By yourself traduction Espagnol
7,164 traduction parallèle
You think you're independence army, fighting by yourself?
¿ Crees que eres el ejército de la independencia peleando solo?
You can't handle downstairs all by yourself.
No puedes atender el negocio sola.
I mean, you can't do this by yourself, Christina.
No puedes hacerlo sola, Christina.
All by yourself on that business trip.
Tan solitario en ese viaje de trabajo.
You shouldn't go by yourself.
No deberías ir sola.
You think you went to America, ate a hot dog, and discovered democracy all by yourself?
¿ Crees que fuiste a América, te comiste un perrito caliente, y descubriste la democracia tu solo?
By yourself?
Usted sabe bien lo duro que he trabajado.
Oliver Rome thing by yourself.
Lo de Oliver Rome por tu cuenta.
And I do feel like you have no idea how hard something like this is to do by yourself.
Y siento que no tienes idea de lo duro que es hacer algo así por tu cuenta.
Can't you come up with an answer by yourself?
¿ Y no sabes contestar solito?
How do you put these things on by yourself?
¿ Cómo puedes ponerte estas cosas?
Hey! You can't make it back to the orphanage by yourself!
Ni se te ocurra volver al orfanato por tu cuenta.
Hey, cutie. What are you doing out here all by yourself?
Linda, ¿ Qué haces aquí sola?
You can't even walk back by yourself.
Ni siquiera puedes caminar por ti mismo.
Of course I would! Working out by yourself is hard!
¡ Es difícil entrenar solo!
You really looking through those all by yourself?
¿ De verdad estás buscando ahí por ti solo?
By yourself?
¿ Tú sólo?
You do not have to stand there by yourself until with those delicious tits!
¡ Cierra la boca, y no me iré de aquí hasta que pruebe esas deliciosas tetas! ¡ Puto loco! ¡ Suéltame!
Are you sure you wouldn't rather greet her in a room by yourself?
¿ Seguro que no quiere saludarla a solas?
You won't be by yourself.
No estarás tú solo.
Does your mom know you're out here all by yourself?
¿ Tu madre sabe que estás aquí solo?
By yourself?
¡ ¿ Tú sola? !
So you're eating that all by yourself?
Así que usted está comiendo que todo por ti mismo?
In hostile territory, by yourself, without telling anyone where you were going and what you were doing?
¿ En territorio hostil, sola, sin contarle a nadie a dónde iba y qué iba a hacer?
All by yourself?
¿ Por ti misma?
Coming out here by yourself to meet me... face-to-face, no backup.
Vienes aquí, por ti mismo, a mi encuentro... Cara a cara, sin respaldo.
You have no idea how hard something like this is to do by yourself.
No tienes idea de lo duro que es hacer algo como esto tú sola.
Can you shut this thing down by yourself if we protect you?
¿ Puedes apagar esta cosa si te protegemos?
By yourself?
¿ Tú solo?
Are you okay to work at the cafe by yourself?
¿ Estarás bien trabajando en la cafetería solo?
You build this all by yourself?
¿ Lo has construido tú misma?
Oh, by the way, you can, uh... blame yourself for me getting loose.
Por cierto, puedes... culparte por haberme soltado.
Listen, when we're done here, by all means, you go and find yourself a shoulder to cry on.
Escucha, cuando terminemos aquí, hazme caso y ve a buscar un hombro en el que llorar.
Still working on those self-esteem issues by throwing yourself at...
Seguimos trabajando en los problemas de autoestima por lanzarse al...
You cheated yourself, woman, by sitting'down at a table with the likes of me.
Te engañaste tú sola, mujer, sentándote a una mesa con tipos como yo.
Maybe you thought that you were helping your dad by shooting at this man, but you're not helping him or yourself now by lying.
Quizás pensaste que estabas ayudando a tu padre disparando a este hombre, pero no le estás ayudando ni a el ni a ti mismo mintiendo.
Oh, by all means, Bohannon, make yourself at home.
Claro que sí, Bohannon, siéntase como en casa.
Ask yourself, whose interest is served by this false charge?
Hazte esta pregunta, ¿ A los intereses de quién sirve esta falsa acusación?
You thought that by killing yourself it would even the score.
Pensó que matándose igualaría el marcador.
How is it that an east coast sophisticate like yourself ends up in a frontier town surrounded by charlatans like Durant, ruffians like Mickey McGinnes... And a defrocked Johnny Reb like Bohannon?
¿ Cómo es que una mujer sofisticada de la Costa Este como usted termina en una ciudad fronteriza rodeada de charlatanes como Durant, rufianes como Mickey McGinnes... y un confederado caído en desgracia como Bohannon?
You can't go by yourself.
No puedes ir solo.
I can understand calling yourself by another name when we first met, but what led you here?
Puedo entender el por que llamarte por otro nombre cuando nos conocimos la primera vez, ¿ Pero que te trajo aquí?
And if you allow yourself to be caught by Lord Kilmartin at three minutes to one, after a good morning's sport,
Y si te dejas cazar por Lord Kilmartin tres minutos antes de la una, después de una buena mañana deportiva,
But, Velma, you yourself told us how many of your ancestors were driven crazy... by this monster obsession.
Pero, Velma, tu misma nos contaste cómo muchos de tus antepasados se volvieron locos por esta obsesión con el monstruo.
It's like... and by the way, when you're there, if you go with your finger over these edges and you put a little pressure on your fingertip, you can cut yourself.
Es como... y por cierto, cuando estás allí, si pasas el dedo por encima de estos bordes y presionas un poco con la punta del dedo, puedes cortarte.
You can start by telling me one true thing about yourself.
Puedes empezar diciendo algo que sea verdad sobre ti.
By the end of the semester, I'll ask all of you to hand in a novel about yourself.
Para el fin de semestre, les pediré... su ayuda en una novela sobre ustedes.
You said yourself it would take weeks to secure the necessary court orders, and how many more victims will there be by then?
Tú mismo dijiste que tomaría semanas para asegurar las órdenes judiciales necesarias, y cuántas víctimas más ¿ Habrá entonces?
I love the part about how you became famous so you could be constantly surrounded by distraction and wouldn't have to be alone with yourself.
Me encanta la parte en la que te hiciste famoso para poder estar rodeado constantemente de distracciones y, de esa manera, no estar solo.
Yes, but by doing that, it would mean you'd have to take on all the extra work yourself. Mm-hmm.
Sí, pero haciendo eso, significaría que tendrías que hacer todo el trabajo extra.
Only by freeing my brother will you be able to free yourself, push away the clouds of doubt you must feel, enabling yourself to have the vision you'll need to find this predator.
Solo mediante la liberación de mi hermano será capaz de liberarse, alejar esas nubes de duda que debe sentir, permitiéndole tener la visión que necesitará para encontrar a ese depredador.
yourself 387
yourself included 25
by your command 18
by you 119
by your side 24
by your leave 27
by your own admission 19
yourself included 25
by your command 18
by you 119
by your side 24
by your leave 27
by your own admission 19