They were right traducir ruso
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They were right. Everybody was right.
Правду про вас говорили.
They were right where they are, on each side of her nose.
- Ерунда. Как были,.. -... по бокам от носа.
They were right to tell you.
Они были правы, сказав вам.
They were right behind me, and bang, bang!
Они стояли у меня за спиной. Бах, бах!
"I have the weakness to..." they were right, the devils.
"У меня слабость к..." Они правы, дьяволы.
They were right!
Мне подходит.
Tell me you're a witch and they were right about you.
Скажи, что ты ведьма, и что они говорили о тебе правду.
OK. So they were right.
Ну, хорошо, может быть, они и правы.
Perhaps they were right.
Возможно, они были правы.
They were right.
Они были правы :
- They were right over there.
- Да, вон там.
- But they were right by the worm- -
- Но червь прошел совсем близко...
They were right on the doorstep.
Стояли прямо на пороге.
They were new stamps, right? Yes, about ten. Five-cent-stamps.
- Ну да, около 10 штук, по 5 центов марка.
Right here. I got it last night, when they were all asleep.
Я взяла, пока все спали.
- If mary Jess - We can not only prove we were right and they fell for a gag, we can get an exclusive stoy...
Мы не только докажем, что они попались на розыгрыш, мы получим материал.
They were on the right side, but that didn't help them when the shooting started..
Они были на правильной стороне, но это не спасло их, когда началась стрельба...
And those people at the airfield, why do you think they were so anxious about getting up there right away?
Как думаешь, почему авиакомпания не хотела подождать с подъёмом?
Bellied up a ridge, and there they were, right below me.
Я подполз к краю хребта, они были прямо передо мной.
While you were at it, Colonel, you might've picked up a couple of bottles of steak sauce, or didn't they have the right brand?
Раз уж вы там были, полковник, могли бы захватить пару бутылочек соуса к мясу, Или у них не было подходящей марки?
They were a mile off the right-of-way where they had no business drunk and chasing'squaws.
Те двое нарушили их владения, пришли к ним в поселок в стельку пьяные. Лезли к их женщинам.
Gramps, they were watching the stream, right?
Они ждут сигнала, верно?
They were probably all... just as much in the right as I am.
Возможно у них были основания, возможно, они, как и я, отстаивали свою правоту.
Yes, they were real professionals. You trusted them right away.
Профессионалы, нечего говорить.
Now were they right about that little temple?
Вот были они правы насчет того маленького храма?
And right now I've got some... that sound as if they were made for somebody just like you.
И сейчас получил приказ, который словно для вас написан.
Mr. Spock ran them through our computers. They were the right ones.
М-р Спок прогнал их через компьютер.
Two of Baker's men were going to ride her right into the camp making out they were being chased by Apaches.
И два человека Бейкера должны были отвезти ее прямо в лагерь, выдумав, что за ними гонятся Апачи.
They were criminals, Communists, right?
Это были преступники, коммунисты. Я прав?
They were only boys, right?
Ребята, правда?
So you were right, they aren't human.
То есть вы были правы, они не люди.
If they were in Moscow, they'd be all right.
Естественно... Были бы в Москве, не спрашивал бы.
Hey, Doctor, last time we met the Ogrons they were working for the Daleks, right?
Эй, Доктор, в последний раз, когда мы встретили Оргонов они работали на Далеков, верно?
They were right.
Они были правы.
They were simply asserting their right to work, like everyone else.
Они требовали права на честный труд!
Lovely odds we're up against, aren't they? You were right.
Нас ждет неравная схватка, не так ли?
- They were trying to get in there, right?
пытались пролезть внутрь!
I don't know, they were right here.
Я не знаю, они были здесь.
Well, they were all right when I left them.
Но когда я уходил, они были в порядке.
- They were real, all right.
- Они точно были реальными.
- They were real, all right.
- Они был реальными, это точно.
He was chasing counterfeiters on Seine... they were fighting right at the edge.
Он вчера ловил фальшивомонетчика на набережной Сены. Они схватились на самом краю.
I mean, right up to the end, they were ready to deal. They only arrested my mother to get my father to talk, to try to break my father.
Они арестовали мою мать, чтобы заставить отца говорить, попытаться сломить моего отца.
They were with him when he took the book with the Auryn symbol on the cover in which he's reading his own story right now.
Они были с ним когда он брал книгу с символом Орина на обложке в которой он читает свою с обственную историю прямо сейчас.
The Germans were right behind us. They tried to take him away.
Немцы догоняли, отобрать хотели.
- But they were right.
Но они правы.
And they were right.
Я не умею.
And when they came to Jesus, and found the man of whom the devils were sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind
И, пришедши к Иисусу, нашли человека, из которого вышли бесы, сидящего у ног Иисусовых, одетого и в здравом уме,
Right bastards they were.
Среди всякой сволочи.
These his witnesses are they all you were spinning, right?
Полагаю, ваши свидетели вполне надежны.
If they were already right, there was not motive to straighten them again unless, meantime, someone had moved them.
Если они были на местах, не было необходимости поправлять их снова. Что-то связано с убийцей, если только кто-то не трогал их.
they were right here 24
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were not 22
they were gone 49