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If it was me traducir portugués

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Like, if it was me, I'd be having dinner at Roberto's.
Se fosse comigo, estaria... a jantar no Roberto's.
Hey, if it was me, I wouldn't be here.
Se fosse eu, não estaria aqui.
Only if it was me.
Se eu fosse você.
I don't know, if it was me, the guy who sent my dad to prison for life - he'd be right at the top of my list.
Eu não sei. Se fosse comigo, o tipo que mandou o meu pai para a prisão perpétua... Estaria no topo da minha lista.
If it was me, I would sign.
No seu lugar, eu assinava.
I mean, if it was me, I wouldn't wait for rehousing.
Se fosse comigo, não ia esperar o realojamento.
It doesn't make a difference if it was me.
Não faz diferença nenhuma se é comigo.
Look, Colonel, hell, if it was up to me, I'd drop a bunch of bombs to break up the ice.
Olhe, coronel, se fosse por mim, jogaria umas bombas para quebrar o gelo.
Now if that was true. You need to go ahead, and talk to me about it now.
Se isso for verdade, precisa de me explicar isso.
Like it was this one time she gave me $ 20 if I hit on that crazy Alex chick.
Uma vez, deu-me 20 dólares para me atirar à Alex.
Ass so big, I could hide underneath it if it was raining.
Um rabo tão grande que podia pôr-me debaixo dele se chovesse.
I know it was a bad idea to take Ed's truck, but mine was in the shop... and, well, just... He's gonna kill me if he finds me this time.
Ele vai matar-me se me encontrar desta vez.
It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was?
Achas que o Edward me deixaria viver, se assim fosse?
If it's any consolation, his dick was so big it hurt my back.
Se te serve de consolação, o coiso dele era tão grande que me fez doer as costas!
- Remember when you asked me if it was a good idea...
Lembras-te quando me perguntaste se era boa ideia... - És um amigo...
If he thought it was me who did it, he might.
Se pensar que fui eu, é capaz.
I don't know if what happened to me was real or if it was just a dream.
Não sei se o que me aconteceu foi real ou se foi apenas um sonho.
And if you think it was weird when I was your boss, just wait until you see me as a starving model in 4-inch heels!
E se achas que foi estranho quando fui o teu chefe, espera até me veres como uma modelo esfomeada de saltos altos!
Molly called me, saying that it was too expensive for her to live alone and asked if she could live in my house.
A Molly ligou-me a dizer que ficava muito caro viver sozinha e perguntou se podia viver na minha casa.
If it was enough for Felix... Is enough for me.
Se foi o suficiente para o Felix é suficiente para mim.
If I was to tell you the story and you wrote it... well, then, maybe... you could give me a little credit?
Se eu lhe contar a história e você a escrever... se calhar, bem... podia dar-me algum crédito?
And I knew what it was, but I figured if I asked you enough questions, you'd have to talk to me at some point, because... please, please let me go... because I thought you were so beautiful.
E eu sabia o que era, mas fazendo-te perguntas, tu terias que me responder. Porque, por favor, deixe-me. Porque eu achei-te tão linda.
Now, if I was Old Ben, I woulda cut my daddy's goddamn throat and it wouldn't have taken me no 50 years to do it, neither.
Se eu fosse o velho Ben, tinha cortado o raio da garganta ao meu pai e também não teria levado 50 anos a fazê-lo.
My father was not around to guide me, Mr. Taylor... but maybe things had been different if he were... but I have to live with it.
Meu pai não esteve por perto para me guiar, Sr. Taylor... mas talvez as coisas tivessem sido diferentes se ele estivesse... mas tenho que viver com isso.
If I told you it was for your own protection, you would just tell me you could protect yourself.
Se te disser que é para tua protecção, dirás que sabes proteger-te. - E sei.
If I was to change one of these stills, I'd have to make sure every single dent, every nook and cranny was the exact same, otherwise it could alter the flavour of the whisky.
Se eu tivesse que mudar um desses alambiques, teria que certificar-me que cada um dos encaixes, todos os cantos e fendas fossem exatamente iguais, caso contrário, isso poderia alterar o sabor do uísque.
If it was up to me, I'd lay the whole family down, same as the other.
Se fosse eu, tombava toda a família, o mesmo que o outro.
I have actually always wondered if it was possible to dry yourself with a sock.
sempre me perguntei se era possível secares-te a ti próprio com uma meia.
Mr Holmes if it was the end of the world, if this was the very last night would you have dinner with me?
Holmes, se fosse o fim do mundo, se esta fosse a última noite... jantarias comigo?
Well, if there is a problem, I was hoping you could tell me about it.
Se há um problema, espero que possam falar-me dele.
So I was hoping that Martin would admit it if I met with him privately.
Quando me reuni convosco, vocês negaram tudo. Esperava que o Martin admitisse isso em privado.
You know, if it was an easy case, debs wouldn't have hired me, he would have hired Mitch.
Se este caso fosse fácil, o Debbs não me teria contratado, teria contratado o Mitch.
If he remembers me at all, it's as something that was broken - and then put back together
Se ele se lembra de mim, foi algo que se partiu e depois foi reparado.
Uh, it's about the fact that my better half would cut off my dick if she knew what was going on.
É só que o minha cara-metade cortava-me a piça se soubesse o que se estava a passar.
Well, I'm confused, because this whole column was your idea, so if you're rethinking it now, you need to let me know.
Bem, estou confusa. Porque isto foi tudo ideia tua, se estás com dúvidas, precisas de me contar.
Look, all I've ever tried to do was be your friend, but friends don't treat each other the way you treat me, so if you really think you're better off without me, then why don't you try it out?
Olha, tudo o que sempre tentei foi ser teu amigo, mas os amigos não se tratam como tu me tratas, por isso, se achas mesmo que estás melhor sem mim, então porque não experimentas?
He said it was wooden buckshot. Told me if anyone got in our way, I'm supposed to shoot'em.
Disse que tinha munições de madeira, e disse-me que disparasse contra quem se atravessasse à nossa frente.
I wonder if it was Stefan.
Pergunto-me se terá sido o Stefan.
If that tree was milled by our yard, the ledgers will say where it was shipped.
Essa árvore estava nas nossas terras e foi cortada no nosso estaleiro. As cartas vão dizer-me para onde foi expedida.
If it was just down to him and me, and you had to make a choice who got the good-bye...
Se a coisa se resumisse a mim e ele, e tivesses de escolher de qual dos dois te despedirias,
I was alone, and it was awful, but if I had had someone, someone who knew what I should say and what I should do,
Eu estava sozinha, e foi horrível. Mas se tivesse tido alguém para me ajudar, fazia qualquer coisa para ter uma pessoa assim ao meu lado.
So if I was really good at it, would there still be a way for you to bust me?
Se mentisse muito bem, ainda havia maneira de me apanhar?
They'd get me drunk and tell me it was what my father wanted and if I loved him, I would do it.
Eles embebedavam-me e diziam-me que era o que o meu pai queria e que se eu gostasse dele, fá-lo-ia.
When I was in the bathroom wondering if I could do it, he came to look for me.
Quando estava nos lavabos a planear a fuga, ele veio procurar-me.
I'd live here if I thought it was more than a pipe dream.
Até me mudava para cá se isso não fosse apenas um sonho.
You should have told me if it was so important to you.
Se era tão importante, devias ter dito.
I don't know if it was because I was dehydrated from the hike or if I just wanted to impress Genevieve because I thought she'd fuck me. I thought it was a good idea to dive off this waterfall- -
Eu não sei se foi por estar desidratado da caminhada ou se queria apenas impressionar a Genevieve por pensar que ela dormira comigo, mas pensei ser uma boa ideia mergulhar na cascata.
And it was as if you were saying to me " Mum, you know best.
Como se me estivesses a dizer : " Mãe, tu é que sabes.
Wesley told me that if he was murdered, it would convince this Pierce guy that there really was some big conspiracy.
O Wesley disse-me que se fosse assassinado, ia convencer esse homem, Pierce, que existe uma conspiração.
That if anyone were to help me blow the lid off this thing, it would be you, but I guess I was wrong.
Que se tivesse alguém para me ajudar nisto, era você. Mas enganei-me.
How would it be if I was sorry?
Como posso arrepender-me?

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