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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ P ] / Pull him out

Pull him out traducir portugués

352 traducción paralela
I must pull him out.
Tenho de o ajudar.
- We gotta pull him out of there.
- Temos de tirá-Io de lá.
You tip your mitt and the jerries pull him out of here and plant him in some place else, like Stalag 16 or 15.
Se mostras que suspeitas, os boches metem-no noutro lugar, como no Stalag 16 ou 15.
Doctor, how long is it going to take you to pull him out of this?
Doutor, quanto tempo vai levar a fazê-lo sair daquele estado?
Pull him out of there.
Tirem-no daí.
Pull him out when we open this door.
Quando abrirmos a porta, puxa-o.
If you try and pull him out through there you'll tear him to pieces.
Se a tentar retirar corta-o em bocados.
Come on. Let's pull him out.
Vamos puxá-lo cá para fora.
Brakes, lights, all okay, goodnight. Pull him out.
Deixe estar, senhor guarda - Os documentos estão em ordem, os travões, as luzes, tudo - Boa noite -
Pull him out, quickly!
Puxem-no para fora, rápido!
Pull him out!
Puxem-no para fora!
All right. Did you guys pull him out?
Já o tiraram?
Pull him out!
Tira-o para fora!
Don't let him get you. Pull him out.
Pull him out of there! Pull him out!
Tirem-no dali!
Pull him out!
Puxa-o para fora!
I can tell you more when we pull him out.
Posso dizer-te mais depois de retirado.
- What? What? Why didn't you pull him out?
Porque não o puxaste para fora do rio?
We have got to pull him out.
Temos que o tirar de lá.
Something's wrong, Starck. Pull him out.
Há um problema, Starck.
Pull him out.
Tira-o de lá.
Pull him out!
Puxa-os para fora!
If you're going to pull out on us, Alberto, maybe it's best that you don't kill him.
Se é para fazer asneira, Alberto, é melhor não o matar.
- Let's pull him out.
- Vamos retirá-lo.
Tell him to pull the machine gun out.
Diz-lhe que prepare a metralhadora.
Get him to pull her chestnuts out of the fre.
Para que ele a tirasse da embrulhada em que se meteu.
Have him act as marshal till you pull out in the fall.
Elejam um xerife, até que passe o inverno.
And when they stuffed him, they forgot to pull the guy out.
E esqueceram-se de tirar o homem lá de dentro antes de o pendurar!
You can stay here, all of you, and work for him just as before. Or you can pull out.
Podem ficar todos aqui, e trabalhar para ele como antes... ou podem deixá-lo.
If he's able to keep the doors locked and actually keep them out, and if it's gonna require knocking him down, or some real forceful action, then they will pull away.
Se ele conseguir manter as portas trancadas... e tambêm mantê-Ios do lado de fora, e se for necessário derrubá-Io... ou agir à força, eles se retirarão.
Did you see him trying to pull my beard out by the roots?
Viram como puxou minha barba?
Did you see him trying to pull my beard out by the roots?
Sério? O senhor me surpreende.
I am asking you to give him a few short, tiny weeks out of your life, till I get the house in Memphis straight so he can't pull out.
Só te peço que lhe dês umas semaninhas da tua vida, até eu organizar a casa de Memphis.
Hey, maybe he wanted to pull out and maybe they didn't want him to.
Talvez ele quisesse desistir e eles não quiseram.
The stick stuck him in the butt and he can't pull it out. "
O pau atingiu-Ihe o rabo e está preso pelo pau. "
We'd rather run, pull him out!
Tell him to pull out.
Diga-lhe que abandone a missão.
Bayonet gets stuck in ribs, you have to kick him to pull it out.
Se a baioneta fica encravada nas costelas, tens que fazer muita força para a tirar.
They couldn't pull anything out of him, who now loved Gil all the more.
Não conseguiram arrancar-lhe nada, pois agora amava ainda mais Gil.
Remember the time we had to pull his head out of his water dish to keep him from drowning?
Lembram-se quando tivemos de lhe tirar a cabeça da tigela da água para que não se afogasse?
Pull out all the new hardware on him.
Descarreguem tudo nele!
I'd like to live 300 years, just to find him and pull out his heart.
Queria viver 300 anos, apenas para encontrá-lo e arrancar-lhe o coração
- How much worse can it get than finishing dinner, having him pull a hair out of my head and floss with it?
- Não pode ser muito pior.. que acabar de jantar, vê-lo arrancar um cabelo da minha cabeça e limpar os dentes com ele?
I would like to pull the plug out from him!
Só me apetecia desligar as máquinas.
They pull the little rat out, talk to him.
Tiram esse rato cá para fora, falam com ele.
Snap him in the water I'll pull him on out
Pegá-lo na água e eu o puxarei
- We've got to stop him. - Pull them out of orbit!
- Temos de o parar, temos de os tirar de lá.
Pull him out!
Puxa-o cá para fora!
Let's get him out! Pull up!
Puxem-no para cima!
Pull a colored boy out of his home, send him over there, tell him dig trenches, kill white folks.
Tira um rapaz negro fora de casa, envia-lo para lá, e diz-lhe para cavar trincheiras e matar brancos.
Pull Edson out of Surgery. I want to talk to him now.
Quero falar já com ele.

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