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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ H ] / Have you heard

Have you heard traducir portugués

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Have you heard him speak?
- Já o ouviste a falar?
Have you heard from Aria?
- Tiveste notícias da Aria?
- Listen to me. Have you heard from Paige?
Tiveste notícias da Paige?
In fact, have you heard of a sword called the Hancho Mass...
De facto, já ouviu falar de uma espada chamada "Hancho mass..."
Have you heard from Jim and Fitz?
- O Jim e o Fitz deram notícias?
Have you heard from martin? No. Why?
Soubeste alguma coisa, do Martin?
Have you heard anything?
Soube de alguma coisa?
What have you heard in the media about my client?
O que ouviu nos media sobre o meu cliente?
Have you heard of this boat?
- Já ouviste falar deste barco?
Have you heard of the spice mines of kessel?
Já ouviram falar das minas de especiarias de Kessel?
Have you heard from Aria?
Viste a Aria?
Hey, Briggs, have you heard from Charlie?
Briggs, alguma notícia da Charlie?
Have you heard?
Já ouviste?
Have you heard back from the D.A. about that boy, Connor Price?
Você já sabe algo da D.A. sobre aquele miudo, Connor Price?
Um... have you heard of the Internet?
Já ouviu falar da Internet?
Have you heard the expression : "There is no'I'in team."
Já ouviste dizer que "uma equipa não tem eu"?
- which was great,'cause... - Hey, uh, wh-what have you heard of that new place on col-Colorado and 26th?
Olha lá, já ouviste falar sobre aquele novo restaurante no cruzamento da Colorado com a 26ª?
Have you heard from him at all recently?
Você já ouviu falar dele em tudo recentemente?
MAN [OVER PHONE] : Have you heard from our snitch from the DEA lately?
Tens notícias da nossa infiltrada na Narcóticos?
- Have you heard of cogeneration?
- Já ouviste falar de um processo chamado co-geração?
Have you heard of them?
Já ouviu falar deles?
Have you... have you heard from Calvin lately?
Tem tido notícias do Calvin?
Have you heard from the girls? Yeah, they're okay.
- Sabes alguma coisa sobre as raparigas?
Have you heard from Finn yet?
Já tiveste notícias da Finn?
I have heard much of you.
Ouvi falar muito de ti.
You must have heard that they're trying to get me out.
Deves ter sabido que estão a tentar correr comigo.
Have you seen Jenna? We haven't from heard from her or Matty all day.
Passámos o dia todo, sem saber nada dela nem do Matty.
Have you heard from him?
Teve notícias dele?
I heard you guys have the best plastic surgeons in the world, and it's so much cheaper than Canada.
Ouvi dizer que têm aqui os melhores cirurgiões plásticos do mundo e que é muito mais barato do que no Canadá.
Have you ever heard of a guy called kyle dobson?
Já ouviste falar de um certo Kyle Dobson?
I-I'm tempted to say something about dogs and fleas, but you may have heard it before.
Estou tentado a dizer algo sobre cães e pulgas, mas já o deves ter ouvido antes.
If you're going to do base jumping in Yosemite, as I have heard, do you prefer probably just at dawn or just before dusk.
Se vão fazer base jumping em Yosemite, segundo ouvi dizer, o melhor é fazê-lo de madrugada ou antes do crepúsculo.
Ha-Have you guys heard about this research team that's trying to transgenically manipulate chicken DNA to create some sort of chicken dinosaur?
Vocês ouviram falar de uma equipa de pesquisa que quer manipular transgenicamente o DNA de galinhas para criar um tipo de dinossauro-galinha?
Come on, you have to have heard.
- Deves ter ouvido.
Have you ever heard that name, in all the time you were doing your research?
Lembras-te desse nome, quando andas-te fazer a tua pesquisa?
Have you ever heard of the law of the rodef?
Já ouviste falar da Lei do Rodef?
Allied makes cutting-edge stuff- - toys you and I have never heard of and maybe never will.
A Allied faz material de ponta brinquedos que tu e eu nunca ouvimos falar e talvez nunca vamos ouvir.
You heard the orders. We have to go to our cabins.
Temos de ir para as cabines.
Mr. Kelso, despite what you may have heard, homicides at the hands of a stranger are rare.
Sr. Kelso, apesar do que possa ter ouvido, mortes nas mãos de um estranho são extremamente raras.
Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Já ouviram tamanho disparate?
No, you must have heard me wrong.
Deve-me ter ouvido mal.
Do not stand there and pretend that you have lived among the MacKenzies these past months and not heard them voice support for that failure James and his witless offspring Charles.
Não esteja aí a fingir que tem vivido com os MacKenzie nestes últimos meses e não os ouviu apoiar esse falhado do James e do seu filho idiota, o Charles.
It was a great choice, and if I hadn't jumped in and let you speak your mind, you know what he would have heard?
- E foi mesmo. Se te tivesse deixado falar, sabes o que lhe terias dito?
Especially considering from the small part of the conversation that I heard, you two seem to have quite a history.
Sobretudo, tendo em conta a pequena parte que ouvi da conversa. Parece que têm um passado em comum.
You must have heard talk.
Deve ter ouvido a conversa.
- Have you heard of color psychology?
Ouviste falar da psicologia das cores?
When you see it here, so... have you surely heard about me on the news.
Quando você vê-lo aqui, então... ter você certamente ouviu falar sobre mim na imprensa.
So I heard you and this Woodward guy have a history.
Ouvi dizer que tu e esse tal Woodward têm um passado.
Em, I swear to you, I heard what I heard, word for word, the exact same story, told the exact same way by two people who claim to have no knowledge of each other.
Em, juro-te, ouvi o que ouvi, palavra por palavra, a mesma história, em duas pessoas que dizem não se conhecer.
Have you ever heard of acoustic cryptoanalysis?
Já ouviu falar de cryptoanalysis acústica?
You don't have to say it, Donna, I've heard it 1,000 times.
- Nem digas, já ouvi isso imensas vezes.

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