According to the report traducir turco
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According to the report from your team, the virus was considered inactive.
Senin ekibinin raporuna göre, virüsü zararsız olarak düşünmeliydik.
According to the report, some guy on angel dust was wavin'a 12-gauge shotgun.
Rapora göre, PCP çekmiş herifin teki 12'lik çifte sallıyormuş.
Right, according to the report of the Chinese officers, This sailing route is leading to the Black Cliff.
Çİn kayıtlarına göre... rotamız bizi direk oraya götürecektir!
According to the report of my ninjas.
Ninajlara göre....
According to the report, he can build bombs out of Bisquick.
Bu rapora göre bisküviden bile bomba yapabiliyor.
According to the report, Ryu may be as powerful as Ken.
Bilgilere göre, Ryu, Ken kadar güçlü olabilir.
What's wrong? ! According to the report, the finger-prints belong to him.
Parmak izi uzmanına göre, katilin izi ona ait.
According to the report, Mr Bruckman, you didn't touch the body after you found her.
Polis raporuna göre, Bay Bruckman cesedi bulduktan sonra ona hiç dokunmamışsınız.
Yeah, she did, but according to the report... when she killed herself, she was three weeks pregnant.
Evet, intihardı, ama rapora göre... intihar ettiği zaman, üç haftalık hamileymiş.
According to the report, the Leviathan had a Delvian, Hynerian and a Luxan aboard.
Rapora göre, Leviathan'da bir Delvia'lı, Hyneria'lı ve bir de Luxan varmış.
According to the report there were traces of gasoline found on the floor of your bedroom closet.
- Resmi rapora göre yatak odanın dolabında yerde benzin izleri bulunmuş.
According to the report, a neighbour, Mrs. Ja?
Rapor a bagli olarak, komsu, Bayan Ja?
According to the report, the girl was the first to get to her.
Rapora göre ona ilk ulaşan kız olmuş.
And it's because of this influence that we abandoned Moscow, while according to your report we won the Battle of Borodino.
Bizim Moskova'yı terketmemizde bunun etkisi vardır. Sizin raporunuza göre ise, biz Borodino Savaşını kazandık.
Not according to the last scheduled report, which came from about here.
- Son rapora göre değil.
She was, in fact, dead according to the medical report!
Doktor raporuna göre, kız zaten ölmüştü!
According to an unofficial newspaper report, the eyewitness can identify the mysterious night visitor.
Resmi olmayan bir gazete haberine göre Gizemli gece ziyaretçisini teşhis edebilecek bir tanık bulunuyor.
According to the coroner's report, he did suffer from a cerebral hemorrhage.
Savcının raporuna göre, beyin kanaması geçirmiş.
According to the coroner's report...
Yargıcın raporuna göre...
According to their report, far from being dead, Shingen is in the best of health.
Gelen bilgilere göre Shingen'in sağlığı gayet yerinde.
This is the route according to the three-year-old tailing report.
Bu, o üç yıllık dava dosyasına göre takip edilen yol.
According to the autopsy report the painter dismembered his wife.
Otopsi raporuna göre ressam, eşini parçalamış.
Our own intelligence operations around the world, special grants abroad, anything that's around, according to this report.
Tüm dünyada kendimizce yapılan istihbarat, özel dış tahsisler bu rapora göre ortalıkta olan her şey.
According to the police report... Jonathan Parker, foster son of Maryville Police Department's Lt. Donald Parker... dreamed of the killer.
- Bu resim, komiser Donald Parker'ın oğlu Jonathan Parker'a göre çizildi.
According to an environmental impact report, what few pine weasels remain will be all but wiped out with the Packard plans for Ghostwood development.
Bir çevresel etkileşim raporuna göre kalan az sayıdaki gelincik de Packard şirketinin Ghostwood projesiyle beraber yeryüzünden silinecek.
- According to the autopsy report, yeah.
- Otopsi raporuna göre öyle.
Uncle, according to the doctor's report...
Amca, doktorun raporuna göre...
According to the police report, he was the only other person here.
Polis raporuna göre dün gece buradaki diğer kişi oymuş.
Now, according to this report from the advisory committee, you've made a statement to the effect that you have a conscientious objection to taking part in the war.
Şimdi, Tavsiye Komitesinden gelen bu rapora göre savaşta yer almama konusunda kesin bir ret kararınız olduğu yazıyor.
According to the police report, he wandered in front of the miniature train.
Polis raporuna göre, trenin önünde geziyormuş.
According to the Marduk report, he's the "Third Child".
Marduk raporuna göre o Üçüncü Çocuk. { Marduk raporu }
According to Waltos's report, the hood was still warm when they got to Skinner's apartment, even with the rain.
Walter'ın raporuna göre, Skinner'ın evine geldiklerinde motor hala sıcakmış. Yağmura rağmen.
According to the sheriff's report, you were the last person to see Dr. Bailey alive.
Şerif raporlarına göre, Dr. Bailey'i canlı gören son kişi sizsiniz.
According to the same report, the coroner had to hire a backhoe... To remove the body, which was buried completely in a standing vertical position.
Rapora göre adlı tip görevlisi ayakta durur gibi dikey gömülen cesedi çıkarmak için yardım almak zorunda kalmış.
According to the police report she's telling a different story.
Polis raporuna göre kız öyle demiyor.
According to the operative report, Dr. Babcock, the anesthesiologist drew your attention to spinal fluid in the surgical field at 10 to 6.
Ameliyat raporuna göre Anestezi Uzmanı Doktor Babcock, altıya on kala dikkatinizi omurilik sıvısına çekmiş.
But according to the police report, the TV set was still on when the first officers arrived on the scene.
Oysa polis raporuna göre ilk memur eve geldiğinde televizyon hala açıkmış.
According to Ecklie's report, which was filed in record time the point of origin for the fire was the closet.
Ecklie'nin rekor hızda dosyalanan raporuna göre,.. ... yangının çıkış noktası dolapmış.
According to the coroner's report, there were no traces of any drug or alcohol in her blood system.
Adli tıp raporuna göre, kanında alkol ya da uyuşturucu izine rastlanmamış.
According to the coroner's report... there were no traces of any drug or alcohol in her blood system.
- Adli tıbbın raporuna göre, kızın kanında uyuşturucu ya da alkol izine rastlanmamış.
Right. But according to the coroner's report, the fire was so hot it would've consumed everything. Even the teeth!
Isı o kadar yüksekmiş ki geriye dişler bile kalmamış.
And, according to the tox report, the bullet in his leg wasn't degraded enough to account for the amount of lead in his body. So where did the rest of the lead come from?
- Ama toksin raporuna göre bacağındaki mermi, kanındaki kurşun oranının yüksekliğini açıklayacak kadar aşınmamış.
- Well, according to his report, the Latonans never granted Grieves'team access to the Sentinel, before they were... recalled and arrested.
- Raporuna göre, Latonalılar Grieves'in takımının Nöbetçi'ye erişimine hiç bir zaman izin vermemişler, onlar yakalanıp... tutuklanmadan önce.
According to Mr Quinn's original report, you regularly interfere in the affairs of a race known as the Goa'uld.
Bay Quinn'in orjinal raporuna göre, Goa'uld adlı ırkın işlerine düzenli olarak müdahale ediyorsunuz.
According to the official report, that type of plane had six similar episodes recently.
Resmi rapora göre bu tip uçaklar daha önce de benzer kazalar yapmış.
According to the law your duty is to report it, or else we can report you not to report, for not reporting the report that it is your duty to report.
Yasalara göre görevin bunu haber vermek yada seni biz rapor edebiliriz... ne için şikayetçi olmuyorsun... olayı haber verme görevi senin görevin.
However according to the medical evaluation and the psychoanalysis report the defendant is confirmed to be mentally unstable.
Ama tıbbî değerlendirme ve psikiyatrist raporlarına göre sanığın ruhsal düzensizliği onaylandı.
Well, according to the accident report, the sun set at 5 : 30 yesterday.
Kaza raporuna göre güneş dün 17 : 30'da batmış.
Dennis had cyclopentolate in his bloodstream, 150 micrograms per mil, according to the tox report.
Dennis'in kanında göz damlası bulundu. Toksin raporuna göre bir mililitrede 150 mikrogram bulundu.
According to our latest report, Ba'al is trying to take advantage of the situation.
Son raporumuza göre, Ba'al durumdan faydalanmaya çalışıyor.
Well, according to Agent Malone's own report... you approached him with your concern... about jumping too quickly to the conclusion that Samir was a terrorist.
Ajan Malone'un raporuna göre ona Samir'in bir terörist olduğu kararına çabuk varma konusunda kaygılarınızla yaklaşmışsınız.
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to our records 22
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to legend 40
according to you 115
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to my sources 16
according to the legend 19
according to our records 22
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to legend 40
according to you 115
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to my sources 16