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I never asked traducir portugués

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I never asked for your protection.
Nunca pedi para ser protegida.
I never asked. It was too painful.
Eles nunca falaram e eu nunca perguntei.
They never talked. I never asked.
Eles nunca falaram e eu nunca perguntei.
I never asked for the files, because I thought I had them.
Nunca perguntei pelos dossiers porque pensava que os tinha.
I never asked him to kill anybody.
Nunca lhe pedi para matar ninguém.
'From that day, Freak never asked me nothin'about my father. 'And I never asked him nothin about his.
A partir daquele dia, o Freak não fez mais perguntas sobre o meu pai, nem eu sobre o dele,
Нe never mentioned her to me again, and I never asked, at least not for the next twelve crossings.
Ele nunca mais voltou a falar sobre ela, e eu nunca mais perguntei. Pelo menos nas doze travessias seguintes.
I never asked for spells, but do this! You can bring him back.
Eu sei que o podem fazer!
Well, you know, I never asked anyone to build me an aquarium.
Nunca pedi a ninguém para me construir um aquário.
I never asked to be a cellist.
Nunca pedi para tocar.
You've no idea WHY he was so upset? - I never asked him, no.
Não tem ideia por que ele estava tão chateado?
I never asked myself that question.
Nunca fiz essa pergunta a mim mesma...
I never asked anything from you, except Nandini, but she has left.
Nunca te pedí nada, só a Nandini, mas ela se foi.
I never asked to be free.
Nunca pretendi ser livre.
But I never asked her who he was.
Mas eu nunca lhe perguntei quem era.
I never asked you about your family. Are they fine?
Nunca lhe perguntei sobre a sua família, Eles estão bem?
You have a responsibility, young lady as the newly crowned queen, to help me host this event. I never asked for any of this.
Sua responsabilidade, como a nova rainha... é me ajudar a preparar o evento.
I never asked you to fix anything.
Não pedi para consertar nada
I never asked you to run a diagnostic.
Eu nunca lhe pedi para realizar um diagnóstico
- I never asked to be a stinking Roughneck.
- Nunca pedi para ser um maldito Duro.
I never asked for eternity.
Nunca pedi a eternidade.
- I never asked you to quit.
- Nunca pedi que desistisses.
I never asked for help, so...
Nunca pedi a sua ajuda.
I never asked for what happened on the plane.
Eu nunca perguntei para o que aconteceu no avião.
Do you know I've never asked anybody to marry me?
Sabes que nunca pedi ninguém em casamento?
I never would have asked him to.
Eu nunca sequer lhe pediria isso.
I mean, I never get asked out.
É para o bem da festa da Sabrina.
I mean, I never get asked out.
Cantores de Halloween do Outro Reino. Prometeram ficar calados se lhes desse candy corn.
I mean, I never get asked out.
Nunca me convidam para sair.
VALERIE : I mean, I never get asked out.
Digo, nunca me convidam para sair.
I've never asked myself that question.
Nunca me perguntei isso.
I mean, he knows we never handed off his briefoase, but he never asked for it back.
Sabe que não chegámos a entregar a mala, mas não a pediu de volta.
I had never asked for anything.
E porque não? Nunca pedi nada antes.
Never once have I asked anything for myself.
Nunca vos pedi nada.
I've never asked anybody to live with me.
Nunca pedi a ninguém pra morar comigo.
Bring him back! I've never asked you for anything!
Nunca lhes pedi feitiços, mas peço-lhes este!
- I've never asked a guy out before. - You've never asked a guy out?
- Nunca convidei um tipo para sair.
You know, you've never asked me for what I wanted, what I need to help you.
Sabe, nuna me perguntou o que eu queria, o que preciso para o ajudar.
I should never have asked you to dry my ears.
Tu reformula-as e deixa-as secar no plano.
You never asked. I assumed your name was Quizmaster and the fact that it was also your job just was a happy accident. That's not fair.
Nunca perguntaste.
- I never really asked.
- Nunca perguntei. Porquê?
He asked me something about that, but I never knew.
Perguntou-me coisas do género, mas eu nunca soube...
I've never asked you any other time, okay?
Nunca te pedi nada, está bem?
I've never been asked that before.
Nunca me perguntaram isso.
The cutest guy asked me to the senior prom, but it turned out he invited me as a cruel joke, and I have never fully recovered.
O rapaz mais giro convidou-me para o baile de finalistas mas acontece que ele convidou-me como uma piada cruel e nunca recuperei por completo.
So you never asked me if I did it.
Não me perguntaste se eu o fiz.
I've never asked the church for anything, but I don't know where else to turn.
Nunca pedi nada à Igreja, mas já não tenho para onde me virar.
No, I didn't, but then again, I've never asked her to sing for me.
Não, eu não sabia, mas, eu nunca lhe pedi que cantasse para mim.
When I asked her... why she had done such a thing to herself, she said it was the one part of her... that would never age.
Quando lhe perguntei porque tinha feito aquilo, ela disse que era a única parte dela que nunca iria envelhecer.
Christa asked me to change, but I never moved.
Christa me pediu que mudasse, mas eu nunca movi.
I've never been asked to do anything like this before and I'm not sure I'd know where to start.
Não saberia por onde começar.

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