Was he there traducir turco
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Suddenly he was there, then he was gone.
- Aniden ortaya çıktı, sonra da yok oldu.
You only get this close if you want something more. He was in love with him there.
Sadece daha fazla bir şey istiyorsan bu kadar yakınlaşırsın.
The guy has been killed in the boat, thus burits over there and placed where he was found.
Çocuk teknede öldürüldükten sonra bulunduğu sokağa taşınmış ve oraya bırakılmış.
He must have thought there was one.
Bir vasiyet olduğunu düşünmüş olmalı.
There was nothing he could do.
Yapabileceği hiçbir şey yoktu.
But he was, um, just sitting there, staring at a picture of me and my mum.
Kendi kendine oturuyordu. Annemle olan resimlerimize bakıyordu.
He thought that there was some connection between my Morpheus process and those creatures that attacked us.
Morpheus sürecim ile bize saldiran yaratıklar arasında bir baglantı olduğunu düşündü.
Do not talk. Even if my client was there, you've already said he left before the murders, so why is he here?
Müvekkilim orada bulunmuşsa bile cinayetlerden önce gittiğini söylediniz zaten.
- Ken Song. Yeah, well, when we got there, he was hanging with this lady, and all making out.
- Evet, şey, biz oraya gittiğimizde bir hanımla takılıyordu, öpüşüp koklaşıyorlardı.
Well, what is it, then? Be... be honest with me. Okay, I'm trying to figure out if Slider was always this way, or was there a turning point when he changed from street kid to killer?
- Tamam, Kaypak'ın hep mi böyle olduğunu çözmeye çalışıyorum yoksa onu sokak çocuğundan katile çeviren bir dönüm noktası mı vardı?
I went to the door, and there was this man yelling at Tom for the way that he passed him on the highway.
Kapıya gittim, adamın biri, otobanda onu geçiş şekli yüzünden Tom'a bağırıyordu.
Still, if he was there during the beating, why did Mrs. Palmer refuse to identify him?
- Yine de, Sam dayak esnasında orada idiyse Bayan Palmer onu teşhis etmeyi neden reddetti?
He was there when we first found you, with the flame-haired Scot.
Seni kızıl saçlı İskoç'la bulduğumuzda oradaydı.
There's no history of violent crime, so if he did kill Cory, that was a departure.
- Şiddet suçundan sabıkası yok. Cory'i öldürdüyse, bu bir başlangıç olmuş.
And then there was this guy, and he was like
Sonra bir adam çıktı dedi ki ;
I think that he wanted us to know that there was a big world outside of Sleepy Hollow for us to explore and that we could leave if we wanted.
Sanırım Sleepy Hollow dışında da keşfedecek büyük bir dünya olduğunu ve istersek buradan gidebileceğimizi anlatmaya çalışıyordu.
He was drunk and passed out over there.
İçmişti, sokak ortasında yatıyordu.
When he was, let's see, like, 18, she was literally in there in your womb.
Şeykende, bi düşüneyim, 18 felan kızın tam olarak rahminin içindeydi.
When he hit the water he was going 86 miles an hour, so there's a good chance his neck would have snapped or his skull would have been crushed.
Saatte 140 kilometre hızda Suya çarptığında Boynunun kırılması ya da kafatasının parçalanma, Şansı oldukça yüksek.
He was there, standing in front of her, blood all over him
O da oradaydı, önünde dikiliyordu. Her yeri kan olmuş şekilde.
He admitted that it was you Who deliberately put Harvey's salary out there For all the world to see.
Harvey'in bordrosunu bütün herkes görsün diye ortaya koyanın sen olduğunu itiraf etti.
He was there, Saul, in Switzerland, the day General Youssef's plane went down.
O da oradaydı Saul. İsviçre'de. General Youssef'un uçağının patladığı gün.
But one thing the League knows for sure- - he was there for all of it.
Ama Birliği'n emin olduğu bir şey var. - Bütün olaylarda oradaymış.
He made sure there was nothing to tell.
Söylenecek bir şey olmayacağına emin oldu.
There are seven different state and federal law enforcement agencies hunting this guy, and you think he was on his way to practice his drumming?
Bu adamın peşinde yedi ayrı eyalet ve federal polis kuvveti var ve sen bateri çalmaya mı gittiğini düşünüyorsun?
He was there, though.
Orada olmasına rağmen.
I know, it sounds crazy, but this guy who's been sending me texts- - my "protector" or whatever- - when I went to the hospital to see my mom, he was there.
Saçma geliyor biliyorum ama şu bana mesaj atıp duran adam koruyucum mu ya da her neyimse işte. Hastaneye annemi görmeye gittiğimde o da oradaydı.
Well, there was one that got me... You know, he sort of grabbed my foot.
Bir tanesi beni ayağımdan tutmuştu.
Vitali Klitschko came to Maidan when he saw that a huge crowd was gathering there.
Vitali Kliçko, Meydan'a geldiğinde toplanmakta olan büyük kalabalığı gördü.
But if he was able to wait until he was ready, there'd be no stopping him.
Hazır olana dek bekleyebilseydi onu durduramayacaktık.
So what was he buying in there?
- Ne alıyormuş oradan?
I was there when he died.
Öldüğünde yanındaydım.
He was there?
He was there too...
O da oradaydi...
He asked if there was good news, not the worst news ever.
İyi haberi sordu, olabilecek en kötü haberi değil.
There was a rubber ducky in there who looked like he'd seen some really messed up stuff.
Orada lastik bir sarı ördek vardı çok fena şeyler görmüş gibi bakıyordu.
There's no evidence that he was ever there.
Onun olay yerinde olduğuna dair hiç bir iz yok.
He knew Louisa was there.
Louisa'nın orada olduğunu biliyordu.
Yes, but while he was there, Dave told me he stumbled across your little secret account.
Evet ama oradayken, Dave bana küçük gizli hesabınızdan bahsetti.
I was standing right next to you and there is no way that he was within earshot.
Bende tam senin yanında duruyordum duyma mesafesinde değildik.
Some say he fled the country to dodge the IRS, others think it was a psychotic break, and there are some who have posited that it could have been an abduction.
Birileri Vergi İdaresi'ni ekip kaçtığını söylüyor... birileri psikolojik kriz geçirdiğini söylüyor ve adamın kaçırıldığını söyleyen birileri de mevcut.
He was actually the sole heir to a real estate fortune worth millions- - except that when he died, there was no one left to manage any of it.
Aslında milyonlar değerindeki gayrimenkul servetinin tek mirasçısıydı. Tabii kendisi ölünce, bu malları yönetecek kimse kalmadı.
He was there the day of the massacre.
Katliamın olduğu gün oradaydı.
Ensign Nathan said that he felt there was a variable within me that makes me not as, uh, logical as I think I am.
Asteğmen Nathan içimde, beni olduğumu düşündüğüm kadar mantıklı yapmayan bir değişken olduğunu söyledi bana.
Like, he was always there for his brothers.
Zehirlendin diyelim ve kusmak istemiyorsun ve pes etmek de üzeresin o hemen yanı başında, öyle bağırırdı : Kardeşlerinin yanındaydı daima.
If my dad was gone, and I learned there was something out there he had made, I don't think I could ignore it.
Eğer benim babam ölseydi ve dışarıda onun yaptığı bir şeyler olduğunu öğrenseydim sanırım görmezden gelemezdim.
How do you know that he was there with her?
Onunla birlikte orada olduğunu nereden biliyorsun?
He was there that night on the beach with Alison, wasn't he?
O gece Alison ile beraber kumsaldaydı, değil mi?
The longer he was there, the worse the bike became.
Orada kaldıkça, motor git gide kötüleşti.
Mark could see like this, it was when he did this that there was a problem.
Marc az görebiliyordu. Şöyle yaptığında, sorun çıkıyordu.
There was no way through there, but through he went.
Orada yer yoktu ama o kendine bir yer buldu.
was he 408
was here 20
was he not 28
was he alone 24
was he right 18
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
was here 20
was he not 28
was he alone 24
was he right 18
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there it is 2912
there is no such thing 30
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there it is 2912
there is no such thing 30