Might as well traducir portugués
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My mum did her best at home. But I might as well have been speaking Japanese when I talked electronics.
A minha mãe esforçava-se em casa, mas era como se fosse japonês quando falava de eletrónica.
I'd turn the lights on, but when you're paying for the room with the best view, you might as well make the most of it.
Eu acenderia as luzes, mas quando se paga pelo quarto com a melhor vista, é melhor aproveitar.
- Not with that phone. You might as well say it into your wallet.
Mais valia falar para a carteira.
You can't change your DNA any more than I can. So, you might as well embrace it.
Não podes mudar o teu DNA, como eu também não posso, então, será melhor que o aceites.
Might as well be $ 6 million.
Ate podia ser 6 milhoes.
You insult my wife again, you might as well keep it for what I'm gonna do to you.
Se insultar a minha esposa outra vez, pode ficar com ele, pelo que eu lhe vou fazer.
So you might as well get what you can, while you can.
Por isso é melhor viveres enquanto podes.
Might as well act like it.
Poderia muito bem agir como tal.
Might as well use them to get what we want.
Podemos usá-los para conseguir aquilo que queremos.
If we don't hit pay dirt at Gitmo, we might as well break out the oars.
Se não tivermos sucesso em Gitmo, vamos ter que remar.
It might as well be Colima.
Podia muito bem ser Colima.
Might as well eat.
Podes comer também.
So, you might as well have yourself a couple of drinks.
Então, beba alguma coisa.
We might as well have interns, we hire illegal aliens.
Podemos ter, nós contratamos aliens ilegalmente.
Well, I'm gonna keep trying, kiddo. So might as well get used to it.
Vou continuar a tentar, é melhor acostumares-te.
It might as well be the Middle Ages, except for the convenience of hitching a ride on a metal tube flying from meal to meal to meal.
Podia muito bem ser a Idade Média, excepto pela vantagem de apanhar uma boleia num tubo de metal a voar de refeição em refeição em refeição.
Might as well be playing a four-year-old Romanian orphan.
Jogar contra ti ou contra um órfão romeno de 4 anos é igual.
Well, I'm already here, so I might as well help out. I don't need another forensic anthropologist.
Não preciso de outro antropólogo forense.
I know. I figured, well, if I'm gonna be broke, I might as well be doing what I love.
É verdade, começei a pensar, já que vou ficar falida, pelo menos vou fazer aquilo que eu amo.
- No, it isn't! We might as well slather ourselves with whatever it is - crocodiles eat, and swim down!
Mais vale barrarmo-nos com o que seja que os crocodilos comem, e nadarmos!
There's a very simple solution here. We might as well just face it.
Há uma solução simples para isto.
Yeah, I figured, people are thinkin'it. Might as well steer into the skid, right?
Sim, pensei : "É o que as pessoas pensam, mais vale aproveitar, certo?"
Might as well be washing dishes in the toilet.
Seria como lavar a loiça na sanita.
Well, I might as well.
Eu poderia.
She might as well be wearing a black cloak and carrying a scythe.
Ela podia usar uma capa preta com uma foice!
There's a whole rainbow of kinds. Might as well come in a variety pack.
Tens todo um arco-íris, por isso vêm em sortidos.
Might as well be.
Não faz diferença.
Ahh, might as well level up my tank and do a little farming.
Mais vale subir o meu tanque de nível e farmar um bocado.
Whew. Well, since I'm here, I might as well get some roast pig.
Bem, desde que estou aqui, mais vale ir buscar porco estufado.
You might as well flirt with a mountain range.
Terias mais sorte a namoriscar com uma montanha.
Then you might as well kill me, because I'm not talking again till you do.
Então matem-me. Não falo mais enquanto não responderem.
Look, I never cheated on you, but I might as well have.
Ouve, nunca te traí, mas mais valia tê-lo feito.
Might as well just leave their wallets at the door because when the sun comes up on Fangtasia there won't be anything left in them anyhow.
Coitados. Mais valia deixarem as carteiras à porta, porque quando o sol nascer no Fangtasia, não restará nada nelas.
But we're excelsior now - - might as well look it.
Sei que pode parecer extravagante, mas somos clientes Excelsior. Podemos ver à vontade.
I'm telling you, we might as well Be sleeping in the basement.
Digo-te, mais valia termos ficado instalados na cave.
You might as well come out.
Você pode sair a bem.
And if someone's gonna control it, it might as well be you?
Se alguém for controlar, que seja você?
- Eh-eh-eh, I know what you're thinking, and you might as well forget it.
Sei o que estás a pensar e podes esquecer.
You're going to prison, you might as well get used to it.
Vais para a prisão, vai-te habituando a isso.
So I figure I'm there, I might as well check it out, so I walk in.
Então, acho que, já que estou lá, mais vale ver e, por isso, entro.
Yeah, well, Rosalee and I thought we'd, you know, check it out for ourselves, and I think we might have gotten in a little over our heads here.
A Rosalee e eu pensámos em vir verificá-lo, e acho que as coisas não correram tão bem.
Well, he's on his way here right now with what he thinks he might give you an idea as to where Dimitrov would hold high-value hostages.
Está a caminho daqui. Ele pode dar-vos uma ideia de onde Dimitrov mantém reféns valiosos.
Yeah, well, might as well use it for something.
And if we get one and two right, well, we just might change the way people work, the way people live, and how they interact with each other.
E se fizermos isso correctamente, podemos mudar o modo como as pessoas trabalham, como vivem, e como interagem entre si.
Might as well be green and half-deaf.
Faz lembrar o Hulk.
Well, I'd love nothing better than to see these men tried and hanged as a warning to others who might consider turning traitor, but the army has more pressing concerns.
Bem, não gostava mais do que ver estes homens julgados e enforcados, como um aviso para outros que possam pensar tornar-se traidores, mas o exército tem assuntos mais importantes.
Might as well steer into the skid, right?
Por isso, mais vale ir com as ondas.
Well, if you line up the sentences back to back, you might be right.
Se juntarmos todas as sentenças, podes ter razão.
It might not be all that safe for the Oni there as well.
Lá poderá não ser seguro também para os Oni.
Our ramming a submerged hull might use up air as well.
Se batermos num navio afundado, também vamos precisar de ar.
And, if so, might humans one day be able to access these stargates as well?
E, se assim for, poderão os humanos algum dia ser capazes de usar esses portais?
might as well be 17
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well no 77
well spoken 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well uh 21
well actually 36
well that's good 18
well no 77
well spoken 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well uh 21
well actually 36