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It was your fault traducir turco

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I wondered if it was your fault, but no.
Seninle mi ilgili acaba diye düşündüm, ama seninle bir ilgisi yoktu.
It was your fault he left.
Senin yüzünden gitti.
- What if I told you it was your fault?
- Senin yüzündendi desem?
- I don't suppose it was your fault.
Aslında senin hatan olduğunu zannetmiyorum.
- It was your fault.
- Senin hatandı.
If they won't, I want Nick to know it was your fault.
Dönmezlerse Nick senin hatan olduğunu bilsin.
This time, it was your fault.
Bu seferki senin hatandı.
And, Connie, just because it happened in your house... don't think that any of it was your fault.
Connie... Evinde oldu diye hatayı kendinde arama.
If I drank like a fish all week, it was your fault.
Bütün hafta zil zurna içmem senin hatandı.
It was your fault.
Senin hatandı.
When they found me they assumed it was your fault.
Beni bulduklarında... senin hatan olduğunu sandılar.
You probably like thinking it was your fault.
Bunun senin suçun olduğunu düşünmek hoşuna gidiyor.
I didn't say it was your fault.
Senin hatan demedim..
Well, it was your fault, too, because you're too nice a person, and too kind.
Bunlar senin suçundu. Çünkü çok nazik ve kibar bir insansın.
Why are you sad when it was your fault?
Hem sebep olup hem niye üzülüyorsunuz?
I was thinking it was your fault because you'd been left in charge, or Manuel's for not waking you, and all the time, it was my fault.
Seni görevlendirdiğim için senin... Manuel seni uyandırmadığı için onun... suçlu olduğunu düşünüyordum ama... aslında baştan beri, benim hatammış.
It was your fault.
Hatalı olan sendin.
That was his lunch, Dude. It was your fault.
Bu sizin kahvaltınızdı, mösyö.
I never thought it was your fault.
Asla sizin hatanız olduğunu düşünmedim.
It was your fault.
Bu senin hatandı.
With your wife it was your fault.
Karınla aranızda geçenlerde, senin suçundu.
He says it was your fault, and suggests that you apologize.
Senin hatan olduğunu ve özür dilemen gerektiğini söylüyor.
- Do you think it was your fault?
- Bunun senin hatan olduğunu düşünüyor musun?
- It was your fault...
— Bu senin hatan...
It was not your fault that your father was bewitched.
Bizi neden öldürtmedin?
It wasn't your fault, it was mine.
Senin suçun deđildi, benimdi.
It was all your fault anrway!
Hepsi senin hatan!
Was it your fault?
Sizin hatanız mıydı?
He was no good, it wasn't your fault.
- Kötü biriydi! Senin suçun yok!
It was not your fault, my dear.
Senin hatan değil, tatlım.
Besides, it was your own fault.
Zaten geldimse kabahat senindir.
It was not your fault.
Senin hatan değil.
Not if you say it was all your fault.
Bunların sizin hatanız olduğunu söylüyorsanız, hayır.
I'm sure it was my brother's fault, and I'm sure you had your reasons. But I don't care what they were.
Eminim ki bu kardeşimin suçuydu, ve eminim ki senin de sebeplerin vardı ama umurumda bile değil.
Of course, it was entirely your fault that I at breakfast, "put my hands all over her", if that's how you want to put it.
Tabii ki, kahvaltıda ellerimi üzerinde gezdirmem tamamen senin suçun, tabi istediğin o şekilde yapmam idiyse.
- Because it was all your fault.
- Senin yüzünden oldu da ondan.
- Was it your fault?
Aslında sayılır. - Senin suçun muydu?
Well, we can hardly say it was your sister's fault, sir.
Tam olarak kızkardeşinizin hatası olduğunu söyleyemeyiz, efendim.
And it was all your fault!
Hepsi senin hatan.
Your husband, he was well, it wasn't his fault the way he died.
Eşiniz... Şey, bu şekilde ölmesi onun suçu değildi.
Even the Jap said it was all your fault.
Japonlar bile bunun senin hatan olduğunu söyledi.
I was stupid. I thought it was all your fault.
- Aptallık yaptım suçlunun siz olduğunu sandım.
It was all your fault!
Hepsi senin hatandan oldu!
Yes I know, if it hadn't been for Mr Lee, you wouldn't have been Security Force Captain. But in actual fact it was not your fault. Anyway you were in prison for three long years.
Bay Lee, hayatta olsaydı şu an Asayiş Şubeşi Baş Komser'i olmuyacaktın ama bu senin suçun değil, aksi takdirde üç sene hapiste yatacaktın.
- It was not your fault.
- Bu senin hatan değildi.
It was all your fault, claiming it was love at first sight.
İlk görüşte aşk olduğunu iddia etmek senin suçundu.
It's your fault, you said the dog was not tough so you fed it with green chili peppers.
Hata sende, köpeğin hiç vahşi olmadığını bu yüzden, yeşil acı biberle beslediğini söylüyordun.
- It was your own fault.
- Senin suçundu.
Besides, it was your hero's fault.
Ayrica kahramaniniz suçlu.
Are you saying that it's my father's fault that your family was killed?
Ailenin öldürülmesinin babamın suçu olduğunu mu söylüyorsun?
- Not that it was completely your fault
- Ama tamamen senin hatan değildi.

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