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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ B ] / Bring him out

Bring him out traduction Espagnol

712 traduction parallèle
Then when I clap, so... you bring him out like magician... bring rabbit out from hat.
Después, cuando yo aplaudo, así... tú sacas, como un mago... saca conejo de sombrero.
When I clap, bring him out.
Cuando dé una palmada, sácalo.
You mean the fight will bring him out in the open?
¿ Dice que la pelea lo hará salir a la luz?
- This will bring him out of it.
- Esto lo hará reaccionar.
That might bring him out in the open, and then
Quizá logremos sacarlo al descubierto.
I'll bring him out.
Le denunciaré.
Bring him out here, Mack.
Traerlo aquí, Mack.
Bring him out here, Mackl We'll fix his wagonl
¡ Sácalo aquí, Mack! ¡ Le arreglaremos las cuentas!
Bring him out here!
¡ Sácalo aquí!
Bring him out, Harry.
Tráelo, Harry.
Bring him out and hang him up to dry.
Soltadle y secadle.
Bring him out in the fresh air.
Que le dé el aire fresco.
Wait a minute Bring him out here
¡ Esperen un momento! Tráiganlo.
Bring him out here.
Llévalo allí.
All right, bring him out.
Muy bien. Tráelo.
- Bring him out here, Leonard.
- Tanto gusto. Tráelo aquí.
Bring him out.
Tráelo afuera.
All right, bring him out.
Vamos, sacadlo.
If Jim Hawkins is there, bring him out.
Si Jim está ahí dentro, tráigalo aquí.
- Couldn't you bring him out? Is he alive?
- ¿ No ha podido sacarlo?
- The only way to bring him out of there is to burn the whole marsh.
El único medio de hacerle salir de aquí es quemar todo el pantano.
I thought I could bring him out. I'm pretty smart.
Seré educado y le indicaré la salida.
- Bring him out here!
- Sáquenlo.
- Bring him out!
- Sáquenlo para afuera.
- Bring him out, Jimmy.
- Sácalo, Jimmy.
Alright. What would you suggest? Wait till it's absolutely safe and then bring him out dead?
¿ Quiere esperar y sacarles muertos?
Alex, turn down the lamp, and when the horses come, bring him out.
Alex, cuando lleguen los caballos, baja la luz y trae a Wade.
- Trick is to bring him out in the open.
Lo sé, difícil es hacerle salir.
All right, Bode, bring him out.
Muy bien, Bode, sácale.
And 17 of you guys were sent out to bring him in.
Y enviaron a diecisiete de ustedes para detenerle.
Find out all you can and bring him to the ammunition dump.
Investiga y tráelo al depósito de armas.
I must go out and bring him ashore.
Debo ir a traerlo a la costa.
I gotta figure out a way to bring him in.
Tengo que pensar.
Climb out on the other one and you'll bring him down.
Súbase a la otra y hará que baje.
He got so mad, because they were trying to cheat him... he said he was gonna bring soldiers out to make them behave.
Se puso tan furioso porque lo intentaron engañar... que dijo que iba a traer a los soldados para castigarlos.
The only reason Mr. Chambers said he'd bring out the soldiers... was because Wolf Pelt tried to sell him back the horses he had stolen from the railroad.
La única razón por la que el Sr. Chambers dijo que traería a los soldados fue... porque Piel de Lobo intentó venderle de vuelta los caballos que robó del ferrocarril.
Get him out. That's what I mean. Bring him here.
Sáquelo de la cárcel y tráigalo aquí.
Show him out and bring the other man in.
Acompáñelo a la puerta y traiga al otro.
Tell him to bring his comrade to my car. He orders you to carry your comrade out to his car.
Ordena que lleve a su compañero a su coche.
Bring him here, I'll throw him out.
Tráelo y lo echaré.
Bring him to and find out where his accomplice is.
Reanimadlo y averiguad dónde está su cómplice.
Take him out and bring him to.
Lleváoslo fuera y reanimadlo.
Bring him down the minute he blacks out.
Hacedlo bajar en cuanto se desmaye.
I didn't much want to bring him, but I ran into him and there was no way out.
No quería traerle aquí, pero tropecé con él y no había otra salida.
And if he ain't mussed up when you bring him in, take him out and bring him in again.
Si no está desaliñado al arrestarlo, llévenlo afuera y vuelvan a arrestarlo.
They bring him out of the court fainted.
Lo sacaron de la sala desmayado.
- Cut that bay out and bring him to me.
- Suelta ese caballo y tráemelo.
If he is anyplace But the grave, Get him out And bring him here.
Si está en cualquier lugar, menos en la tumba, sácalo y tráelo aquí.
Bring the man out where I can see him!
¡ Sáquenlo donde pueda verlo!
- Bring her out here! Get him out
- Takejiro, échale.
And so we set out to bring him home -
Decidimos traerle a casa

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