But to be fair traduction Espagnol
304 traduction parallèle
But to be fair all around, you fellers'll go back to work and move that load inside.
Pero para que todos lo seamos, volved a cargar la mercancía.
You may be being kind to that girl, but it's hardly fair on Fanny.
Puedes estar siendo muy amable con esa muchacha pero eres injusto con Fanny
I meant to be fair, but I know and you know that whatever happened the governor would do the right thing...
Quiero ser justo, pero ambos sabemos que el jefe siempre haría lo mejor para ti. ¡ Ya!
But... It wouldn't be fair to you.
Pero... no sería justo para ti.
But I want to be fair.
- Pero quiero ser justo.
Good marks are better, of course but I don't think it's fair to her that she be evaluated above her actual ability.
Las buenas notas son mejores, por supuesto, pero no creo que sea justo para ella evaluarla por encima de su capacidad actual.
Whatever you do will be of your own free will but it isn't fair to bring up that child alone and you know it.
Haz lo que tu conciencia te diga pero no es justo criar sola a una niña.
That gets him kind of sore and he says : " I don't ask you to be fair to me, but please remember we have a child...
Eso lo molestó un poco y le dijo " No te pido que seas justa conmigo, pero recuerda que tenemos una hija...
'Tain't fair, but I'll do it just to be shut of him.
No es justo, pero lo hago sólo para que se calle.
In fact, I've been leaning over backwards to be fair, but —
De hecho, estoy haciendo lo imposible por ser justo, pero...
They are part of the fair, to be sure. But if we had to depend upon them in a permanent sort of way, this country would have stopped at the Allegheny Mountains.
Son parte del país, claro está, pero... si no fuera por la tierra y por todo lo que nos ha dado, este país se habría detenido antes de empezar.
I want to be fair with him, but you see- -
Quiero ser justa con él, pero verás- -
You've been wonderful to me, and I want to be fair with you, because we like you - - but you know that's life.
Has sido maravilloso conmigo y quiero ser justo contigo porque nos caes bien. Pero así es la vida.
But it's only fair to tell you I'm engaged. I'm going to be married very soon.
Pero es justo que le diga que estoy comprometida y que me casaré pronto.
Keep your love burning. Keep it burning. And I promise you, you'll never be anything to one another but fair and handsome!
Mantengan esa llama y les prometo que sólo verán belleza en el otro.
Not it is well that me the cripple, Mister Higgins, but if you take them to him, it will be very fair.
No está bien que yo los coja, señor Higgins, pero si usted se los lleva, será muy justo.
But I want to be fair.
Pero quiero ser justo.
I can't bear to tell you how much I love you and want to marry you, but right now that wouldn't be fair.
No puedo dejar de decirte cuánto te amo y cuánto desearía casarme contigo, pero ahora no sería justo.
- But you've got to be fair to Meg.
Tienes que ser justo con Meg
But you're not going to compare yourself with Mr. ghenoccio. Well, it'd hardly be fair.
Soy tu madre, pero no te puedes comparar con Ghenoccio.
I'd like to, but it wouldn't be fair on the missus.
A mí sí me gustaría pero no puedo hacerle eso a mi mujer.
But the price. We want to be fair.
Pero queremos que el precio sea justo.
Yeah. I wanted you to be my son - in-law, but fair and square. And this way, behind the door, you can't be.
Sí, yo una vez quería que tú fueras me yerno, boro con todas las de la ley, así detrás de la puerta no puede ser.
I'm sorry, Paul, but I have to be fair.
Lo siento, Paul, pero tengo que ser responsable.
I used to like the fair but it's come to be no place for us.
A mí me gustaba la feria pero ya no es un buen lugar para nosotros.
Now, be fair, Bob. I know he's trying to annoy you, but he did play something of a Mozart.
Sé bueno, Bob, sé que intenta incordiarte, pero tocó algo de Mozart.
I'm here because I'm trying very hard to be fair to your husband, to give him every chance, but I can't do it alone. I need help.
He venido porque busco por todos los medios ser justo con su esposo darle oportunidades, pero no puedo hacerlo solo, ayúdeme.
But I must be fair to Father.
Pero debo ser justa con mi padre.
I meant to be fair, but the score was against me.
Quería ser justa, pero el recuento no me favorecía.
Well, I done my best in one day, but just to be fair with you it took me a week of scrubbing to get it like this.
Bueno, hice la mayoría en un día, pero para ser sincero me llevó una semana de fregado para que quede así.
But it's only fair to tell you first that I'll kill you, Stricker... and you, Dutch Henry... the physician, his father... and there might even be time for you, storekeeper.
Pero es justo que les diga antes que yo mataré a Stricker... y a usted, Dutch Henry... al doctor, a su padre... y tal vez me quede tiempo para usted, tendero.
.. the other day he came here, the way he talked about you and himself he tried to be fair as any man could be in his position probably the effort was too much for him in the end, but fine of him just the same
El otro día cuando vino aquí, su forma de hablar de ustedes.. Intentó ser mucho más justo de lo que cualquiera en su situación. Tal vez demasiado al final, pero de todos modos, un magnífico esfuerzo.
That might be emotionally satisfying to you, but it wouldn't be exactly practical, and hardly fair.
Eso podría ser emocionalmente satisfactorio para usted, pero no sería lo que se dice muy práctico, y apenas justo.
I don't think I will, but it wouldn't be fair to his memory, do you think?
No creo que lo haga, pero no haría justicia a su memoria, ¿ no crees?
I used to be fair with a scattergun but then that was when the bird wasn't too far away or flying too fast.
Yo solía ser bueno con la escopeta pero eso era cuando el pájaro no estaba lejos o volaba demasiado rápido.
Here, a light breakfast costs about $ 20.00, about 1 2,000 liras. But, considering the exceptional rarity and taste of the food, the price is usually thought to be fair.
Aquí una cena ligera cuesta cerca de 20 dólares ( 12000 liras )... pero considerando la rareza y exquisitez de la comida es considerado barato.
But he claims he thought it wouldn't be fair to her, married to nothing but the memory of a selfish slob.
Pero él dice que creyó que no sería justo para ella casarse únicamente con el recuerdo de un egoísta.
But I beseech you, if't be your pleasure and most wise consent, as partly I find it is that your fair daughter at this odd-even and dull watch o'th'night transported with no worse nor better guard but with a knave of common hire, a gondolier to the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor.
Pero os ruego que me digáis si habéis consentido, y casi creo que sí, que vuestra hermosa hija, en esta tardía hora de la noche, salga escoltada por un plebeyo, un gondolero a sueldo, para entregarse al grosero abrazo de un moro lascivo.
We are generous, but we also have to be fair.
Somos un pueblo generoso, pero debemos ser justos.
But it wouldn't be fair to involve you.
Pero no seria justo implicaros.
Miss... you're free to join those soldiers. They'll get you home. But it wouldn't be fair to leave you here all alone.
Señorita puede unirse a esos soldados.
So I have to be sympathetic, but also fair.
Como quien dice, hay que ser compasivo sin dejar de ser "justiciero".
Cardinal, would it be fair to say - that you not only built up the centralized monarchy in France, but also perpetuated the religious schism in Europe?
Cardenal, sería correcto decir que usted no sólo creó la monarquía... centralista en Francia sino que también perpetuó el cisma... - Religioso en Europa?
We tried to be as reasonable as possible, and as fair as possible, not only in our own interests, but in those of France as well.
Intentamos ser lo más razonables posible, y tan buenos como fuera posible, no sólo por nuestro propio interés, pero en el de aquellos de Francia también.
This may not be fair to you but I can only pay if you do as I say.
Pero te daré una cantidad mensual si haces lo que te digo.
But to be fair, at least he's not on the job.
El comisario Bertrand, podrido hasta los huesos..... se lo cargaron Rey y Massard, igualmente podridos hasta los huesos..... e igualmente, pagados por Achille. Que a él, la justicia le ronda pero no pertenece a la administración.
Keith, I want to know what happened too but I want to be fair about it.
Keith, quiero saber lo que pasó también pero tengo miedo sobre esto.
You can think what you want about me, the worst, but I always wanted things to be fair.
Mire, de mí puede pensar lo que quiera, lo peor, pero yo siempre quise que las cosas fueran justas.
All I have to do is to run an ad to get loads of guys for your job, but I want to be fair.
Sólo con poner un anuncio... tendría un montón de tipos para su puesto pero quiero ser justo.
- We'll try to be fair but, knowing Lester,
- Será neutral, pero conociendo a Lester,
When I go back East to New York to visit friends I made... during the run of my smash hit one-woman show... and I drive in from JFK... and pass what remains of the'65 World's Fair... the Unisphere tarnished, the rocket ships burned out and crumbling... I look back over my shoulder and break down and weep... over what could have been, but what was never meant to be.
Cuando vuelvo a Nueva York a ver a los amigos que hice... mientras se presentaba mi exitoso espectáculo solista... salgo del aeropuerto JFK... y paso por lo que queda de la Feria Mundial de 1965... la Uniesfera oxidada, los cohetes que se caen a pedazos... volteo la cara y me pongo a llorar... por lo que pudo haber sido y no fue.
but today 329
but to you 23
but tomorrow 92
but to be honest 96
but to me 124
but to no avail 30
but tonight 202
but to what end 17
but together 52
but to 17
but to you 23
but tomorrow 92
but to be honest 96
but to me 124
but to no avail 30
but tonight 202
but to what end 17
but together 52
but to 17
but to do so 26
but to do that 43
but to keep them all together 37
but to tell you the truth 23
to be fair 354
be fair 45
but that's not you 16
but thank you 574
but tell me 152
but that's beside the point 34
but to do that 43
but to keep them all together 37
but to tell you the truth 23
to be fair 354
be fair 45
but that's not you 16
but thank you 574
but tell me 152
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's the thing 39
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's not true 78
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's the way it is 43
but that's not the point 136
but that's just it 35
but that's not the problem 16
but that's the thing 39
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's not true 78
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's the way it is 43
but that's not the point 136
but that's just it 35