have smooth sailing from here on out.
Olha, Belle, eu sei que não tem sido uma viagem agradável para ti, mas, bom, daqui em diante será muito mais calma.
Without the work you did, Eleanor Corbin might very well have been convicted of murder and on her way to the gas chamber.
Sem o trabalho que fez Eleanor Corbin poderia muito bem ter sido condenada por assassínio.
Well, now, where have you been hiding that dress?
Onde é que tinha escondido esse vestido?
If I do not extract the plan you have been building step by painful step for the last year, my life, well, it's over.
Se eu nao lhe sacar o plano que tem elaborado, passo a doloroso passo, ao longo do último ano, a minha vida, bem, finda-se.
Well, you have been having bad luck lately, haven't you?
Bem, você tem tido má sorte ultimamente, não é?
Sim, bem, será que não nasceram invisíveis?
- Well, have you bought any presents - while you've been abroad?
- Comprou algum presente no exterior?
Well, that must have been a big relief to you.
Deve ter sido um alívio para si.
Well, the house will have to be requisitioned... but you can't move in until the niece has been arrested too.
Bem, a casa terá de ser requisitada. Mas não se puderá mudar até que a sobrinha também seja presa.
Well, Sir Evelyn, it's been my experience... that when you're giving orders to sovereign princes... you have to expect a little humiliation.
Quando se dá ordens a príncipes soberanos, tem que se esperar alguma humilhação.
But you know as well as I do... that men who have not been fully conditioned... to the tropical climate simply cannot fight.
Mas sabe tão bem como eu que os homens que não estão habituados ao clima tropical não conseguem lutar.
You know, you might as well have stayed in New York this weekend for all the company you've been.
Sabes, que podias estar em Nova York neste fim de semana, com todo o pessoal que lá tem.
You know perfectly well the prefecture would have been taken in an hour at most.
Sabem perfeitamente bem que a prefeitura seria tomada numa hora no máximo.
Well, Mr Benton, agriculture has always been my special preoccupation, and I have received some excellent reports on you from the collective farms.
Bem, Sr. Benton... a agricultura sempre foi minha preocupação em especial... e recebi excelentes relatórios sobre você das fazendas coletivas.
Yes, well, in that case you wouldn't have been able to thank me.
Sim, e nesse caso não ia poder agradecer-me.
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, gentlemen, but would you agree that we have been passing through the Sea of Time?
Corrijam-me se estiver enganado, cavalheiros... concordariam se dissesse que acabamos de passar pelo Mar do Tempo?
Well, it seems that you have been elected the new general.
Bem, parece que foste eleito o novo general.
You know, he may very well have been pushed into the pool.
Sabe muito bem que pode ter sido empurrado...
Well, what have you been doing, Block?
Bom, o que tem andado a fazer, Bloco?
Well, you wouldn't have thought so, Mr. Spock, if you'd been among us.
Estou... curada? Está. Tal como o Capitão.
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50