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It wouldn't have mattered traducir portugués

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If we'd been engaged, it wouldn't have mattered because the war came.
Se tivéssemos estado noivos, não teria feito diferença, porque veio a guerra.
It wouldn't have mattered, if I'd had to wait little.
Embora tenha esperado um pouco, não tinha me importado.
If Tsuge hadn't been married, it wouldn't have mattered.
Se o Tsuge não tivesse sido casado, não teria importado.
It wouldn't have mattered if you had.
Não teria importância se tivesses contado.
Yes, but it wouldn't have mattered if I was there on behalf of the Prophets, themselves.
Sim, mas teria sido igual se tivesse ido em nome dos Profetas.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Não faria diferença.
In the Empire, on Earth - it wouldn't have mattered but the sons of Mogh should have never been separated.
No Império ou na Terra, não importa onde, os filhos de Mogh nunca deviam ter sido separados.
If it really mattered you wouldn't have waited for Dukat to hand it to you.
Se fosse importante, não teria esperado que o Dukat lha entregasse.
It wouldn't have mattered, anyway.
Não teria feito diferença.
Look... in retrospect, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd taken the shot.
Não valia a pena teres aproveitado a oportunidade.
But it wouldn't have mattered.
Mas não faria diferenca.
I'm proud of both of you, and, listen, Geoffrey, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd missed those shots, but you didn't!
Estou orgulhoso de ambos. Não teria feito mal se tivesses falhado os cestos, mas não falhaste.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Não teria feito diferença.
Never give her the opportunity to give you a thirty-minute lecture on how, if you'd brought the second bathing suit like she told you to, it wouldn't have mattered that the first one's strap broke in a freak poolslide incident
Nunca lhe dês uma oportunidade de ela te dizer, que se tivesses trazido o segundo fato de banho, tal como ela disse, não teria tido importância, o facto do outro se ter estragado junto da piscina, facto que ninguém,
It wouldn't have mattered if the second victim had backed up on his story.
Não teria feito diferença, se a segunda vítima tivesse alterado a sua versão.
Rose, it wouldn't have mattered. I know.
Rose, não teria importado.
It wouldn't have mattered with most.
Para a maioria não importaria.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Não ia importar. Sabes porquê?
She could have been hittin'people. It wouldn't have mattered.
Podia ter esmagado alguém que ninguém ligava.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Não adiantaria.
You know, as much as I love going head-to-head with you, Jess, it wouldn't have mattered this time.
Por mais que adore um frente-a-frente entre nós, ia dar ao mesmo.
You know, as much as I love going head-to-head with you, Jess, it wouldn't have mattered this time.
Pronto, a Julie tem um poster dele no quarto dela. O primeiro álbum dele foi formidável.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Não valeria de nada.
You could've washed them in chlorine and it still wouldn't have mattered.
Podia ter lavá-las com cloro, que mesmo assim não faria diferença.
Now, if Mr. Clinton handed me that marijuana cigarette when he was standing in a circle with us, it wouldn't have mattered whether he had inhaled or not, he would have become a dope dealer, wouldn't he? Just like all those other people that went to jail, never to be an attorney, much less the president of the United States.
Se o Sr. Clinton tivesse me passado um baseado quando estávamos numa roda, não importaria se o tragasse ou não, ele teria se convertido num traficante como todos os outros que foram presos e nunca teria sido um advogado, muito menos presidente dos EUA.
But the last time I was saying that it wouldn't have mattered if my father had seen the other people on board that flight.
Mas, da última vez, eu dizia... que não faria diferença se o meu pai conhecesse as outras pessoas.
Ele não quer que a Sugar saia, o Ace não quer.
And if it had been, it wouldn't have mattered.
Se tivesse sido, não faria diferença.
You know, high school, college, it wouldn't have mattered to me.
Liceu ou universidade, para mim seria igual.
If you'd been there or not it wouldn't have mattered one bit.
Não teria interessado nada, se lá estivesse ou não.
- Não serviria de nada.
Look, it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Também não ia importar.
Yeah, well, it wouldn't have mattered if you did.
Não ia fazer diferença nenhuma.
And it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
E de qualquer forma não importava.
It, it wouldn't have mattered.
Não teria feito diferença.
It wouldn't have mattered, right?
Não teria feito diferença, certo?
It wouldn't have mattered who he was moving in with, would it?
Não teria importado com quem ele fosse viver, pois não?
You know, if I'd died a year ago, it wouldn't have mattered so much in the big scheme of things.
Se morresse há um ano, não fazia tanta diferença no grande esquema das coisas.
Further, had I been queer, it wouldn't have mattered because I never cared who put what into whom.
Mais, eu tinha sido esquisito? Não importava, porque nunca liguei a quem punha o quê aonde.
It wouldn't have mattered anyway.
De qualquer maneira, não teria feito diferença.
It wouldn't have mattered anyway.
De qualquer maneira não iria fazer diferença.
I guess it wouldn't have mattered.
Não teria valido a pena.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Isso não ia resolver.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Não teria importado.
It wouldn't have mattered, no matter what.
Não tem importância, não interessa.
It wouldn't have mattered.
- Não teria importância.
It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Not unless we had a mountain of it.
Mas não teria feito diferença, a não ser que tivéssemos uma montanha dele.
If Peter saw her like that, it wouldn't have mattered if it was an accident or not.
Se o Peter a visse assim, não importava que tivesse sido um acidente.
If you and your man had something real, it wouldn't have mattered how bad the Instagram ho was.
E se o vosso negócio era sério, não importaria quão bonita era a cabra do Instagram.
Well, it was a landslide. Your vote wouldn't have mattered.
Não faria diferença.
It wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House.
O presidente era irrelevante.

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