We'll talk then traducir ruso
380 traducción paralela
Tell you what. We'll put Stanislavsky on his plane, then go somewhere and talk.
Мы посадим нашего Станиславского на самолет, а потом пойдем куда-нибудь.
Get me the drink and then we'll talk.
Дайте мне напиток а затем поговорим.
Then we'll never talk about it again.
Потом мы никогда не будем говорить об этом.
We'll talk about it later. Very well then...
Конечно, работай, мой мальчик.
Shake off your pain, and then we'll talk it over.
Стряхни свою боль, а потом поговорим.
Hurry up... and then we'll have a talk.
Пейте быстрее... а потом мы поговорим.
Give your salary to me, and you take mine, And we'll talk then.
Давай поменяемся зарплатами, Люба, потом поговорим.
I caused the wind to withdraw from your sails. Give it back, then we'll talk.
Да, я забрал ветер из ваших парусов.
- Then we'll sit down and talk, right?
- И тогда мы поговорим. Так?
My boys will spring Kirk, and then we'll talk about giving me a hand.
Мои парни вытащат Кирка, и мы обговорим, как вы заплатите.
Get some sleep and then we'll talk.
Поспи немного, а потом мы поговорим.
Good, then we'll talk.
тогда давай поговорим.
When we've searched the house, then we'll have time to talk.
Когда мы обыщем дом, у нас будет время объясниться.
You'll wait in my office for a while and then we'll go some place to talk.
Подождёшь меня в офисе некоторое время, а затем мы пойдем куда-нибудь поговорить.
You'll knock the door, then we'll have a little talk.
Постучите в дверь, тогда мы немного поговорим.
Let's go in, then we'll talk
Дайте нам войти, и мы поговорим.
Then I'll come with you and we'll talk to your father.
Тогда я пойду с тобой, и поговорим с твоим отцом.
Why don't you come tomorrow evening with your wife and nephew. We'll talk then.
Я прошу мудреца Сальвадора придти ко мне завтра вечером с супругой и племянником и поговорим.
Okay, this is what we're gonna do. First we go inside, right? Then we'll just talk a little.
Короче, мы заходим, немного говорим с ними, потом Энни отвлекает Линдзи, и мы идем на второй этаж, первая спальня слева, понял?
- Then just leave him alone and we'll go talk.
- Тогда оставь его и пойдем поговорим. - Да.
I'll see you tomorrow, and then we'll talk.
Увидимся завтра, и всё обсудим.
We'll listen to the music, and then we'll talk.
Слушайте музыку, а потом поговорим.
Fix the coffee, then we'll talk.
– Сейчас ты мне всё расскажешь. Пойди, приготовь кофе.
We have the news and weather coming up, then we'll be back with more Night Talk.
У нас есть новости и кое-что о погоде, а затем мы вернемся к "Ночной Беседе".
And then we'll be back with more Night Talk.
А затем мы вернемся с еще одной ночной беседой.
And then we'll talk to Jerry.
Затем мы поговорим с Джерри.
Then we'll talk to you, alright?
Потом поговорим, хорошо?
Then we'll talk.
Потом поговорим.
I'll say what I have to say, and then we can talk.
Но он принадлежит к старой школе.
He has a gift, and once you acknowledge that, then maybe we'll have something to talk about.
У него дар, и когда вы это признаете, тогда может быть, у нас будет о чем поговорить.
Unlock the chains, and then we'll talk.
Развяжите меня, тогда и поговорим.
Then we'll talk.
Будем говорить.
And then I'll read what you've got and we'll talk about it.
А потом я прочитаю, что тут у тебя, и мы это обсудим.
If I see that baby go up, then we'll talk about your boat.
Если вы их подорвете, мы поговорим о вашей лодке!
- Stand back, then we'll talk.
- Не подходи, тогда поговорим.
Yeah, Scotty. I'll be around in a bit. We can talk then?
Пока, поговорим потом.
- We'll talk then.
- Тогда и обсудим.
We'll talk about it then.
Тогда и поговорим с глазу на глаз.
We'll talk then.
Сегодня и поговорим.
Why don't we wait till it gets quieter, then we'll have a talk with Mr. Garibaldi.
Почему бы не подождать, пока не станет тише, тогда и поговорим с мистером Гарибальди.
And then we'll sit at the table and I'll tell her she's an excellent cook and she'll say how you talk about me all the time
А потом, мы все сядем за стол, и я скажу ей, что она отлично готовит, а она скажет, что ты ей часто рассказывал обо мне...
I'll talk to the others and then we'll decide how to proceed...
Я поговорю с другими, и затем мы решим, как действовать дальше.
- Read the file and then we'll talk. - What's this?
- Прочитайте его, а потом мы поговорим.
I'll read through it and then we'll talk.
сначала я лично просмотрю, а затем мы с вами вместе обсудим.
Then we'll go talk about your new parish.
А потом мы поговорим о вашем новом приходе.
Then we'll talk about the car.
Потом мы поговорим о машине.
Then we'll talk about the conditions.
Нет? Тогда поговорим об условиях.
Let's deal with these Reetou then we'll talk about it, OK?
Давай сначала разберемся с этими Рииту,... а потом поговорим об этом, хорошо?
Talk about something else. When someone comes through that door and breaks the record, then we'll stop talkin about the subject.
Тогда, когда кто-нибудь сюда зайдет и побьет рекорд, тогда мы сменим тему.
We'll talk tomorrow, then.
Тогда поговорим завтра.
I want to see the stamps and then we'll talk about money. - Today.
Хочу видеть марки и поговорим насчет денег.
we'll talk soon 56
we'll talk later 372
we'll talk again 22
we'll talk tomorrow 85
we'll talk more later 19
we'll talk in the morning 18
we'll talk about it tomorrow 26
we'll talk about it later 153
we'll talk about it 93
we'll talk 239
we'll talk later 372
we'll talk again 22
we'll talk tomorrow 85
we'll talk more later 19
we'll talk in the morning 18
we'll talk about it tomorrow 26
we'll talk about it later 153
we'll talk about it 93
we'll talk 239
we'll talk when i get back 18
we'll talk to him 18
we'll talk about it in the morning 18
we'll talk about this later 96
we'll talk about that later 49
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
we'll talk to him 18
we'll talk about it in the morning 18
we'll talk about this later 96
we'll talk about that later 49
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77