And she traduction Espagnol
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and she has no idea what she wants to do with her life, but my God, does she know how to live it, and she is my best friend.
pero, Dios mío, sí que sabe cómo vivirla, y es mi mejor amiga.
So, I showed up at her apartment, and she was handcuffed to the bed and couldn't reach the keys.
Es que, fui a su apartamento, y estaba toda esposada a la cama y no alcanzaba las llaves.
And my mom's a Cop and she's on her way here right now, so you'd better get the hell out of here, unless you wanna spend the rest of your life in jail.
Y mi mamá es policía y viene en camino ahora mismo, así que mejor lárgate de aquí, a menos que quieras pasar el resto de tu vida en la cárcel.
That art professor just called me and she changed her mind.
La profesora de arte me acaba de llamar y cambió de parecer.
- and she hardly ever drove it.
- y casi nunca lo conducía.
I just say it because I have a friend who has a son with similar issues and she was able to get a free one-on-one classroom aide.
Solo lo digo porque tengo una amiga con un hijo con problemas similares y logró ponerlo en un salón de clases personalizado.
I'm... I'm sorry to bother you, but our gas got turned off for some reason, and Tess prepared all this food, and she's freaking out.
Yo... siento molestarte, pero nuestro gas se volvió a apagar por alguna razón, y Tess preparó toda esta comida, y se está volviendo loca.
Oh, well, maybe it's because you had a girlfriend when you two started hooking up, and she was afraid to say anything.
Pues, tal vez sea porque tenías novia cuando empezaron a verse, y tiene miedo de decir algo.
Shiloh McCullen has referred to immigrants as "third-world trash," and she said that people of color have contributed nothing to society.
Shiloh McMullen se ha referido a los inmigrantes como "basura del tercer mundo", y dijo que las personas de color no han contribuido nada a la sociedad.
But no, I-I-I ran into Emma, and she won't marry me if I don't finish school.
Pero no, hablé con Emma y dijo que no se casará conmigo a menos de que termine el colegio.
She loves your dad, and she obviously said yes.
Ella ama a tu papá, y ya dijo que sí.
Ugh, it's such a bummer, and she's always like,
Es tan triste. Siempre dice :
I do, and she's safe.
Yo sí, y está a salvo.
And she was working the G20 as a security consultant.
Y estaba trabajando en el G20 como asesora de seguridad.
I just got off the phone with her a couple of hours ago, and she was here!
Acabo de colgar con ella hace un par de horas ¡ y estaba aquí!
See, his wife, she wanted to move out to the country, so he took the warden gig and she finally got her garden.
Mira, su mujer quería mudarse fuera del país, así es que tomó el trabajo de alcaide y por fin consiguió su jardín.
And so I went back that next day and she had her bag packed.
Y así regresé el día siguiente y tenía su mochila empacada.
The last was three nights ago and she lives down the block from the warehouse.
Las pasadas tres noches y vive una cuadra abajo de la fábrica.
And she wants to talk.
Y ella quiere hablar.
And she picked him out of a lineup?
¿ Y lo identificó en una rueda de reconocimiento?
Paige's parents are gonna be gone, and she wants you to "come over"?
¿ Sus padres saldrán y quiere que "vayas a su casa"?
I met Destiny, and she's very nice.
Conocí a Destiny, es muy linda.
She's an engineering major, she loves LCD Soundsystem, and she can help I.D. our suspect.
Es estudiante de ingeniería, le encanta el grupo LCD Soundsystem, y puede ayudarnos a identificar a nuestro sospechoso.
And she certainly doesn't look evil.
y no parece malvada para nada.
Like, he was planning an invasion of Iran, and she was upstairs making him a grilled cheese?
¿ Estaba planeando una invasión a Irán y ella estaba arriba haciendo sándwiches de queso a la plancha?
She keeps making mistakes, and we should in no way celebrate them.
Sigue cometiendo errores y no debemos celebrarlos de ninguna manera.
She's gonna let me audit her classes and help me put my portfolio together, so I can apply for college this year!
Sí me va a dejar asistir a sus clases mientras alisto mi portafolio, ¡ y así podré solicitar ingreso el próximo año!
She's just gonna take control of the whole thing and make it all about her.
Ella solo va a tomar el control de todo y hacerlo a su modo.
Apparently she was hooking up with her... ex-boyfriend or something, and I guess they got into a fight, and he left her like that.
Al parecer estaba intentando estar con su... exnovio o algo así, y como que pelearon y se fue y la dejó así.
She made a very bold move, and... obviously it backfired.
Intentó hacer algo atrevido, y... Sí. le salió el tiro por la culata.
Jesus and I were babies calling out for our Mom but she never came.
Jesus y yo éramos bebés llamábamos a nuestra mamá, pero nunca llegó.
- She's with Diamond and that Russell guy.
- Está con Diamond y ese tipo Russell.
Okay, so... we have looked over the contracts and since Ms. Porter hasn't tendered her resignation, she is still the principal of ABCC, and was at the time of the vote dissolving the charter.
Bueno, entonces... estuvimos revisando los contratos y ya que la Srta. Porter no ha entregado ninguna carta de renuncia, aún es la rectora del ABCC, y lo era al momento de votar por privatizar la escuela.
Unless she really doesn't have a plan and then the paper's screwed.
A menos de que realmente no tenga un plan y el periódico esté acabado.
You know I went to prom with Lindsey, but what you don't know is that she got drunk and threw up in my mouth.
Tú sabes que fui al baile de graduación con Lindsey, pero lo que no sabes es que se emborrachó y vomitó en mi boca.
Gabe is back, and you need to figure out where she's sleeping tonight.
Gabe regresó, y tienes que buscarle a ella un lugar dónde dormir.
Okay. She and Mason can have my room, and I will sleep on the couch.
Ella y Mason pueden coger mi habitación.
If a girl takes a blow to the head, she's out of the bout and examined immediately.
Si una muchacha recibe un golpe en la cabeza, se saca del combate y es examinada de inmediato.
[yelps ] [ Drench]... hurricane. She's expected to make landfall anytime in the next 12 hours and promises to be as horrible as that spelling of Tammi.
Se espera que toque tierra dentro de las próximas 12 horas y promete ser tan horrible como la grafía de Tammi.
Raina still hasn't spoken to me, and I don't know if she ever will.
Raina sigue sin hablarme y no sé si lo hará alguna vez.
And if she had a partner, it has to be someone that she trusted.
Y si tenía un compañero, tenía que ser alguien en quien confiaba.
She can fill the gaps on our oppo work and tell us what we're missing.
Puede decirnos de qué nos olvidamos y llenar las lagunas en la investigación.
I'll connect with her and see what she knows that we don't, all right?
Contactaré con ella y veré lo que sabe y nosotros no, ¿ de acuerdo?
I know that Congress is willing and able to work with this President to help Americans, but she needs to be willing to work with us, the majority Americans elected to protect them... to protect their interests.
Sé que el Congreso está dispuesto y es capaz de trabajar con esta presidenta para ayudar a los estadounidenses, pero ella necesita estar dispuesta a trabajar con nosotros, la mayoría de los estadounidenses elegidos para protegerlos... para proteger sus intereses.
We have got to get water on that fire and hope that she made it.
Tenemos que poner agua en ese incendio y esperar que haya salido.
She has an ex-con named Nathan Delano who did 18 years for arson and attempted homicide in Stateville because he lit his family on fire back in 1998.
Ella tiene un exconvicto llamado Nathan Delano que purgó 18 años por incendio premeditado e intento de homicidio en Stateville porque prendió fuego a su propia familia en 1998.
But she described his ring and his coat.
Pero describió su anillo y su chaqueta.
And I know in a few years, she's gonna start keeping secrets from me.
Y sé que dentro de algunos años, va a empezar a esconder secretos de mí.
And after, she wants me to come over to her house because her parents are at a wedding in Pittsburgh.
Y después, quiere que vaya a su casa porque sus padres irán a una boda en Pittsburgh.
And she punished me for it.
- Y me castigó.
What, since she wasn't arrested for aiding and abetting a domestic act of terrorism?
¿ Qué, desde que no fue arrestada por ayudar y fomentar un acto doméstico de terrorismo?
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
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and she was right 34
and she loves you 21
and she's right 30
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and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she loves you 21
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she knows it 30
and she's dead 32
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she is 39
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and she's dead 32
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
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and she's like 63
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and she said 267
and she's not 19
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and she said 267
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and she just 19
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and she left 27