And she died traduction Espagnol
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She was trying to get away from you, and you tripped her, - and she fell down the stairs. - And she died.
No, quería escapar de usted, le hizo tropezar y cayó por las escaleras.
And she died a brutal death and...
Y tuvo una muerte violenta y...
And she died in his arms.
Y ella murió en sus brazos.
And she died.
Y murió.
And did she... and she died
Y ella lo hizo... y murió
My Uncle Calvert fell off a milking stool and she died laughing.
Mi tío Calvert se cayó de un taburete de ordeñar y ella se murió riendo.
Her health failed and she died of breast cancer at age 37.
Tenía una carrera brillante, pero murió de cáncer de mama cuando tenía 37 años.
Thinks she's died and gone to heaven.
Cree que murió y fue al cielo.
Based on lividity, she spent several hours in the fetal position after she died, and then was hung here a few hours ago.
Según la lividez, pasó varias horas en posición fetal luego de morir y luego la colgaron aquí hace unas horas.
The day she died, she placed a call to her boyfriend at the hospital, she placed a call to her voicemail at the office, and she placed two calls to Lady Irena's House of Pain.
El día que murió, hizo una llamada a su novio al hospital otra a su correo de voz de la oficina y dos a la Casa del Dolor de Lady Irena.
And your fiancée, she - she died in the accident?
¿ Y tu prometida... murio en el accidente?
She died between three and four years ago. And her body was left in a landfill for approximately one year.
Murió hace 3 o 4 años, y su cuerpo fue dejado en un vertedero aproximadamente por un año.
She immediately got hit by a truck and died.
Fue atropellada inmediatamente por un camión y murió.
â ª â ª And when she died in your arms â ª You okay?
¿ Estás bien?
When my mom died, she left me something. And my mom and dad were together for almost 60 years.
Um, cuando mi mamá murió, ella me dejó algo, y mi mamá y papá estuvieron juntos durante casi 60 años.
Well, about that, O'Hara's mom died and left her some money and she wanted me to ask you about setting something up for the girls.
Bueno, sobre eso... la madre de O'Hara ha muerto y le ha dejado algo de dinero y quería que te consultase para abrirle un fondo a las niñas
You... you grabbed an old lady's breast and she keeled over and died.
Tú... tú agarraste el pecho de una vieja y ella se desplomó y murió.
No, no, no. But when she died, she had a knitting basket that was full of abandoned projects and they were so entangled that one simply couldn't unravel them.
Pero cuando ella murió, tenía una canasta de tejer que estaba llena de proyectos abandonados y estaban tan enredados que una simplemente no podía desentrañarlos.
And she murdered her husband, too..... because the day he died she was late at the golf club.
Porque estabas teniendo una aventura con ella, George. ¿ No crees que me daría cuenta de eso?
And then, after she died...
Y luego, después de que muriera...
But James was more her son than mine, and after she died he... drifted away.
Pero James era más su hijo que el mío, y después de su muerte... él se alejó.
He brought her in, And he stayed with her Until she died.
La trajo allí, y estuvo con ella hasta que murió.
Well, I have the one that you saw, and she gave one to Auggie right before she died.
Bien, tengo esa que has visto, y ella le dió otra a Auggie justo antes de morir.
Maude and I had a fight right before she died.
Maude y yo tuvimos una pelea antes de morir.
I mean, ever since she died, I, uh, I see her sometimes, and we talk.
Me refiero a desde que ella murió, yo, la veo a veces, y hablamos.
I was seeing this girl and she wanted to but, I was working this case and some kids died.
Estaba viéndome con una chica y quería, pero, estaba trabajando en este caso y algunos niños murieron.
Your mother was the love of my life and after she died I never thought I never thought I'd want to meet someone again. But just that little spark of anticipation made me realize.
Tu madre fue el amor de mi vida, y después de su muerte nunca pense que quisiera conocer a alguien, pero la pequeña chispa de anticipación me hizo darme cuenta de que la vida continua.
Your mother was the love of my life, and after she died, I never thought I'd want to meet someone again, but just that little spark of anticipation made me realize life goes on.
Tu madre fue el amor de mi vida, y despues de que muriera, nunca pensé que querría conocer a alguien otra vez, pero sólo esa pequeña chispa de esperanza me hizo comprender que la vida continúa.
And one day, she died.
Y un día, ella murió.
She died, and it scared me.
Ella murió, y eso me espanto.
Hardly neglect - her mum had died, her dad were in prison and she had no cash.
Negligencia severa. Su mamá murió, su papá estaba en prisión y ella no tenía dinero.
And she totally has the sympathy vote since her parents died.
Y ella tiene el voto de lástima porque sus padres murieron.
And now they're out, which means she died for nothing.
Y ahora ellos escaparon, lo que significa que murió por nada.
That week before she died she'd come here and say,
La noche antes de morir, vino aquí y dijo :
She'd died and she hadn't bought us one Christmas present.
Ella murió sin habernos comprado un regalo de Navidad.
When she died, there was an urgent call to New York, for he was in New York at the time, and he had to fly back, because it was in the contract he had to make her up when she was dead.
Cuando ella murió, hubo un llamado urgente a Nueva York, donde él estaba entonces, y tuvo que volar de vuelta, porque estaba en el contrato que debía maquillarla cuando muriera.
Lividity indicates she died sometime between 7 : 00 and 9 : 00 last night.
La lividez indica que murió entre las 7 : 00 y las 9 : 00 de anoche.
Deanna didn't die because of you. She died because she got shot by a robber. And the stupid nurse who missed the bullet hole in her back.
Deanna no murió por culpa tuya murió porque le disparó un ladrón y por la estupida enfermera que no vió el balazo en su espalda.
She died some time between midnight and 2am.
Murió en algún momento entre la medianoche y las dos de la mañana.
And do you know what happened after she died?
¿ Y sabes que pasó después de que murió?
You know, when my grandfather died, and Meemaw was alone, my mom arranged for her to visit a center three times a week where she could socialize with other lonely people.
Ya sabes, cuando mi abuelo murió, y Meemaw estaba sola, mi mamá hizo arreglos para ella para visitar un centro tres veces por semana donde ella pudiera socializar con otra gente solitaria.
He loved Emily and was crushed when she died.
El amaba a Emily y estaba devastado cuendo ella murió.
Irene Ryan when she died, and I Kept on going.
Irene Ryan cuando ella murió, y yo continué
I came to pick up my phone charger, and I-I figured mom would be asleep, but she's in the kitchen half-sloshed, looking like someone died.
Vine a coger mi cargador de móvil, e imaginé que mamá estaría despierta, pero está en la cocina medio borracha, parece como si se hubiera muerto alguien.
I heard it on the TV this morning. They said she was missing and her brother died?
Lo oí en la televisión esta mañana ellos dijeron ella estaba desaparecida, y su hermano muerto?
She had her pet cat stuffed when he died, And you'd walk in her house, and... There's Mugsy on the piano.
Ella disecó a su gato cuando murió, y entrabas en su casa, y... estaba Mugsy en el piano.
She worked here too and died in strange circumstances. The murderer was never found.
También trabajaba aquí y murió en extrañas circustancias.Nunca se detuvo al asesino.
The nurse said that any longer, and she might have died.
La enfermera dijo que un poco más, y ella pudo haber muerto.
She suffered acute liver failure and died.
Sufrió graves insuficiencias hepáticas y murió.
She died at the age of 78, poor and blind, having devoted her life to gathering her brother's works for posterity.
Ella murió a los 78 años, pobre, ciega, después de haber dedicado su vida a recopilar las obras de su hermano para la posteridad.
I mean, Maria and I, we saw each other at debate club, you know, the day she died.
María y yo nos vimos en el club de debate, ya sabe, el día que murió.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she loves you 21
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she loves you 21
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she knows it 30
and she's dead 32
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she is 39
and she 275
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she's dead 32
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she is 39
and she 275
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she was 85
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she just 19
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she just 19
and she will 20
and she left 27