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Almost anything traduction Espagnol

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It's easy to grant you almost anything.
Es fácil concederte casi cualquier cosa.
- He could do almost anything. - He could.
- Podría hacer casi cualquier cosa.
They say a long lifeline can beat almost anything.
Dicen que una larga línea de la vida puede vencer a casi todo.
Almost anything might happen in August.
Casi cualquier cosa podría pasar en agosto.
That's one of those pat arabic phrases that fit almost anything.
Es una de esas frases árabes fáciles que se ajustan casi a cualquier cosa.
It's good for pipes, cigars, almost anything.
A este pequeño invento mío lo llamo "Caballero a todas horas".
I can do almost anything else.
Sé hacer casi todo lo demás.
Although I have not gone to school almost anything.
Aunque yo no he ido casi nada a la escuela.
And yet I'd give almost anything in the world to bring him back to life.
Y aun así daría lo que fuera por traerlo de vuelta a la vida.
I can forgive almost anything but stupidity.
Lo perdono casi todo, menos la estupidez.
They pay almost anything you want to ask. For stuff like that report on the tank armor you've been carrying around.
Pagarán casi lo que les pidas por el informe ese sobre el blindaje de los tanques que tú llevabas.
There are times when I'd prefer it to almost anything.
Me encantaría, gracias.
They can do almost anything I ask them to.
Pueden hacer casi todo lo que yo les diga.
Hearing strange music in almost anything.
Oía una música extraña en casi cualquier cosa.
I knew the Marines could do almost anything, but nothing like this.
Sabía que los Marines podían hacer de todo... pero nunca pensé que podían hacer algo así.
His nest may look haphazard in design... ah, but every single stick and straw... is scientifically placed to withstand... the stress and strain of... well, almost anything.
Su nido parecerá irregular en cuanto a su diseño... pero cada ramita y cada pajita... están colocadas científicamente para soportar el peso de... Bueno, prácticamente cualquier cosa.
You can sell almost anything if they advertise it enough.
Puede venderse cualquier cosa si hay suficiente publicidad.
With the beautiful and extensive education you saw fit to bestow upon me. I imagine I could be almost anything.
Con la bonita y amplia educación costeada por Ud... supongo que puedo dedicarme a cualquier cosa.
Almost anything, depending on the odds.
Por casi todo.
Oh, I suppose he played almost anything.
Supongo que tocaba de todo.
Almost anything.
Casi cualquier cosa.
He does almost anything I ask him to do.
Hace casi todo lo que le pido.
I think maybe I'd rather have that than almost anything.
Prefiero eso que cualquier otra cosa.
I see that you're a man who is fully capable of handling his own affairs... and almost anything else that's liable to come along.
Veo que es un hombre totalmente capaz de encargarse de sus asuntos... y de casi cualquier cosa que llegue a presentarse.
I could find a dozen men who might find you capable of almost anything, but I wouldn't bet they'd vote that way after staring at you through a trial.
Podría encontrar hombres que creerían que eres capaz de casi todo, pero no fallarían en tu contra después de verte en un juicio.
That must be sharp enough for almost anything.
Está muy afilada.
So late in the season, people repeat almost anything.
Todo el mundo lo repite todo.
You know, your papa can say almost anything he wants to and people listen to him.
Tu padre puede decir lo que quiera mientras la gente lo escuche.
─ Almost anything else.
- Cualquier otra cosa.
They can make you do almost anything.
Puede conseguir cualquier cosa.
- Almost anything could cause a hemorrhage. Me?
Cualquier cosa puede causarle una hemorragia.
With Ulrich's influence, you can be almost anything you want.
Con la influencia de Ulrich podrás llegarás a ser lo que tú quieras.
- And willing to pay almost anything.
Quieren pagar mucho dinero.
I believe I would rather have had this present than almost anything I can think of.
Creo que preferiría este regalo a casi cualquier otra cosa que se me ocurra.
Uh, almost anything.
Uh, casi nada.
I think he'd do almost anything to hold onto the nice, cushy life he's made for himself.
Haría casi cualquier cosa para quedarse... ... con Ia vida tan agradable que se ha creado.
We didn't investigate right away because it could have been a car backfiring or almost anything.
No investigamos de inmediato porque podía ser ruido de un coche u otra cosa.
- And ones who'll do almost anything.
- Y los que casi lo hacen.
It could be almost anything.
Cualquier cosa pudo ser.
[Sighs] At 5 : 00 in the morning, you'll say almost anything.
A las 5 : 00 a. m., uno dirá casi cualquier cosa.
You look like you can handle almost anything.
Parece que podría aguantar cualquier cosa.
I've been conditioned to stomach almost anything.
Mi estómago está acostumbrado a casi todo.
These kids would die for love or almost anything else.
Podrían morir de amor o de otro disparate.
I'd almost given up hope of George finding anything suitable in civil life.
Yo ya desesperaba de encontrar algo para George en la vida civil.
You're the first girl I've been able to buy anything for almost two years.
Es la primera chica a la que invito en casi dos años.
Speed, altitude, almost double of anything we've got.
Velocidad, altitud, casi el doble de todo lo que tenemos.
- Very late. We almost didn't have time for anything.
Casi no tuvimos tiempo para nada.
I find it almost impossible to keep my mind on anything harsh said about me.
Me resulta imposible tomar en serio los insultos que recibo.
My heart almost dropped to the ground, I can't do anything.
... habrá otro muerto y la clemencia también le será denegada.
If I thought I'd done anything to make you unhappy I'd almost want to die.
Si pensara que he hecho algo que te pueda causar dolor preferiría morir.
Almost died. They didn't understand anything.
Casi muero.

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