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We were just kids traducir portugués

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We were just kids when I carved our initials in this tree.
Nós erámos ainda crianças quando eu gravei as nossas iniciais nesta árvore.
We were just kids.
Éramos apenas uns putos.
We were just kids.
Éramos... miúdos, apenas.
We were just kids.
Éramos muito jovens.
We were just kids.
Éramos garotos.
We were just kids. But it made me cry.
Eramos miúdos, mas fez-me chorar.
Me, Farfella... we were just kids.
Eu, o Farfella... éramos apenas miúdos.
We were just kids
Éramos crianças.
We were just kids.
Éramos apenas crianças.
We were just kids.
Éramos apenas miúdos.
Tommy, don't you remember you and Matt... how you used to be just kids and how we were friends?
Tommy, não te lembras de ti e do Matt, como eram só miúdos e éramos amigos?
Just thinking when we were kids, the biggest treat was to play on the beach in the sand.
Estava a pensar... que quando éramos miúdos era uma alegria brincar na areia da praia.
What happened there was we were told that we... I mean, myself, my brothers and sisters, we couldn't just play with any of the kids we wanted to play with, unless their parents in turn had the equivalent of what our parents had.
O que aconteceu foi que nos disseram que quer dizer, a mim, aos meus irmãos e irmãs, que não podíamos brincar com quem quiséssemos, a menos que os pais deles, por sua vez,
It was just some of the kids, we got to talk and I guess I said we were moving out to a ranch
Well, I guess it's just a crazy kid's song, but when Carla and I were kids, we used to come here and talk all the time about one day getting married and having children.
Bem, acho que era só uma tola canção de criança... mas quando a Carla e eu eramos miúdos, costumávamos vir sempre para cá e conversar... sobre o dia do nosso casamento e em ter filhos.
Yeah, we bought the place in'96, and the kids were just...
Pois, comprámos isto em 1996 e os miúdos ficaram...
Like many years ago,... when we were just kids and didn't care about the grown-ups'problem
Não nos preocupavam então problemas de adultos.
I figured, kids are going to fight, and you must have been only... six, seven,... so we were just talking about little bare fists, just skin.
Você devia ter uns... 6 ou 7 anos. e eram brigas sem conseqüências.
We were just a bunch of fresh-faced kids.
Éramos só um bando de pirralhos.
Yeah, we bought the place in'96, and the kids were just...
Pois, comprámos isto em 1996 e os miúdos ficaram...
Just us sisters back together again like when we were kids. "
As duas irmãs novamente juntas, como quando éramos miúdas. "
We were just talking about when we were kids.
Estávamos apenas a falar de quando éramos crianças.
You just.... You assumed that we were done having kids.
Partiste do princípio de que se tinham acabado os filhos.
I know they were just kids, but we kicked their fucking pube-less asses!
Eram só miúdos, mas dêmo-lhes naqueles cus imberbes!
We were just little kids, Mox.
Éramos uns miúdos, Mox.
You know, it's funny though. When Bard and I were kids... we wanted to grow up to be policemen... just like you.
Mas é engraçado... quando éramos garotos... queríamos ser da polícia.
You know, Ray and I were talking about our wills and we just think you're great parents, and we were wondering if you would want to be the guardians of our kids if anything should happen to us.
Sabem, o Ray e eu estivemos a falar dos nossos testamentos. Achamos que são pais maravilhosos e estávamos a pensar se gostariam de ser tutores dos nossos filhos, se nos acontecer alguma coisa.
Just like when we were kids... you just clam up and stick it out!
Tal como quando éramos pequenos, tu ficavas calado até ao fim.
Oh, Nurse Peeler, we were just coming by to say hi to the kids.
Enfermeira Peeler, passámos só por cá para cumprimentar os miúdos.
We were just a bunch of ordinary kids when we went in.
Éramos apenas um bando de rapazes, quando entrámos para lá.
It looks just like when we were kids.
É como quando éramos crianças
This is just like when we were kids, and you were the only one...
Ele só te deixava trabalhar a ti no quiosque de bananas.
Now, originally... we were supposed to have our Ice Cream Queen here... but, unfortunately, kids, she was just too busy.
Bem, originalmente... devíamos ter aqui a nossa Rainha do Gelado, mas, infelizmente, miúdos, estava demasiado ocupada.
Oh, we were just a couple of stupid kids.
Oh, nós éramos só um grupo de putos estúpidos.
Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids.
Foi há tanto tempo. Éramos uns miúdos.
That's right, just like we dreamed when we were kids.
Era o nosso sonho desde crianças. Então, o que é que dizem?
I just wanted someone to talk to... like we did when we were kids.
Só queria alguém com quem falar... como fizemos quando éramos miúdos
We were just little kids and she would come over, every single day, to make sure I was okay.
E éramos apenas miúdas. E ela ia ter comigo todos os dias para saber se estava bem.
Just like when we were kids, around me, you were regular old Matt... but around Steve and his friends, you were the Stiffmeister.
Tal como era na nossa infância, ao pé de mim, eras o verdadeiro Matt... mas ao pé do Steve e dos amigos, eras o Stiffmeister.
It'll be fun, just like when we were kids, spending summers at the beach house.
- Disseste que adoravas viver aqui. Vai ser divertido. Como quando éramos crianças na casa de praia.
It's just like when we were little kids.
É tal como quando éramos crianças.
I know she's just a kid, but we were kids together.
Sei que ela é só uma miúda, mas fomos crianças juntos.
It was just a place that my dad used to take us when we were kids.
Um sítio onde o meu pai costumava levar-nos quando éramos miúdos.
Like when we were kids, she used to lock me in the closet just to hear me scream.
Quando éramos crianças, ela trancava-me no armário só para me ouvir gritar.
- Well, what I mean is, we were just silly kids.
- Bem, quero dizer que nós éramos apenas uns miúdos tolinhos.
We were just stupid kids.
Éramos miúdos estúpidos.
Maybe we were just little kids, but I knew- - he's the one I wanna marry.
Ainda éramos pequeninos, mas eu sabia que era com ele que eu queria casar. Agora, parece que ele sente o mesmo.
This is just like when we were kids. Isn't it?
Ficarmos juntos assim me lembra nossa infância.
Just before semester break, we were talking about blogs and stuff, what kids were saying about bloody mary.
Antes das férias, falávamos sobre blogs e coisas do genero, o que o pessoal falava sobre a Bloody Mary.
When we were kids, just the field guardians rode horses. If you didn't say hello right, they'd whip you in the face.
Quando éramos miúdos só os guardas dos terrenos andavam a cavalo.
I just wanted to see if you were pulling any of that chickenshit baby stuff like when we were kids, you know, " It doesn't count.
Só queria ver se estavas a fazer uma daquelas tretas infantis, como quando éramos miúdos...

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