The doctors traducir portugués
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When the doctors told us that neither of us was a match for our little boy that he would die without a bone-marrow transplant we were in despair.
Então os médicos disseram-nos que nenhum de nós era compatível com o nosso filho, que ele iria morrer sem um transplante de medula óssea. Ficamos desesperados.
I need to know all the doctors'names, their departments, their titles.
Quero saber o nome dos médicos, Dept., títulos.
There's a television in the doctors'lounge.
Há uma televisão na sala de espera do médico.
Especially not with the doctors.
E especialmente com os doutores.
Shepherd knows we bought this hospital so that we could all be the doctors we want to be.
Ele sabe que comprámos o hospital para sermos os médicos que queremos ser.
The nurse knows that. Even... all the doctors know it.
Todos os médicos sabem.
I don't even know what kind of cancer he has, or how long the doctors are giving him.
Nem sei que tipo de cancro é que ele tem, ou quanto tempo os médicos lhe deram.
That's what the doctors gave my mother.
Foi aquilo que os médicos deram à minha mãe.
Even though it didn't work for me, I love the doctors.
Mesmo que não tenha funcionado comigo, adorei os médicos.
The doctors said they'd have to cut it off to save my life, but... my life was over just the same.
Os médicos disseram que teriam que amputá-la para me salvar, mas... a minha vida jamais seria a mesma.
But, actually, giving you something could complicate things, so we really just need to wait for the doctors.
Mas, sabe, dar-lhe algo poderia complicar o seu estado, por isso temos mesmo de esperar pelos médicos.
Where are the nurses and the doctors?
Onde estão as enfermeiras e os médicos?
Then the doctors told us that neither of us was a match for our little boy, that he would die without a bone-marrow transplant,
Então os médicos disseram-nos que nenhum de nós era compatível com o nosso filho, que ele iria morrer sem um transplante de medula óssea.
Ma'am, you're gonna have to take that up with the doctors at the hospital.
Senhora, trate disso com os médicos do hospital.
Mommy and daddy need to hear how the doctors are going to fix Iris. Buddy, here.
Querido, temos de ouvir como os médicos vão curar a Iris.
The doctors are with him.
Os médicos estão com ele.
The doctors are doing everything they can.
Os médicos estão a fazer tudo o que podem.
I told him the doctors found it where his heart should have been.
Disse-lhe que os médicos a encontraram no lugar onde o coração dele deveria estar.
I brought him in for tests, and the doctors at the VA pronounced him healthy.
Trouxe-o para fazer testes e os médicos da AV disseram que estava saudável.
The doctors say she's made a full recovery.
Os médicos disseram que ela recuperou completamente.
I'm just telling you what the doctors said.
Apenas estou a dizer aquilo que os médicos disseram.
Did you talk to the doctors?
- Falou com os médicos? - Falei.
You should've seen me screaming at the doctors.
Devias ter-me visto a gritar com os médicos, tinham medo de mim.
What are the doctors saying? I don't know.
O que é que os médicos disseram?
- They'd have given her a C.T. scan. The doctors might have been able to stop the bleed in time.
- Faziam um exame completo e os médicos poderiam parar o derrame a tempo.
The doctors saved the old man, but you should see him now.
Os médicos salvaram o velhote, mas havia de ver como ele ficou.
The doctors, they're all out golfing?
- Os médicos estão a jogar golfe?
The doctors said I'm a danger to myself and to others.
Os médicos disseram que sou um perigo para mim e para os outros.
Perhaps it was a bit crazy this morning, maybe the doctors at County even missed it, but the trajectory of the bullet that hit you, the burn marks on your flesh... basically there's no chance that you were hit by a bullet from any gun but your own.
Estava uma confusão esta manhã, talvez os legistas não tenham notado, mas a trajetória da bala, as marcas no teu corpo... Não é possivel teres sido atingido por nenhuma bala... sem ser a da tua própria arma.
The doctors say it's the funnest coma they've ever seen.
Os médicos dizem que é o coma mais engraçado que alguma vez viram.
The doctors kept telling me, um...
Os médicos continuavam a dizer que podem operar.
And now you just keep dismissing us, just like all the other doctors did at Seattle Pres and urgent care...
Quer despachar-nos, como todos os outros médicos. - No Seattle Pres e...
We are doctors, for Christ's sakes, and I-I simply want to answer the question...
Nós somos médicos! Só quero responder à pergunta :
We've flown in two Syrian doctors. They're general practitioners, but now with the war, they've been recruited to staff the field hospitals.
Recebemos dois clínicos gerais sírios, e com a guerra, foram chamados pelo hospital da base.
We've got these two Syrian doctors here and we're trying to get all the surgeons to figure out how to do these procedures with, like, a piece of gum and a matchstick, and this was our first pee break.
Dois médicos sírios estão aqui e juntamos os cirurgiões para descobrir como operar com chiclete e fósforo.
One of the ER doctors used Mom's cell to call me.
Um dos médicos das urgências usou o telemóvel da mãe para me ligar.
I'll take him to Rome, to the best hospital with the best doctors.
Vou levá-lo para Roma, para o melhor hospital com os melhores médicos.
Doctors being the worst patients.
Os médicos são os piores pacientes.
She's got the best doctors in the world.
Não estou preocupado com isso.
The problem with no ligature marks around the neck is that both doctors were still asphyxiated, so the question is...
O problema com a falta de marcas de ligadura em redor do pescoço é que ambos os médicos foram asfixiados, então a questão é...
The town's out of doctors.
A cidade não tem mais médicos.
The doctors wouldn't tell me anything.
Os médicos não me diziam nada.
I'm gonna call in the best doctors, all right?
- Não, não, não. Irei chamar os melhores médicos, certo?
I want to meet with all their doctors. Have the girls'parents signed consents?
Quero encontrar-me com os médicos.
and before 125 country doctors hit the links.
e antes de 125 médicos nacionais irem jogar golfe.
He's not paid a salary, like all the other doctors?
Não tem salário? Como todos os outros médicos?
Well, it's- - it was a little shocking to me and to the other doctors, as well.
Aquilo foi um pouco pesado para mim, e para os outros médicos.
The two doctors sitting next to me thought it was Virginia.
Dois médicos ao meu lado pensaram que era a Virginia.
And those doctors thought that it was dirty or that something went horribly wrong, and now it's as if I brought down the entire kingdom.
Os médicos acharam isso um absurdo ou alguma coisa correu mal, e é como se eu tivesse destruído um reinado.
I thought if I got the right doctors and drugs, I could spare you what he went through.
Achei que com os médicos certos e os medicamentos certos, poderiam te poupar de tudo o que ele passou.
Doctors make the worst patients.
Os médicos são os piores doentes.
doctors 280
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doctors without borders 18
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duke 46
the duck 18
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
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the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
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the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the dog 197
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the doctor 415
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dead 45
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the door 306
the doctor 415
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dead 45
the dragon 58