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We could talk traducir portugués

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Really? We could talk about this.
A sério, temos que falar sobre isso.
Zack and I were wondering if we could talk to you and Jasira for a moment.
Zack e eu estávamos pensando se poderíamos falar com você e Jasira por um momento.
That we could talk, at least tolerate each other.
Que pudéssemos falar, ou, pelo menos, tolerarmo-nos.
If we could talk before noon, Hudson, that would be good for me.
Para mim seria melhor nos falarmos antes do meio-dia, Hudson.
I could bury you and your brothers with Dokey, or we could talk about your future.
Eu podia enterrar você e seus irmãos com o Dokey, ou nós podíamos conversar sobre o futuro.
You said we could talk about anything.
Tu disses-te que poderíamos falar sobre qualquer coisa.
You said we could talk about anything.
Tu disses-te que poderia falar sobre qualquer coisa...
Yeah, maybe we could talk about something else?
Talvez pudéssemos conversar sobre outra coisa?
I got a little time if you want to talk now. We could talk right now.
Se quiser, podemos falar agora.
Yes. I just had the coolest surgery and I figured we could talk.
Acabei uma cirurgia fabulosa, achei que podíamos conversar.
I thought maybe we could talk.
Talvez poderíamos conversar.
You know, if we learnt sign language, we could talk in the movies without Carla yelling at us. But it's so dark.
Sabes, se aprendêssemos linguagem gestual, podíamos falar nos filmes sem a Carla gritar connosco.
Listen, we could talk after the wedding if you want.
Se quiseres, podemos falar depois do casamento.
You know, I was hoping that we could talk.
Esperava que pudéssemos conversar.
I was hoping we could talk about what you wrote in my yearbook.
Temos de falar sobre o que escreveste no meu anuário. Para quê?
I don't know, maybe we could talk at dinner?
Não sei, podíamos conversar no jantar?
There's a lot that's been going on and I was hoping that maybe we could talk.
Não estou. Muita coisa se passou e esperava que pudéssemos conversar.
I thought maybe we could talk about, you know, setting a date?
Eu acho que podemos conversar sobre, você sabe, começar nosso compromisso.
We were wondering if we could talk to you about your son.
Queriamos saber se podemos falar um pouco sobre o seu filho.
- I was wondering if we could talk.
- Estava a pensar se poderíamos falar.
I was hoping we could talk in a place a little more...
Não queria conversar aqui neste sitio...
I was hoping we could talk in a place a little more...
Pensava falar num lugar mais...
I guess we can talk to Coach Waldren... and you can research schools in Canada... and find somebody who could educate us on hockey - versus law school.
Podemos falar com o treinador Waldren e podemos pesquisar umas faculdades no Canadá e arranjar quem nos esclareça sobre o "hóquei contra o Direito".
I thought we could have a talk.
Pensei que podíamos conversar.
We were thinking, and I don't really like this idea, but it might be popular, that you could talk to murder victims and get them to say who murdered them.
Estivemos a pensar, eu não gosto muito da idéia, mas pode ser que dê nas vistas, você podia falar com pessoas mortas, e fazê-las dizer quem as matou.
( WHISPERING ) Could we not talk about this right here? What...
Podemos não falar disto aqui?
Look, we could drive or we could all go talk to the cops, right now.
Olha, ou arrancamos ou vamos todos falar com a polícia, já!
And you picking at me's not helping, so could we just not talk about it?
E as interrogações não estão a ajudar. Podemos não falar sobre isso?
Maybe we could just talk for a minute- -
Talvez pudéssemos falar só um minutinho...
Dr. Pratt, is there someplace we could go talk in private?
Dr. Pratt, há algum sítio onde possamos falar em privado?
Y'all gonna talk the whole flight? Well, we could...
- Senta-te, põe o cinto.
When he showed up at my apartment, he was really upset and I thought he could use some air, so we went to this cafe to talk.
Quando ele apareceu em minha casa, estava muito aborrecido. Achei que lhe fazia bem apanhar ar e fomos conversar para um café.
Well, maybe we could, uh... talk?
- Bem, talvez nós pudéssemos, ãhn... Conversar?
Maybe you, uh, got somebody at the Jeffersonian we could, uh, talk to?
Talvez alguém do Jeffersonian possa ajudar.
Or we could just talk to them.
Ou podemos convencê-los.
They worked so hard so that we could both go to college and we always used to talk about how we'd one day pay them back.
Eles trabalharam tanto para ambos irmos para a universidade. Costumávamos conversar sobre como um dia lhes haveríamos de retribuir.
What could we possibly have to talk about at lunch?
O que temos para falar ao almoço?
And by talk I mean, you know, I thought that maybe we could have a do-over.
E, com isso, quero dizer que achei que talvez pudéssemos recomeçar.
Hey, hey, listen, before we go any further could we just talk about what happened with your father, because that was, you know...
... ouve, antes de irmos mais longe podemos conversar acerca do que aconteceu com o teu pai, porque aquilo foi, sabes...
Could we just talk about something else, please?
Podemos mudar de assunto, por favor?
Now Please, If We Could Just Go Back And Talk About This...
Agora, por favor, se pudéssemos voltar e falar sobre isto...
We could have a special meeting at night or he could just come talk to me and I could tape his recollections.
Podíamos fazer uma reunião especial, à noite, ou ele podia vir falar comigo e eu gravava as memórias dele.
Could we go somewhere and talk, you know, about my mother and stuff?
Podemos ir a algum lado falar, falar sobre a minha mãe e assim?
- You think we could maybe talk with her?
- Será que podemos falar com ela?
Marjorie, I'm actually here to talk about weight, so could we just maybe talk about that, please?
Na verdade, eu estou aqui para falar sobre peso, - então, talvez pudessemos falar disso, por favor?
It is such a nice day I was thinking we could go on a walk and talk about our future.
Está um bonito dia, que estava a pensar, que podemos dar um passeio e conversar sobre o nosso futuro.
Could we talk in private?
Podemos falar em privado?
I mean, we could just go hang out, talk, figure out what's what.
Quer dizer, podíamos apenas sair, conversar, descobrir o que há de quê.
If only you knew how I am tempted to come and see you so we could talk.
Que nada de mal te aconteça. Para vermo-nos, mesmo de longe.
Could we talk more?
Podemos conversar mais?
They promised me-they promised me that I could see him again, that I could talk to him and... we went into that houseand we tried.
Eles prometeram-me que podia vê-lo, que podia falar com ele... Fomos até aquela casa e tentamos.

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