The last i heard traducir portugués
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The last I heard, the Curtises don't live here anymore.
Ao que ouvi, os Curtis jà näo vivem aqui.
The last I heard, she was in New York.
A última coisa que soube é que está em New York.
The last I heard of you, you were up in the Amazon someplace digging for old skeletons and things.
Ouvi dizer que estava no Amazonas à procura de esqueletos antigos.
Clayton lives on Euclid Street in a remodeled carriage house, and the last I heard from my kid sister, Sandy, Clayton was working for Mr Wright, who owns the Midvale television store.
Clayton vive na rua Euclid numa caravana remodelada e a última coisa que ouvi da minha irmã mais nova, Sandy, era que Clayton trabalhava para o sr. Wright, dono da loja de Tv de Midvale.
The last I heard, he was living in San Francisco.
Da última vez que soube dele, estava a viver em São Francisco.
And now, all I've heard about Terje, I'll try to tell from the first to last.
E agora, tudo o que ouvi sobre o Terje, vou tentar contar-lhe do inicio ao fim.
You did the last time I heard about ya.
Da última vez que ouvi falar de ti, acreditavas.
Kindly tell Mignonette I heard that last remark, that I wouldn't have the gentleman in question as a gift.
- Diz-lhe que ouvi o que ela disse. E que eu não queria o cavalheiro nem dado.
He was an Oberst in your regiment the last time I heard of him.
Era tenente em seu regimento.
I heard all that in the last war.
Ouvi isso na última guerra.
I heard about the tragic events of last night.
Já soube da tragédia de ontem à noite.
It was the last time I ever heard her voice.
Foi a última vez que ouvi a sua voz.
That was the very last I saw or heard of Sophie MacDonald for almost a year.
Eu nunca vi Sophie MacDonald em quase um ano.
The last address Yale had for Preston was a town I'd never heard of.
O endereço que Yale tinha de John Joseph Preston... era uma cidade de que nunca ouvira falar.
For the last six weeks, I've heard nothing but how important it was that you should have a new dress for this dance tonight.
Nas últimas seis semanas eu só ouvi como era importante Você tinha um vestido novo para a dança esta noite.
Last night I heard an owl the worst of all signs.
Na noite passada ouvi uma coruja o pior de todos os sinais.
I heard you talkin'to some other people on the radio last night.
Ouvi-o falar com outras pessoas na rádio a noite passada.
Last I heard, he was in Panama putting in the shortest. Nastiest little roadbed in the world across the isthmus.
A última notícia que sei dele é que estava no Panamá trabalhando no trem.
The last time I heard, we were still on the same side.
Pelo que sei, estamos do mesmo lado.
I've heard that you saw military service during the last war.
Soube que serviu no Exército, durante a última guerra.
- Well, last night, when I was out in the hall changing a lightbulb, and I heard some Cuban yelling at his wife and saying that from now on, she had to finish everything she starts.
Lucy, alguém mais neste andar fala com um sotaque? - O que você quer dizer com isso?
I heard some miners had another fight in the south-end last night.
Soube que os mineiros arrumaram confusão à noite.
Last night was the first time I ever heard my mother cry.
Foi a primeira vez na vida em que ouvi a minha mãe chorar.
The night was a thousand years. When I heard last night that you...
A noite tinha mil anos quando soube ontem que vinha...
Now, you heard what the sheriff said and I'm warning you I aim to sell all you all, vendue, dicker or cry off, every last one.
Já ouviram o xerife! Aí vai a minha saudação! Vou-vos vender a todos!
The last thing I heard him say was, " Really, Alfred.
A última coisa que o ouvi dizer, foi : " A sério, Alfred.
Where's the accent I heard when we last met?
Onde está o sotaque que ouvi quando nos conhecemos?
Last I heard, he was living in the Layton Apartments in North Hollywood.
Ouvi dizer que ele morava nos apartamentos Layton, em North Hollywood.
I heard the last part of it.
Ouvi a última parte.
Last I heard, she was playin with the Salvation Army.
Pelo que ouvi, anda a tocar com o Exército de Salvação.
I do not have the eloquence as some of the men you've heard in the last few days.
Não tenho a eloquência que outros homens que nós ouvimos aqui. Sou apenas um professor.
I heard a wolf last night in the mountains.
Ontem à noite, ouvi um lobo nas montanhas.
As long as you live, remember the last thing you heard outta me was I love you.
Enquanto fores vivo, lembra-te que a última coisa que te disse foi que te amo.
Last night my life was shattered when I heard the one I loved more than anything - when I heard her name dragged through the mud by a reckless young man - one suddenly feels old.
Esta noite a minha vida ficou feita em bocados. Quando vês que a pessoa que mais amaste na vida... vê o seu nome arrastado na lama por esta espécie de juventude... subitamente, começas a sentir-te um velho.
I think he was abroad last night. I heard the skirl of the pipes.
Eu acho que ele estava no exterior a noite passada.
Yes, I heard them last night and they were red in the sea, like blood color.
Sim, ontem à noite, e o mar estava vermelho, da cor do sangue.
The last thing I heard they were fighting in Mexico.
A última coisa que ouvi foi que havia lutas no México.
The last man I heard say that was General Custer.
O último homem que ouvi dizer isso foi o General Custer.
I heard about the ball game last night.
Soube do jogo de futebol da noite passada.
I've heard that for the last three hours!
Já estamos à espera das últimas três horas!
And I'm sure we ha ven't heard the last of the Ricca case.
Mas não foi esta a última palavra do caso Ricca.
I heard you in the hall last night.
Ouvi-te no corredor ontem à noite.
The last thing I heard about him, he was working on the council in Central City.
Soube que estava no Conselho na Cidade Central. Oh, não...
I remember the last time we were in an asteroid storm. I was down in the food locker getting a sandwich. When I heard the damn sleeping quarters blow up.
Eu lembro-me da última vez que passamos por uma tempestade de asteróides... eu estava a preparar uma sanduiche, quando senti... que o nosso dormitório saltava pelos ares.
Listen, you knew him. I mean, that tramp we heard about, the one who drowned last week.
Conhecia o mendigo que se afogou na semana passada?
Then I heard him use his washbasin. And that is the last thing known.
E depois eu o ouvi usar o lavabo e é só o que se sabe.
The controversy began because Hitler was last heard of in the West when he made a broadcast on the 22nd, I think, of April 1945, saying that he would stay in Berlin.
A controvérsia teve início, porque a última vez que o Ocidente soube de Hitler foi quando ele falou na rádio a 22 de Abril de 1945, dizendo que ia ficar em Berlim.
In the last 20 days after my marriage I've heard of this genius.. .. of a brother-in-law for at Ieast 20,000 times.
Nos últimos 20 dias só ouvi falar deste génio do meu cunhado por pelo menos umas 20,000 vezes.
Not recently. The last one, I heard from a Jew, died fifteen years ago.
Segundo um judeu erudito, o último morreu há 15 anos.
Last I heard it was the Speedway.
A última vez que escutei isso era Speedway.
Kellogg is on his way in from Tau Ceti, and Argus was on Earth the last time I heard :
O Kellogg vem de Tau Ceti, e acho que o Argus estava na Terra.
the last few days 25
the last one 115
the last 153
the last time you were here 18
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the last time i checked 40
the last time i was here 29
the last time i saw him 32
the last few months 17
the last one 115
the last 153
the last time you were here 18
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the last time i checked 40
the last time i was here 29
the last time i saw him 32
the last few months 17
the last few weeks 16
the last time i saw her 28
the last time we met 19
the last thing i remember 34
the last time we spoke 24
last i heard 195
i heard it too 19
i heard screaming 20
i heard her 44
i heard you the first time 95
the last time i saw her 28
the last time we met 19
the last thing i remember 34
the last time we spoke 24
last i heard 195
i heard it too 19
i heard screaming 20
i heard her 44
i heard you the first time 95
i heard a noise 55
i heard everything 60
i heard 1243
i heard you 527
i heard it 224
i heard you talking 16
i heard something 119
i heard about it 61
i heard about you 41
i heard you were here 21
i heard everything 60
i heard 1243
i heard you 527
i heard it 224
i heard you talking 16
i heard something 119
i heard about it 61
i heard about you 41
i heard you were here 21