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Perhaps more traducir portugués

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Perhaps more.
Talvêz mais.
Perhaps more so.
Talvez mais cedo ainda.
Or perhaps more precisely, they're a different species from men with different wills and different purposes on Earth.
Mais precisamente, são de uma espécie diferente da dos homens, com vontades diferentes e objectivos diferentes no mundo.
Perhaps more harm than anywhere else.
Talvez mais mal do que em qualquer outro lugar.
could you perhaps be a little more specific?
Pode ser mais específico?
- In this universe, Hitler could've won the war, or even more incredible, perhaps Ringo was a really good drummer,
- Neste universo, Hitler pode ter ganho a guerra, ou algo ainda mais incrivel, talvez Ringo tenha sido um excelente baterista,
Perhaps a change of environment... will help you to think more clearly!
Talvez uma troca de ambiente... O ajude a pensar mais claramente.
Well, perhaps i'm more Introspective than you.
Talvez eu seja mais introspectivo do que tu.
I'd just suggest a bit more practice and perhaps a little sparkly costume for the slug.
Eu só sugiro um pouco mais de pratica e talvez um fato um pouco mais brilhante para a lesma.
Perhaps, sam represents someone else, someone you fear craving even more.
Talvez o Sam represente outra pessoa, alguém que o teu medo deseja ainda mais.
Perhaps because I've had the opportunity to spend more time with her and get to know her better.
Talvez por ter tido a oportunidade de passar mais tempo com ela e de passar a conhecê-la.
But if you were more forceful and less sympathetic to freeloaders perhaps he'd get the hint.
Ele tem razão. A Kate já tinha passado à história há muito tempo.
You can see some very small fragments of bone, and perhaps after a year we'll be able to reveal something rather more exciting.
Pode ver alguns fragmentos muito pequenos de osso, e talvez ao fim de um ano possamos revelar algo bastante mais excitante.
Such revelations are, perhaps, even more astonishing than the myths people invented to explain the strange shapes they found in rocks.
Tais revelações são, talvez, ainda mais espantosas do que os mitos que as pessoas inventaram para explicar as estranhas formas que encontravam nas rochas.
I could sell more, I don't know... perhaps the whole of it
Eu podia vender mais.
I'd like to tell you one more thing, but perhaps the recording will soon end
Gostaria de te dizer mais uma coisa, mas a gravação deve estar acabando.
Perhaps we should use more direct methods.
Talvez tenhamos de utilizar métodos mais directos.
You're as brilliant as he was, perhaps even more so.
És tão brilhante como ele, ou talvez mais até.
Actually, I've read the article, but could you perhaps give me more details?
Na verdade, já li o artigo, mas talvez pudesse dar-me mais pormenores
In addition to perhaps putting voguing in vogue, this love ball sponsored by the design industries foundation for aids raised more than $ 350,000 for research and housing for the homeless who have aids.
Uma maravilha. Para além de porem o voguing em voga, o baile, patrocinado pela DIFA, angariou mais de 350 000 dólares para investigação e habitação para sem-abrigos com SIDA.
More morose than mad perhaps.
- Mais sombrio do que louco.
Perhaps four or five times more.
" Talvez mais umas quatro ou cinco vezes,
Well, perhaps i could make the... i could make the prospect a little more enticing if we threw in a wager, huh?
Talvez eu possa fazer o jogo mais interessante se pusermos uma aposta?
Something of a more personal nature, perhaps?
Talvez alguma coisa mais pessoal?
Well, to start, I was hoping that perhaps we might be able to see each other more often.
Bom, para começar, Eu esperava que talvez pudéssemos nos encontrar com mais frequência.
Perhaps I can show you something, uh... a little more you.
Talvez lhe possa mostrar qualquer coisa... que tenha a ver consigo.
More important than myself to think about, to care for. So perhaps you can see why that, as a result, I must say, parenthood is suddenly so appealing.
Mais importante que eu... então, talvez possas perceber... que a paternidade, de repente, tornou-se atraente para mim.
Perhaps she just needs a little more rest.
Precisa de descansar.
Perhaps a little more off the top.
Talvez menos um pouco em cima.
- Perhaps, Younger men are more suitable...
- Talvez seja para os jovens -
I have thought of relocating where I'd be more appreciated, California, perhaps.
Já pensei em me deslocar para onde me apreciem. Talvez a Califórnia.
Perhaps a few more details about the evening will refresh your memory.
Talvez uns pormenores dessa noite lhe avivem a memória.
Even more like you perhaps than you are yourself. But he was too like you.
Mas ele era como você.
I do not know any more... 10 perhaps
Não tenho muita certeza. Deveriam ser 10h.
Podes mostrar um pouco mais de perna?
Perhaps Lady Beatrice will be more prepared to listen to reason.
Talvez Lady Beatrice esteja disposta a ser mais razoável!
Could anyone, any human being be placed in a more trying position? Perhaps not.
Pergunto-me se algum ser humano alguma vez enfrentou tal dilema.
Per-Perhaps one of my slightly more expensive herbal teas?
Não, a sério, Sam. Eu quero uma.
Perhaps I have more luck.
Talvez eu tenha mais sorte.
Perhaps we can take comfort in the knowledge that in the next world, Ray will be the recipient of a much larger and more harsh brand of justice.
Podemos consolar-nos com a certeza de que na próxima vida o Ray será... castigado a dobrar.
But together perhaps we can be more.
Mas juntos talvez possamos ser mais.
An admirable sentiment in India, perhaps... But surely the green fields of England... can afford to have a few more mouths to feed.
Uma razão admirável talvez na Índia, mas os verdes prados ingleses ainda poderão alimentar umas tantas bocas?
Perhaps you'll feel more comfortable in this, sir.
Talvez se sinta mais confortável com isto, senhor.
Perhaps, perhaps this table might be more suitable for... nine.
Talvez esta seja mais apropriada para nove pessoas.
They will come, perhaps let's be more you were comforting in the room of meetings.
Se vierem, talvez estejamos mais confortáveis na sala de reuniões.
- Perhaps they'll have more luck.
- Possivelmente tenhamos mais sorte.
E eu ando com ela desde então, como recordação.
I'll give you my address. You could come over later, and we could talk more about it perhaps.
Posso-lhe dar a minha morada e podemos falar mais tarde sobre isto...
'Perhaps others will be more correct or more fortunate.
" Talvez outros sejam mais correctos e afortunados.
Perhaps we should move more swiftly.
Talvez nos devêsemos mover mais depressa.
Or perhaps appropriating some more of this fine whiskey here.
A teoria da evolução.

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