The gun went off traducir portugués
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The hammer of the gun hit a curve in the drainpipe, and the gun went off.
O cão da arma bateu numa curva do cano e a arma disparou.
The gun went off, as guns will, and Geiger fell down dead.
E a arma disparou-se e o Geiger caiu morto.
"... when the gun went off by accident in my hand...
" disparou por acidente...
I had the gun. The gun went off.
Eu tinha a arma e ela disparou-se.
It was my fault the gun went off.
A arma disparou por culpa minha.
... então, a arma disparou, fui atingido na cara por fumo e recuperei os sentidos 20 min depois.
- The gun went off!
- A arma disparou!
All of a sudden, the gun went off.
De repente, a arma disparou.
The gun went off.
A arma disparou.
The gun went off.
A arma disparou sozinha.
The gun went off.
A arma disparou sozinha?
Vi-o a apontar e dei-lhe uma cacetada e o tiro desviou-se.
But the gun went off and shot me through the hand, horribly wounding me.
Vomitei no chão. Como ele escorregou, pôs-se inconsciente a si próprio.
The gun went off by accident.
A arma disparou por acidente.
Maybe there was a scuffle. The gun went off and shot the woman who held it. Yes, it is a possibility.
Talvez houvesse luta e a arma disparasse, e matasse a mulher que segurava nela.
Five shots, tightly grouped, as though the gun went off in your hand.
5 tiros, muito seguidos. Como se a arma caísse das tuas mãos.
But I noticed that the door of his Lordship's carriage banged at the same time as the gun went off.
Reparei também que a porta do Lord Robert bateu. Ao mesmo tempo que o tiro foi disparado.
- I didn't mean to shoot him, the gun went off,
Não quis matar o filho-da-mãe, só que a arma se disparou.
I don't know why the gun went off.
A minha arma disparou-se, nem sei como.
I don't know how the gun went off!
Eu não sei como a arma disparou!
The phone rang and the gun went off and that was it.
O telefone tocou, a arma disparou, só isso.
We struggled and the next thing I knew the gun went off.
Nós lutamos e a coisa seguinte de que eu me apercebi foi que a arma disparou.
He is my brother! " And the gun went off! Bang!
E a arma disparou.
That was an accident. They were struggling and the gun went off.
Eles brigaram e a arma disparou.
When he was shooting at me the gun went off in his own pants.
quando ele estava a disparar para mim a arma foi para dentro das próprias calças.
When the gun went off, I ran away.
Quando a arma disparou, fugi.
The gun went off when I hit him on the head.
A arma disparou quando eu lhe acertei na cabeça.
Come on, that's not you, you know. The gun went off and I got hit.
A arma disparou e fui atingido.
Well, the gun went off by accident!
Bom, a arma disparou sozinha!
No! The gun went off on accident!
Não, a arma disparou acidentalmente!
O'Shea says they just meant to scare her and the gun went off.
O O'Shea diz que só queriam assustá-la e a arma disparou.
The gun went off by accident.
A pistola disparou por acidente.
Yeah, maybe the vic and the killer had a mojito before the gun went off.
Yep, talves a vitima e o assassino tomassem um mojito antes da arma ter sido disparada.
( narrator ) A slogan, a gun and a pat on the back, and off they went to fight the Russians.
Um slogan, uma arma e uma palmadinha nas costas. E lá foram os homens lutar contra os russos.
I shall say that you stepped on the trap and that your gun went off accidentally as it fell.
Direi que pisou a armadilha e a arma disparou acidentalmente.
The gun fell from my grasp and accidentally went off.
A arma caiu-me da mão e, acidentalmente, disparou.
It always had that uncertainty if the soil went to blow up or not, but we forget in them this when a mortar falls to our side e a machine gun goes off.
Havia sempre aquela incerteza se o chão ia explodir ou não, mas nos esquecemos disso quando um morteiro cai ao nosso lado e uma metralhadora dispara.
Because, well, when I climbed to the top of the cliff and was waving to Linda, who'd gone for a swim, that awful gun went off.
Porque quando me despedida da Linda, no cimo da arriba, que estava na água, ouvi o canhão
And it's even more curious that when I confronted M Brewster with the fact that his story about entering the bay on his pedalo at the very moment that the midday gun went off was denied by Linda he lost his temper. He attacked the poor girl.
Quando eu disse a ele que Linda negou tê-lo visto na baía, no momento em que o fogo disparou, ficou irritado com a pobre rapariga.
I wasn't even on the street when the gun went off.
Quero dizer, amparou a queda com ambas as mãos ou só com uma? Com uma mão.
Sykes was reenacting Zabrinski's murder, and then the gun just went off.
Sykes estava a imitar o assassínio do Zabrinski e a arma disparou.
All right, so then you pointed the gun at him, and it just went off.
Muito bem, então... apontaste a arma a ele... e ela disparou.
The gun just went off.
A arma disparou.
The gun just went off.
A arma disparou sozinha. Mas que mais quer você?
My gun went off, but it shot into the floor.
A minha arma disparou, mas acertei no chão.
I went over my story hundreds of times - the jilted mother, seduced away from her family, sick on drugs, the struggle for the gun, the gun goes off.
Revi a minha história centenas de vezes - a mãe rejeitada, afastada da família, doente com medicação, a luta pela arma, a arma dispara.
I... took a step back, tripped over the curb or... something, and the gun just... went off.
Eu dei um passo para trás, tropecei no passeio ou... em alguma coisa, e a arma disparou.
Did you fall out of the chair and his gun went off?
Você caiu da cadeira e a arma disparou, foi?
Where were you when the gun went off?
- Onde estava na altura?
He was gonna shoot me and I grabbed the gun and it went off.
Ia atirar em mim... e eu apanhei a arma dele e fui embora.
Because she went for the gun, it went off, and it clipped you in the shoulder.
Ela tentou-lhe tirar a arma, que disparou e lhe atingiu o ombro.
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the game 119
the guns 47
the godfather 48
the great gatsby 18
the guardian 21
the good wife 16
the greater good 16
the game has changed 18
the gardener 44
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the games 17
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the good stuff 48
the game's over 47
the good old days 37
the ghost 58
the gas 49
the girl 422
the gate 46
the games 17
the girlfriend 25
the good stuff 48
the game's over 47
the good old days 37
the ghost 58
the gas 49
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the ground 30
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the great 49
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the gods 44
the guards 59
the guard 38
the good ones 20
the gold 48
the ground 30
the government has a secret system 84
the great 49
the governor 73
the gods 44
the guards 59