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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ I ] / I'll let you know

I'll let you know traducir portugués

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I'll let toby know you stopped by.
Aviso o Toby que você passou aqui.
I'll let you know when I find other two.
Ligo-vos quando encontrar as outras duas.
Well, I'll let you know what the P.O. says as soon as I hear.
Depois conto-vos o que disse o agente assim que souber.
I'll let my unit know you have an undercover officer.
Vou avisar a minha unidade que há um agente disfarçado.
I'll let you know if we find something.
Aviso se encontrarmos alguma coisa.
You know, the only reason I'll let you get away with that is'cause you outrank me, right?
Sabes que só deixo esta passar porque és meu superior, não é?
You know, you bond with me, we talk about our feelings, then you think I'll just let you screw me, huh?
Aproxima-se de mim, falamos dos nossos sentimentos, e achava que ia deixá-la enganar-me?
And in the meantime, I'll let you know if I hear anything.
E entretanto, se souber de alguma coisa, digo-te.
If I remember anything more about her, I'll let you know.
Se me recordar de algo mais acerca dela, eu aviso-vos.
I will let him know that you'll be right there?
- Eu aviso que já vais.
Then, I'll let you know what I don't find after I don't look into it.
E eu direi o que não encontrei depois de não ter procurado.
Should I call him? - l'll let you know if you need to.
- Se for preciso, depois aviso-te.
I'll let you know.
Eu aviso-te.
I'll let you know when and where.
Dir-lhe-ei quando e onde.
- I'll let you know what I find. - Yeah, but...
- Eu conto-te o que vir.
I'll let them know they forgot you.
Vou dizer que se esqueceram de ti. Espera.
How do I know the difference? I'll let you know.
Espera, como saberei distinguir?
If it's not, I'll let you know.
Se não estiver, eu digo-te.
But I'll let you know if I can get a hold of Calvin.
Mas se conseguir falar com o Calvin, aviso-te.
I'll let you know.
Eu aviso.
I need my back scratched, I'll let you know.
Quando eu precisar de coçar as minhas costas, aviso-te.
I'll let you know where to go.
Eu digo-lhe onde ir.
I'll run cryptography and let you know what I find.
Vou ver a criptografia e aviso-te do que encontrar.
I'll let you know when I'm done processing.
Aviso-te quando acabar a análise.
I'll let you know.
Depois digo-lhe.
I'll let you know what I find.
Depois digo-te o que descobrir.
I'll let you know when he calls back.
Quando ele ligar, eu aviso-a.
I'll let you know when we have the results.
Eu aviso quando tivermos resultados.
You know, let me, let me call corporate, and I'll let you know.
Vou conversar com a sede e já volto a ligar.
Not yet, Mr. Question, but I'll let you know when I do.
Ainda não, Sr. Perguntas, mas aviso-o quando apanhar.
I don't think that's advisable at this time, but I'll let you know.
Não acho que seja conveniente agora, mas eu aviso-os.
Ma'am! But rest assured I'll let you know the minute they dooo!
Mas fique descansada que a vou avisar quando ligarem.
If I hear anything, I'll let you know.
Se souber de alguma coisa, aviso-te.
I'll let you know.
Eu mantenho-te informado.
I'll let you know when it comes through.
Eu aviso-te quando chegar.
I just thought I'd let you know what you'll be missing.
Só pensei que deveria mostrar-te o que estarás a perder.
I'll let you know after tonight.
Depois desta noite digo-te.
I'll let you know when the M.E. has a final.
Aviso quando o legista terminar.
Well, you'll let me know what I can do to help him.
Diz-me o que fazer para ajudar-te.
When we pick him up, I'll let you know, but if he had any part in this murder, I can't give him to you.
Quando o capturarmos aviso-te, mas se participou no assassínio, não posso entregá-lo.
I don't know yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I find out.
Não sei, mas assim que descobrir aviso.
I'll call and let you know for sure.
- Ligo para confirmar.
I'll let you know.
Eu aviso-a.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything, okay?
Aviso-te assim que souber de alguma coisa, está bem?
I'll let you know.
- Eu aviso-te.
I'll let you know when I find it.
Aviso-te quando encontrar.
You let'em know I'll be a couple minutes?
Avisas que vou demorar uns minutos?
Oh, honey, if you get stuck, let me know, and I'll make you sleep out in the yard.
Querida, se tiveres uma branca, diz-me e faço-te dormir no quintal.
I'll stand lookout, let you know when he gets back to the precinct.
Fico a vigiar, e aviso-te quando ele voltar à esquadra.
But I promise, we'll let you know as soon as we can.
Prometo que a avisamos mal seja possível.
I'll let you know when Dr. Robbins is ready for you.
Quando a Dra. Robbins estiver pronta para si, eu chamo-o.

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