Breathe out traduction Espagnol
710 traduction parallèle
You could really live and breathe out here.
Aquí sí que se puede vivir y respirar.
[Man] Breathe in, breathe out.
Inhale, exhale.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Inhale, exhale.
Breathe out.
Exhale. Listo.
- Breathe out all the air.
- Eche fuera todo el aire.
Now, don't forget, breathe out.
Ahora, no lo olvides, respira hondo.
Breathe out.
Now breathe out.
Ahora exhale.
- Breathe out...
- ¿ Has bebido?
Huh? Oh, yes, singers breathe out more air than they breathe in.
Un cantante espira más aire del que inspira.
Now breathe out slowly.
Ahora expire despacio.
Breathe out.
One, two, three : breathe in, breathe out.
Uno, dos, tres, aspirar, expirar.
Breathe out!
¡ El aliento!
Breathe out.
As you breathe out.
Sigue. Exhala.
I like what I see out here, and... I like what I breathe out here.
Me gusta lo que veo aquí, y... me gusta lo que respiro aquí.
They can breathe out there.
Allá podrían tener un respiro.
Breathe out slowly.
Respire lentamente.
Don't breathe till we're out at sea.
No respire hasta que estemos en alta mar.
Breathe in and out.
Inhala y exhala.
Breathe steadily. In, out.
Dentro, fuera... dentro, fuera... dentro, fuera...
Me, my head under water, I heard bells. But when I put my head out to breathe, I could hear.
Con la cabeza bajo el agua, no me enteraba, pero cuando lograba coger aliento, escuchaba.
Let's build the fire and get the engine started and go right out into the middle, away from these reeds where we can breathe.
Encendamos el fuego y el motor. Vayamos por el medio, lejos de estos pastizales, donde haya aire.
Listen, you half-wit, if you breathe another word of what you just said to a single soul... I'll have you thrown out of here on those pencil-striped pants!
Escuche, mequetrefe, si dice media palabra de esto a alguien haré que le echen a usted y a sus malditos pantalones a rayas.
Did he get it out of the filth of the underground cells? Did he breathe it out of the air?
¿ La cogió en la inmundicia de abajo o respirando este aire?
Come on, let's clear out of here and go back where we can breathe some clean air.
Volvamos donde podamos respirar aire limpio
Cuando los dos respiramos a la vez.
So then I breathe, in and out, in and out.
Entonces yo respiro, dentro y fuera.
No! Breathe, let out your belly. Whatever you like.
Respire, saque la barriga, lo que quiera.
Whether the mammoths might have remained alive all those years,... and it was the Siberians who killed them before they had a chance to thaw out and breathe again!
Ya sea que los mamuts podrían haber se mantuvo vivo durante todos esos años,... y fue el que mató a siberianos antes de que tuviera la oportunidad de descongelarse y volver a respirar!
No, you breathe it in when you're born, and you spit it out from then on.
No, lo respiraste al nacer y lo escupes desde entonces.
I might if I could figure out how you breathe in here.
Si supiera cómo se respira aquí dentro.
Breathe in and out real slow so you don't hurt your lungs.
Respiren con seguridad para no dañar los pulmones.
Gauze, and you're going to hold my tongue with it... and you want me to relax and breathe slowly in and out...
Sí, vas a sostenerme Ia lengua con Ia gasa y quieres que me relaje y aspire y respire lentamente...
So that he can breathe and speak... he wears this mask. This visor shuts out the light completely.
Esta máscara sirve para poder respirar y hablar y al bajar la visera se elimina la luz completamente.
You so much as breathe heavy on them and I'm out on strike.
Si respiras sobre ella, hago huelga.
Can you get us out of this slop and into the upper decks, where we can breathe?
¿ Puedes sacarnos de esta mugre y llevarnos a las cubiertas superiores, donde podamos respirar?
When we escaped from our ship we discovered that we could not breathe the atmosphere here, but we had a small supply of our own and set out to help the Drahvins.
Cuando salimos de la nave descubrimos que podíamos respirar la atmósfera de aquí, pero teníamos algunas provisiones y se dispuso ayudar a las Drahvins.
Then throw out your chests and breathe in the fresh air.
Ahora abran sus pechos y aspiren aire fresco.
Now I just want you to breathe in and out gently... one... two... one...
Ahora quiero que inspires y suspires generosamente... 1... 2... 1...
I went out to breathe some fresh air and I was talking to comrades.
Salí a tomar el aire y estaba hablando con las camaradas.
She asked me to tell you to breathe deeply... before you go out, because spring is in the air. Only an orange?
Solamente una naranja
Bend your head forward, and try to get the water out of your mouth and breathe deep, come on.
Inclina la cabeza, Escupe el agua que tienes en la boca y respira hondo.
Yeah, you'd have to breathe them dry to find out.
Sí, habría que vaciarlos respirando para averiguarlo.
Let me out I want to get out of here. want to breathe
¡ Déjame salir! Quiero salir de aquí ; quiero respirar.
Breathe in... out... in... out...
Inspirar, espirar. Inspirar, espirar.
- That's a lot of fun! She probably goes to breathe rather than out of devotion.
Y puede que vaya más por respirar que por devoción.
No, I'm just glad I'm here where it's quiet and you can breathe air that's fresh and drink water that doesn't have to come out of a bottle.
Me alegro de haber venido. Aquí se puede beber agua... sin que esté embotellada.
Breathe out.
I'm saying you're so desperate to get out of Korea, you'd have yourself buried... with a soda straw through the coffin so you could breathe.
Está tan desesperado por irse de Corea, que se haría enterrar con una pajita en el féretro para poder respirar.
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outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
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outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
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outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191