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How much was it traducir portugués

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How much was it?
Quanto custou?
How much was it that you wanted?
Quanto é que queria?
How much was it?
Quanto foi?
- How much was it?
- D que é que custou?
That loan you wanted to buy a car, how much was it?
Este empréstimo para o carro, de quanto era?
This goblet he gave you, how much was it worth?
Aquele cálice que lhe deu, quanto valia?
How much was it that you paid for the old man's land?
Quanto pagaste pelas terras do pai?
How much was it?
Quanto é que é?
Yeah. How much was it we paid Kleinfield, Klausewitz and Stummerhoppen to contest that phoney doctor's certificate?
Sim, e quanto é que nós pagámos para obter aquele atestado médico que era falso?
How much was it? FACE : $ 5.
- Cinco dólares.
You know how to invest it and make it grow. How much was it you said you needed to find those opportunities other people miss?
Por que não cedes e vais ao supermercado comprar comida a sério?
How much was it?
- Quanto era?
I think I will take a sack of that. How much was it?
Levo um saco daquele.
- How much was it?
- Quanto?
How much was it?
Quanto é que foi?
How much was it, $ 3 million?
Quanto foi? Três milhões?
How much would you say it was?
E quanto seria?
How much was it again?
lamento muito ter-te feito esperar.
I do a little trapping now and then. So I was wondering how much it would cost to send my pelts into Omaha by telegraph.
Ponho uma armadilha de vez em quando e me perguntava quanto custaria mandar minhas peles a Omaha por telégrafo.
Your excitement will always be the Old Bailey... - Honestly, I was thinking today... how much fun it'd be to go to Italy. - and other musty law courts.
O teu entusiasmos estará sempre no velho BaiIey e nos outros tribunais.
Mr. Donahue, it was awfully sweet of you to come back and tell me how much you admired my work.
Foi um amor em dizer como admira o meu trabalho.
How much did you unload it for while I was inside?
Quantos depenaste enquanto eu estive preso?
I was just thinking how much easier it would be if we just gave him to those men out there.
Eu estava apenas a pensar como seria muito mais fácil se nos limitássemos a entregá-lo àqueles homens da posse.
No matter how much we got the first time, they'd figure the return was safe and load it up with money.
Não importa quanto conseguimos à ida, eles vão pensar que é seguro à volta e carregam-no com dinheiro.
And he was bragging about how much he could drink without feeling it.
E ele gabava-se sobre quanto podia beber sem sentir.
Nothing can be known in such a big crowd, may be its fallen somewhere Sir, how much money was there in it?
Uma carteira cheia de dinheiro caiu por aqui.
It was thinking how much time more would aguentaria.
Ele estava pensando quanto tempo mais aguentaria.
Molotov, the Minister of the Foreign affairses, it heard of the occidental diplomats how much they admired heroísmo of the Red Army, but one second front still it was impracticable.
Molotov, o Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, ouviu dos diplomatas ocidentais o quanto admiravam o heroísmo do Exército Vermelho, mas uma segunda frente ainda não era praticável.
that the readjustment to the type of life of them, to the life that I had before leaving, it was virtually impossible, because no matter how much we detestemos to be in a war, the things for which we come back seem banal very.
que a readaptação ao tipo de vida deles, à vida que eu tinha antes de partir, era virtualmente impossível, porque por muito que detestemos estar numa guerra, as coisas para as quais voltamos parecem muito banais.
Obviously sure that this was the place to find it. - How much?
Certamente ela sabia que ali era o local certo para o encontrar.
I realised what a terrific person she was and how much fun it was just knowing her.
Percebi que era uma pessoa fantástica e que era bom conhecê-la.
- How much money did you say it was?
- Quanto disseste que era?
I wonder how much it was.
- Pergunto-me quanto terá sido.
I know it all seems a bit much but how else was I going to meet you, Superman?
Sei que parece uma loucura, mas como te poderia conhecer?
I saw it on TV last week, and I was just saying how much I like Jennifer Jones...'cause she has such pretty teeth.
Vi o filme na TV e comentei que... gostava da Jennifer Jones por causa dos lindos dentes dela.
He'd want me to know up front that it was him : : : And how he was going to kill me and how much it would hurt :
Ele quereria que eu soubesse directamente que era ele e diria como me iria matar e o quanto isso ia doer.
As to how much torque it was designed to take, no one here is sure.
Mas ninguém sabe que força de rotação será precisa.
But.... ( Murdock ) All I asked you was how much further it is.
Só perguntei quanto faltava...
It's funny. Just about 24 hours ago, I was telling the ship's doctor how much I wanted something... not very different from what we have here.
É engraçado... ainda ontem estava a dizer ao médico da minha nave que desejava uma coisa não muito diferente do que temos aqui.
Then, I don't know how much later it was Mischka again.
Depois, não sei quanto tempo depois... foi Mischka outra vez.
How much would it have been if it was cooked?
Quanto é que custava se fosse cozinhado?
I wanted to have it appraised so you ´ d know how much it was worth.
Eu levei-o para avaliar, para que possas saber o quanto ele vale.
I asked how much it was.
Perguntei quanto custava.
Dad, you know how very much I love grandma, and it was a nice idea.
Pai, sabes bem o quanto adoro a avó, e foi uma boa ideia.
I didn't know till two weeks before I came in I was even going to be in the picture, much less play the photojournalist guy in tatters and rags, taking photographs, trying to explain what this was all about and how it's blowing his mind away.
que iria entrar no filme e muito menos que iria interpretar o repórter fotográfico a tentar explicar o que era isto e como isso o estava a fazer passar-se.
There is how much time was killed, when it was found in Plymouth?
Há quanto tempo estava morta, quando foi encontrada em Plymouth?
I was wondering how much longer it would be till I get my X-ray.
Sabe dizer-me quando é que será o meu raio-X?
When will you realize how special it was, how much it all meant?
Quando verás como foi especial? O quanto significou?
I was worried about how much of a possibility it was...
E eu a perguntar-me se era possível...
There is how much time is that the Beauty queen Barnard was it working here?
Há quanto tempo é que a Miss Barnard trabalhava aqui?
It was like no matter how much sense I was making, the dude wouldn't listen.
Por mais sentido que eu fizesse, o tipo não me ouvia.

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