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How was the drive traducir portugués

51 traducción paralela
How was the drive down?
Como foi a viagem até aqui?
- How was the drive?
como correu a viagem?
- How was the drive?
- Como foi a viagem?
So how was the drive?
Como correu a viagem?
- How was the drive?
- Bem.
How was the drive?
- Como é que foi a viagem?
How was the drive?
Como correu a viagem?
Hey guys, how was the drive?
Olá rapazes, como foi a viagem?
- How was the drive, sir?
- Como foi a viagem?
How was the drive?
Como está a "drive"?
Definitely. How was the drive?
- Face a todas estas mudanças, ela deve querer agarrar-se a alguma coisa palpável, por isso...
So, how was the drive?
- Como correu o passeio?
How was the drive?
Como foi a viagem?
How was the drive?
- Como foi a viagem?
How was the drive over, Frank?
Como correu a viagem para cá, Frank?
- Yeah, what -, how was the drive?
Como foi a viagem? Oh, foi boa.
Jed, how was the drive over?
- Jed, que tal a viagem?
- Good. - How was the drive?
A viagem foi difícil?
How was the drive from Istanbul?
Como foi a viagem de Istambul?
Yes. How was the drive?
- Como correu a viagem?
How was the drive in?
Como foi a viajem?
- How was the drive?
Como correu a viagem?
How was the drive from San Diego?
Que tal a viagem desde San Diego?
So how was the drive down?
Foi fácil chegar cá?
- How was the drive?
- Como correu a viagem?
♪ Just walk on in ♪ So, how was the drive up from Austin?
Então, como é que foi vir de carro desde Austin?
If you was reared by the Indians, how could you learn to drive a buggy?
Se foste criado por índios, como podes saber conduzir um carro?
it was your bag, your necklace, your clothes in LupareIIo's house, you know how to drive down the Canneto...
O saco é teu, o colar é teu... Tens roupa em casa do Luparello... Sabes descer de carro pelo leito do rio
The whole drive over here, I was trying to think what - What can we talk about beyond the weather... and how's Ben, and I just went blank. What am I going to say?
Durante toda a viagem para cá pensei no que ia dizer.
I was gonna teach him how to drive it. Teaching him something isn't the only way to get to know him.
Ensinar-lhe algo não é a única maneira de o conhecer.
Well... There was the time he taught me how to drive.
Bom... houve aquela vez em que me ensinou a conduzir.
- Well maybe, Cy, Mr Utter... would want to tell us about a wagon drive he took last night... and who was in concealment at the behest of that whore... used to work for you and how the morning's shit-kicking resulted.
- Cy, talvez o Sr. Utter... queira falar-nos do passeio que deu ontem... e de quem estava escondido a mando daquela puta... que trabalhava para ti e de como a tareia desta manhã resultou disso.
So do you remember when I was teaching you how to drive in the Wagoneer, and you sideswiped that taxi and knocked off his side mirror?
Recordas quando te ensinava a conduzir a Wagoneer, e passaste por aquele taxi e lhe arrancaste o espelho?
I guess I just wanted you to think I was someone special, so... in order to accomplish that, I went out and got a new suit and rented a car that I clearly have no idea how to drive, because from the second I saw you again,
Acho que só queria que pensasses que eu era alguém especial, então... para conseguir fazer isso, fui comprar um novo fato e... aluguei um carro que claramente não faço ideia como conduzir, porque desde o momento que te vi outra vez,
I partly blame myself for even letting her drive because I knew how tired she was, but... she wouldn't be dead if it weren't for the...
Em parte, culpo-me por a deixar guiar, porque sabia quão cansada estava. Mas ela não estaria morta, se não fosse o...
I was a little disappointed at how you were all so willing To take the bus to get to sectionals And make Artie drive by himself with his dad.
Eu fiquei decepcionado por quererem ir de autocarro e fazerem o Artie ir de carro com o pai.
I didn't think I was. But I was driving, and I hit this stoplight and it made me think about when I was learning how to drive and my mom would always warn me about this blind turn on the left side and then I was thinking about my mom and...
Não pensava que vinha, mas estava a conduzir e parei num semáforo, o que me fez pensar que quando estava a tirar a carta a minha mãe estava sempre a avisar-me do ângulo cego que temos à nossa esquerda,
That was the day I taught myself how to drive a stick shift.
Foi no dia em que aprendi a conduzir com mudanças manuais.
When they hauled you off to vamp camp, do you remember how long the drive was?
Quando te levaram para o campo dos vampiros, lembras-te de quão longa foi a viagem?
If someone was to drive into the back of us, how were we going to pay forthe bumper?
Se alguém nos batesse por trás, como pagaríamos o acidente?
Talking of The Stig not getting enough, how, if you're a 17-year-old youth, do you get any... at all from girls if you can't drive them anywhere? Yeah, it was hard.
Falando do Stig não sendo bem sucedido, se fores um rapaz de 17 anos consegues... alguma coisa com as raparigas se não as consegues levar de carro?
I thought that that's what this whole registration drive was about in the first place, is about how to better allocate them.
Pensava que era para isso que o censos servia. Para disponibilizar melhor os recursos.
How long was the drive from New York?
Quanto tempo levaram a vir de Nova Iorque?
How about that- - the hard drive was irrelevant after all.
Então, o disco rígido era na verdade irrelevante.
How was your drive? Did you hit much traffic on the way in?
Apanhou muito trânsito até aqui?
- Hey. - How was the drive?
- Como foi a viagem?
What I don't get is how he was able to start your car and drive off with it in the first place.
Não percebo como ele conseguiu ligar o teu carro e foi embora em primeiro lugar.
Wow, I--I missed that one. Oh, it was about a kid from the inner city who moved to the country to learn how to drive.
É sobre um miúdo citadino que vai para o campo aprender a conduzir.

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