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I never asked you traducir portugués

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I never asked you for any money
- Não é verdade! Nunca te pedi dinheiro para isso!
I never asked you for this trash!
Nunca lhe pedi esse lixo!
I never asked you much, but I'm sure to ask you now...
Eu nunca te pedi muito, mas tenho certeza de perguntar agora...
Jake. I never asked you anything about your past life because I didn't care about anything that happened before we met each other. But what you're asking me to accept on faith now concerns cur future.
Jake, nunca perguntei nada do seu passado... porque não me importo com o que aconteceu antes de nos conhecermos... mas o que me está pedindo agora diz respeito ao nosso futuro.
OK, don't ever say I never asked you.
Logo não diga que não lhe pedi isso.
I never asked you to come!
Não te pedi para estares aqui.
You know, I never asked you to stop bein'a woman, you know?
Sabes, nunca te pedi que deixasses de ser mulher, pois não?
You know... I never asked you what you do.
Sabes, nunca te perguntei o que é que fazes.
I never asked you for your help, sir.
Nunca pedi a sua ajuda, senhor.
I never asked you for nothing!
Nunca te pedi nada!
Bob, I never asked you for a fucking thing.
Bob, nunca lhe pedi nada.
Now you know why I never asked you to take a shower with me.
Agora já sabes porque nunca te pedi para tomares duche comigo.
I never asked you to choose me.
Nunca te pedi para me escolheres.
- I never asked you for anything.
- Nunca te pedi nada.
What I mean, sir, is that the burglar had never harmed anybody before, yet from your bedroom window when you called in, you asked for me.
- Mas, Sr. Comissário... O ladrão até então nunca tinha feito mal a ninguém, e quando o viu da janela e me mandou chamar...
Now that you've asked for help, I'll never leave you alone.
Nunca a deixarei sozinha.
Do you know I've never asked anybody to marry me?
Sabes que nunca pedi ninguém em casamento?
I thought I asked you never to mention Jesse's name again.
Acho que te tinha pedido para não voltares a falar no Jesse.
- Look. I've never asked you this before.
Nunca te perguntei isto.
You asked me why I never married.
Perguntou-me por que nunca me casei.
I have never told you, because I was ashamed but many years ago, when I Lived in Samaria I asked the disciple Peter to teach me the power that he had received from Jesus.
Nunca te disse, por vergonha mas há muitos anos atrás, quando vivi na Samária pedi a Pedro para me transmitir o dom que recebera de Jesus.
I never asked how you got your kicks before you met me.
Nunca te perguntei como é te divertias antes de me conheceres.
I have asked you never, never to speak about Bridget like that to me.
Pedi-te que nunca, nunca mais falasses assim da Bridget comigo.
I've never asked you this but I'm asking you now, simply, purely, hold it! Now I'm asking you to hold it.
Agora, peço-lhes calma.
You never asked me what I wanted to do.
Nunca me perguntou o que eu queria ser.
- I asked you never to come here again.
- Pedi-te que nunca mais voltasses.
I never asked nothin'from nobody, but I'm askin'you... come to the dance tonight.
Nunca pedi nada a ninguém. Mas estou a pedir-te que venhas esta noite ao baile.
If I'd known, I'd never have asked you to come here.
Se eu soubesse, não a teria chamado para cá.
Well, you never even asked me why I was going.
Nem me perguntaste por que ia.
How come you never asked me why I wanted to learn how to shoot? Because I knew it.
Porque acha que eu quis aprender a atirar?
You know, you never asked me why I got married after we called it off.
Sabes, nunca me perguntaste porque é que me casei depois de termos acabado.
I've never asked you.
Eu nunca te pedi para vires.
- I never asked you to.
Vá dormir.
I should never have asked you up here.
Nunca devia tê-Io chamado aqui.
You know, I've asked you a dozen times to marry me, and you've never answered.
Já lhe pedi uma dúzia de vezes pra casar comigo e você não responde.
I've never asked you to do anything in my whole life.
Nunca te pedi para fazeres alguma coisa por mim.
I have asked you never to speak of my brother.
Já te pedi para nunca falares do meu irmão!
No, I guess I was just wondering... if you had a file here on Nora Chandler and, of course, I never asked to see it.
Não. Só me perguntava se teria um arquivo sobre Nora Chandler. Claro que não pedi para o ver.
You never asked why I brought you along.
Nunca perguntas por que te trouxe nesta viagem.
I asked, but you never heard nothing!
Eu pedi, mas tu nunca ouvias nada!
I never asked you to
Nunca lhe pedi nada.
I asked you never to speak to me again.
Pedi-te para não voltares a falar comigo.
Well, you know, if, uh... you were walking down the street and somebody pointed you out... and asked me what I thought you did, and I didn't know you... I would never in a million years guess art collector.
Se você estivesse andando na rua e me perguntassem... o que eu achava que você era, e eu não te conhecesse... eu nunca ia dizer colecionador de arte.
But you never asked tonight. Perhaps I don't like you.
Várias vezes, minha querida, mas esta noite não me convidou.
You know, you never asked me how I got this tequila.
Sabes, nunca me perguntaste como arranjei esta tequilha.
I never should've asked you for your help.
Nunca devia ter pedido a vossa ajuda.
I want to ask you something that I have never asked before.
Quero pedir-lhe algo que nunca pedi antes.
Gordon, what I want, and I've never asked you for anything,..... is to be your copilot on this one.
Gordon, o que eu quero, e nunca lhe pedi nada, é ser co-piloto neste negócio.
You've never asked if I slept with anyone while we were separated.
Nunca perguntaste se dormi com alguém quando estavamos separados.
I've never asked you this before, but did you kill your baby?
Nunca lhe perguntei, mas matou o seu bebé?
I never asked you to.
Não te pedi para fazeres isso!

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