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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / Would you mind

Would you mind traducir portugués

4,478 traducción paralela
Ms. Janssen, would you mind? Oh, not at all.
- Senhorita Janssen, importa-se?
Would you mind handling that without me?
Você se importaria de manipulação sem mim?
Would you mind locking the door?
Importas-te de trancar a porta?
Jered, dear, would you mind helping us clean up this mess?
Importas-te de nos ajudar a limpar esta porcaria?
Would you mind just framing me up?
Você não se importa de me enquadrar?
Would you mind?
Listen, would you mind bringing them home from school today?
Podes ir buscá-los à escola hoje?
We're gonna be here for a while, would you mind if we used your garage?
Vamos ficar aqui por um tempo, Importa se usarmos a sua garagem?
Now, should I alert security to your presence, or would you mind just-just answering just a couple of questions, hmm?
Agora, será que alerto os seguranças para a sua presença ou será que se importa de nos responder a duas perguntitas?
Would you mind if Dexter showed me?
Pode ser o Dexter a mostrar?
But would you mind- - and I hate asking- - but would you mind signing this?
Mas importava-se, e odeio pedir... Podia autografar-me isto?
Um, would you mind telling us why she came by?
Poderia dizer-nos por que é que ela veio aqui?
Emily, would you mind helping with these?
Importas-te de ajudar com isto, Emily?
Well, clearly I'm not welcome in there, so would you mind- - I'm not going in there.
Qual é a ideia?
Would you mind looking for it?
- Importas-te de o procurar?
Well, since you asked, would you mind putting a little bit of sunblock on my shoulders?
- Bem, já que perguntas... importas-te de pôr protector solar nos meus ombros?
Would you mind doing my toes?
Podias-me pintar as unhas dos pés?
Paul, would you mind rearranging the animals any way you see fit?
Paul, importa-se de reorganizar os animais - Da forma que quiser?
Lisbon, uh, would you mind?
Lisbon, importa-se?
Would you mind taking my picture with your phone?
Importa-se de tirar... uma foto minha com o seu telemóvel?
Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Posso fazer-lhe algumas perguntas?
Would you mind going downstairs and checking on Rhys?
Importa-se de ir lá abaixo ver do Rhys?
Would you mind?
Now that your family is gone, would you mind if we turn on the TV?
Agora que a tua família se foi embora, importas-te que liguemos a televisão? Olá.
Excuse me, would you mind taking a look at my résumé?
Desculpe, importa-se de dar uma olhadela ao meu currículo?
Shepherd, uh, would you mind taking over?
Shepherd, importa-se de assumir?
Look, uh, would you mind lending me a hand?
Gancho, importastes de me dar uma mãozinha?
Now, since we are miles from, well, from anything, would you mind pointing that someplace else?
Agora que estamos à quilómetros de qualquer lugar, importa-se de apontar isso para outro lado?
Would you mind telling me a little bit about that?
Fale-me um pouco mais sobre isso.
Hey, uh, would you mind turning up that dryer in 10 minutes?
Importas-te de desligar o secador daqui a dez minutos?
Uh, actually, would you mind giving us a second?
Na verdade... poderia dar-nos um segundo?
Would you mind waiting for me in the lobby?
Importa-se de esperar por mim no "hall" de entrada?
Would you mind not meeting them right now?
Importas-te de não ir falar com eles agora?
Mr. Brown, would you mind doing me a quick favor? It'll only take a minute.
Sr. Brown, você se importaria de fazer um favor?
Would you mind if I gave you a hug?
Importa-se se lhe der um abraço?
Would you mind?
- Importas-te?
Suzanne, would you mind taking this pillow and putting it underneath my knee?
Suzanne, importas-te de agarrar nesta almofada e pô-la debaixo dos meus joelhos?
When we get to London, would you mind helping Lady Rose?
Quando chegarmos a Londres, importa-se de ajudar Lady Rose?
Would you mind if I went up to London tomorrow?
Importava-se que eu fosse a Londres amanhã?
It has crossed mind. If you wish to see them any form of comfort, I would strike from such.
Se pretende dar-lhes qualquer tipo de conforto, não o aconselho a fazê-lo.
What deformity of mind do you think I suffer from, that I would give further aid to enemies of Rome?
De que doença mental achas que sofro para pensares que vou continuar a ajudar inimigos de Roma?
As I would share with you troubled mind, and cause of it - -
Como eu deveria compartilhar contigo a causa disto.
I figured that you would make up your mind when you're ready.
Concluí que se irá decidir quando achar que está pronto.
I thought maybe you would change your mind.
Com a maldição quebrada, pensei que tu... mudarias de ideias.
Would you mind...
I was hoping you would change your mind about this stupid marriage if we caught Sabrina cheating on you, but unfortunately, her party was pretty lame.
Pensei que mudasses de ideias quanto a este estúpido casamento se apanhássemos a Sabrina a trair-te, mas, infelizmente, a festa dela foi bastante fatela.
I guess then I would wonder why you mind, since we're just friends.
Acho que iria pensar no que isso significa, porque somos só amigos.
You think Fiona would mind
Achas que a Fiona se importava se vestisse um dela?
Would you gentlemen mind accompanying us to the conference room?
Importam-se de nos acompanhar à sala de conferências?
If it would give you peace of mind...
Se isso te deixa mais feliz...
So, in your mind, because there's tea being grown, there's a sort of plantation house with a veranda and somebody saying, "Would you like a gin sling?"
Então, na tua cabeça, como isto são terras de cultivo de chá, haverá uma casa com varanda numa quinta, e alguém a oferecer um "Gin Sling"?

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