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I never did anything traducir portugués

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I never did anything. I didn't even know her.
Nunca fiz tal coisa, nem...
I never did anything to make my mother proud.
Nunca fiz nada que orgulhasse minha mãe.
You know I never did anything unless I did it perfectly.
Sabes que só faço uma coisa se for para ser perfeita.
I never did anything to you.
Nunca lhe fiz nada.
I was never on your ranch. I never did anything to you.
Nunca estive no teu rancho e nunca te fiz nada.
I never did anything without your advice.
Nunca fiz nada sem seus conselhos.
I never did anything wrong.
Nunca cometi nenhum crime na vida.
You know, I never did anything in my whole life... that was anything except I made you guys.
Sabem, nunca fiz nada em toda a minha vida, a não ser ter-vos.
I never did anything wrong.
Nunca fiz nada de mal.
- Right. - Don't say I never did anything...
Não digas que eu nunca fiz nada...
I never did anything to hurt anybody.
Nunca fiz nada para magoar ninguém. Não importa.
Hey... I never did anything like this before.
Nunca fiz nada assim.
I've always been crazy about her and I never did anything about it.
Sempre fui louco por ela e nunca fiz nada.
Do it again. I never did anything.
- Não estou a fazer nada!
I plead not guilty. I never did anything in my life to deserve any trouble.
Nunca na minha vida fiz algo para merecer algum problema.
I never did anything important- - just the Declaration of Independence... the Louisiana Purchase, the dumbwaiter- -
Só a Declaração da Independência, a Compra da Louisiana, o criado-mudo...
I never did anything about it.
Nunca fiz nada a esse respeito.
Guys, come on, I never did anything to you!
Anda lá! Nunca te fiz nada.
Every so often I'd get the urge to send it back to him, but I never did anything about it.
De vez em quando, pensava em devolver-lhe mas fui adiando, adiando e nunca o fiz.
I never did anything but exercise for 20 years. I flew halfway around the world....
Passei 20 anos a treinar, percorri o mundo inteiro, estava lá quase e...
I never did anything to you.
Nunca te fiz nada.
I never did anything like that for Jean-Luc, but I feel very close to you.
Nunca fiz nada como isso pelo Jean-Luc, mas eu me sinto muito próximo de você.
I never did anything like that before.
Nunca tinha feito nada do género.
So don't say I never did anything for you because they're waiting for you right now.
Não digam que nunca fiz nada por vocês, elas estão à vossa espera.
I never did anything to art.
Nunca fiz mal à arte.
I never did anything, I swear.
Não fiz nada. Juro, não fui eu.
I never did anything. He did.
Mas eu nunca fiz nada, ele é que fazia.
I never did anything to Beecher's kid.
Nunca lhe fiz nada ao filho do Beecher.
I know people that never did anything till they met Walter Burns.
Mas eu não jogo. Conheci muitas pessoas que não jogavam até que encontraram o Walter.
I never said anything about Vichy, did I?
Não disse nada sobre Vichy, pois não?
You were so nice and proper, I never thought anything we did together would be wrong or make us unhappy.
Eras tão cavalheiro que nunca pensei que fizéssemos algo errado ou desastroso.
But I've never seen anything as terrible as what they did to that poor man.
Mas nunca vi nada tão terrível como o que fizeram a esse pobre homem.
All I did was wire your friends, the Parnells, to get us hotel rooms. I never figured on anything like this.
Só mandei um telegrama aos teus amigos Farnell para marcarem quarto no hotel.
Hope you never have to go through anything like I did.
Espero que nunca tenhas de passar por nada assim.
I never said anything... but you did wrong...
Eu nunca abri a boca, mas sempre achei que fizeste mal.
Tell me, my... precious viper... how did you know that he was coming here... since, as you pointed out so petulantly... I never tell you anything?
Diz-me, minha... preciosa víbora... como soubeste que ele vinha cá... visto que, como me fizeste notar tão petulantemente, eu nunca te conto nada?
Not just pictures of the garden or the gifts, but who did what to whom and how it felt. My memory stretches that far back, but never once can I remember... anything from you or father warmer than indifference.
Não só dos jardins e dos presentes, mas de quem fez o quê a quem e de qual foi a sensação, mas nunca recordo nada de ti que não seja indiferença.
There are no strings, but I never said anything about not coming back for seconds, did I?
Não há compromissos, mas nunca disse nada... acerca de repetições, pois não?
I have never seen anything like what you did to that man.
Eu nunca vi nada como o que você fez àquele homem.
If I ever did luck up and get a tree There was never anything under it for me
Se eu tivesse a sorte de ter alguma Nunca haveria nada para mim
If I did, I never would have done anything like that.
Se soubesse, nunca teria feito esta brincadeira.
I mean, if there was a god, How could he take my dad, Who never did anything wrong in his whole life?
Se DEUS existe, como permitiu que o matassem... que nunca fez nada de mal nesta vida.
- He hurt you like this? - I told you, we never did anything.
Disse-te que nunca fizemos nada.
Did you ever see anything like that before? - Hell, I ain't never even heard of anything like that.
Já tinhas visto uma coisa assim?
I never said anything, but I did want to make sure if you or your sister found out, you'd be proud of how I handled it.
Nunca disse nada, mas queria ter a certeza que se tu e a tua irmã descobrissem, teriam orgulho na minha atitude.
I never in all his life, did anything like that to him before.
Nunca na vida dele lhe fiz uma coisa assim.
I never did quite believe that there was anything wrong with my lungs, but the seclusion and quiet of Karlsbad were all helpful to me.
Nunca acreditei que tivesse algum problema nos pulmões, mas o isolamento e a calma de Karlsbad, ajudaram-me muito.
This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back.
Foi assim. Nunca guardei reservas para voltar à costa.
- I never did anything to him.
Nunca lhe fiz nada!
I never did it with anything requiring batteries.
Nunca o fiz com nada que precise de pilhas.
I told you a dozen times about that filling and you never did anything.
Eu disse-te uma dúzia de vezes sobre este enchimento e tu nunca fizeste nada.

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