I would never traducir turco
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I would never.
Hiç yapar mıyım.
I would never.
Asla öyle bir şey yapmam normalde.
I would never put you in a situation like this
Böyle bir durumda koymak asla
At the very least, I would hope that you would know I would never want you to show your vagina to anyone but me.
Yani diyeceğim şudur ki, vajinanı benden başka kimseye göstermeni istemiyorum
You know that I would never disappoint you on purpose, right?
Seni bilerek hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağımı biliyorsun, değil mi?
I would never lie. Not to you.
Sana karşı asla yalan söylemem.
I would never.
Ala yapmam.
- No, sir. I would never.
Hiçbir şartta.
Eddie! I wouldn't, I would never do that.
Eddie, hiç öyle bir şey yapar mıyım!
"What? I would never cheat on your mom."
Ben olsam anneni hayatta aldatmazdım. " dedi.
I would never do that.
Bunu asla yapmam.
No, look, I would never just meet a woman for drinks, hook up and never call her again.
Bak, asla bir kadınla içki için buluşup yattıktan sonra aramamazlık etmem.
I would never, Axe.
Asla yapmam, Axe.
I would never...
Asla böyle...
I would never reveal a source.
Asla kaynağı ifşa etmem.
and I would never tell this to anybody else'cause... but, like... it's kind of fucking me up.
... çünkü ancak bunu mahvediyor.
I would never do that.
Ben asla yapmam bunu.
I would never throw things, honest to God!
Valla diyorum, etrafa bir şey atmam!
I would never imply...
Bunu ima etmek istememiştim...
Oh, don't worry, I would never let you near my baby.
Korkma, seni çocuğumun yanına asla yaklaştırmam.
I would never allow that to happen.
Böyle bir şeye izin vermem.
I would never betray one of the family.
Ailemden birine asla ihanet etmem.
But were it not for Mei Lin's assistance, I would never have found the boy.
Fakat Mei Lin'in yardımı olmasaydı çocuğu asla bulamazdım.
I built this suit because I promised myself that night hat I would never be powerless o save anyone again.
O gece başka birini kurtarmak için asla güçsüz olmayacağıma dair söz verdiğim için bu zırhı icat etmiştim.
I want you to know... that I would never hurt you.
Seni asla incitmeyeceğimi bilmeni istiyorum.
But no matter who it was, I would never get to see them or feel them, their... their presence.
Ama kim olursa olsun, onları göremez ya da hissedemezdim, onların... onların varlığını.
No, no, I would never do that to you.
Hayır, hayır, bunu sana asla yapmam..
I would never dream of damaging that beautiful mind of yours.
O güzel zihninize asla zarar vermek istemem.
I would never.
Asla öyle bir şey yapmam.
I would never harm anyone.
Kimseye zarar vermem ben.
You know I literally haven't heard from you since you told me you never loved me and that I was "a spoiled brat whose life would never amount to being anything other than someone's wife."
Bana, beni hiç sevmediğini ve birinin karısı olmak dışında bir şey olamayacak şımarık bir züppe olduğumu söylediğinden beri senden haber almadım.
In fact, you and I trust each other and I am peeing in this bottle because I have to pee, but also to show that you and I do trust each other and we would never do anything to harm one another.
Hatta, sen ve ben birbirimize güveniyoruz, ben de bu şişeye işiyorum çünkü yapmam lazım, ama aynı zamanda birbirimize güvendiğimizi göstermek ve birbirimize zarar vermek adına hiçbir şey yapmayacağımız için.
Dill, I know you would never admit this to yourself, but don't you want to be with somebody who sees you for you?
Dill, bunu asla kabul etmeyeceğini biliyorum, ama seni olduğun gibi gören biriyle olmak istemez misin?
I mean, I never would have thought to buy the burger from Wendy's and then the fries from McDonald's.
Wendy'den sandviç, McDonalds'dan patates kızartması almak hiç benim aklıma gelmezdi.
If I knew you didn't know how to make coffee... I would have never agreed to this relationship
Kahve yapamadığın gerçeğini bilseydim teklifini asla kabul etmezdim.
I never gave any thought as to how our new roles would affect our everyday lives. You sold my wife.
Yeni görevlerimizin hayatımızı nasıl etkileyeceğini hiç düşünmemiştim.
Of course, I never dared believe it would actually happen, but...
Elbette, bunun olacağı aklımın ucundan bile geçmemişti ama...
When we said we'd take turns watching all the kids, I never thought it would be my turn.
Çocuklara sırayla bakarız dediğimizde sıram geleceğini düşnmemiştim.
I never dreamed when I gave'em my credit card number that they would charge me.
Kredi kartı numaramı verip, yargılanacağımı hiç düşünmemiştim.
The truth is, I could have a telephone pole through my dick and she would never have known.
İşin aslı çükümde telefon direği bile olsaydı o farkına varmazdı.
I do know Max and he would never kill an innocent man!
Max'i tanıyorum, masum bir adamı asla öldürmez!
I never stopped hoping they would find me.
Hep beni bulacaklarını umuyordum.
He saved my life, and I never would have survived without him.
O hayatımı kurtardı ve o olmasa asla hayatta kalamazdım.
Because the Jack thurlow I know would never speak to me that way.
Çünkü benim tanıdığım Jack thurlow asla bu şekilde konuşmazdı.
I would rather have a spineless Donald Blythe as my vice president than a woman who's never held elected office.
Daha önce hiç seçilmemiş bir kadındansa karaktersiz Donald Blythe'ı başkan yardımcım olarak tercih ederim.
It was never even a consideration if I would get to keep you, actually.
İşin aslı, seni benim büyütmem hiç düşünülmedi bile.
Were it not for those sins, I never would have met him.
O günahlar olmasaydı onunla asla tanışamazdım.
Without S.H.I.E.L.D., he never would've made it home.
S.H.I.E.L.D'in yardımı olmadan asla eve dönemezdi.
The reason I'm constantly lecturing Jefferson is because I'm the one who brought him along, and if something happens, I'm the one who has to go back to 2016 and tell his mother that her little boy is never coming home, and I would rather die than do that.
Onu buraya getirdiğim için, başına bir şey gelirse 2016'ya geri dönüp annesine küçük oğlunun bir daha eve dönmeyeceğini söylemem gerektiği için Jefferson'a durmadan ders vermeye çalışıyorum.
I really understand how much trouble it would cause me later. I will never put that bracelet on you!
İleride başıma bu kadar bela açacağını bilseydim bilekliği sana asla taktırmazdım.
Hell, if I would've known you were a rich man, August, I never would have agreed on letting'you have that girl.
Zengin olduğunu bilseydim, August o kızı senin almana izin vermezdim.
i would never hurt you 71
i would never lie to you 20
i would never do that 195
i would never let that happen 17
i would never say that 20
i would never do that to you 41
i would never hurt her 27
i would never hurt him 24
i would have known 20
i would 2181
i would never lie to you 20
i would never do that 195
i would never let that happen 17
i would never say that 20
i would never do that to you 41
i would never hurt her 27
i would never hurt him 24
i would have known 20
i would 2181
i wouldn't mind 79
i would love to 413
i wouldn't have it any other way 49
i wouldn't go that far 116
i wouldn't do that if i were you 115
i wouldn't miss it for the world 62
i would have 200
i wouldn't know 484
i would say 311
i wouldn't dare 49
i would love to 413
i wouldn't have it any other way 49
i wouldn't go that far 116
i wouldn't do that if i were you 115
i wouldn't miss it for the world 62
i would have 200
i wouldn't know 484
i would say 311
i wouldn't dare 49