By you traduction Espagnol
131,370 traduction parallèle
Um, I could run that by you, or...
Podría hacer eso por usted, o...
I'm surprised by you.
Me has sorprendido.
May I, uh... May I run something by you?
¿ Podría consultarle una cosa?
I would love to ask Christina how suffocated she felt by you, by your needs, by your idea of a baby, by what you want.
Me encantaría preguntarle a Christina cuán sofocada se sentía contigo, por tus necesidades, por tu idea de un hijo, por lo que quieres.
Since you're in a guessing mode, would you also guess that your whole testimony is an attempt by you to get back at the woman who broke up with you?
Ya que está en modo suposición, ¡ ¿ diría también que todo su testimonio es un intento para recuperar a la mujer que lo dejó? !
Well, is she standing by you or, you know, is she standing by...
Bueno, ¿ está de tu lado o está del lado de...
If you kill her, your judgment's been clouded by emotion, not mine.
Si la matas, tu juicio se ha visto empañado por la tensión, no el mío.
They'll be drawn to the smell of your blood by morning there will be nothing left of you but the scraps of meat on your bones they'll fight for every last piece
- Se sentirán atraídos por el olor de tu sangre. - ¿ Qué? - Por la mañana no habrá quedado nada de ti. - No.
I want something to remember you by.
Quiero algo para recordarte.
You did a c-80 profile on your own by just following the instructions in the manual?
¿ Hiciste un perfil de c-80 por tu propia cuenta? ¿ Siguiendo las instrucciones del manual?
I thought you agreed we had nothing to lose by trying.
Pensé que estabas de acuerdo en que no teníamos nada que perder si lo intentamos.
And by then, you were racing the clock, and the clock will more often win.
Pero entonces, estabas corriendo contrarreloj, y el reloj suele ganar.
You started this by effectively ousting Richard Webber, which, by the way, our rank and file finds completely unacceptable.
Tú empezaste esto destituyendo efectivamente a Richard Webber, lo que, por cierto, nuestros miembros encuentran completamente inaceptable.
You just killed some other kid by directing that heart here.
No. Solo acabas de matar a otro niño al dirigir ese corazón hasta aquí.
You think... that this spring was poisoned by nature?
¿ Crees... que este arroyo fue envenenado por la naturaleza?
You didn't... I mean, you don't know a woman by the name of Dana Miller, do you?
¿ No conocerás... esto, no conocerás a una mujer llamada
I just wanted to stop by and see if you're good.
Solo quería parar para ver si estabas bien.
You see, our water and our soil, they've been poisoned by the coal company.
Lo veis, nuestra agua y nuestra tierra, fueron envenenadas por la compañía del carbón.
If you don't get out of the road, I'll help you by running your hillbilly asses over!
¡ Si no salís de la carretera, os ayudaré pasando por encima de vuestros montañeses culos!
Oh, by the way, this came for you this morning.
Oh, por cierto, llegó esto para ti esta mañana.
By the way, uh, Glenn's been trying to reach you.
Por cierto, Glenn ha estado intentando hablar contigo.
You made a decision by fiat.
Has decidido por ti mismo.
And we all know you have been distracted by the business with your family.
Y todos sabemos que has estado distraída por el asunto con tu familia.
I was hoping you could come by for dinner tonight.
Esperaba que pudieras pasarte a cenar esta noche.
Um, actually... a-are you sure you can't come by earlier?
Oye, ¿ estás segura que no puedes venir antes?
You're the one trying to slip something by His Honor.
Está intentando insinuar algo a su señoría.
By the way, I know you still need an assistant, Diane.
Por cierto, sé que todavía buscas una ayudante, Diane.
I'll tell Maia that you dropped by.
Le diré a Maia que te has pasado.
So when Benji presented Frank with a DVD recording of him stealing the $ 70,000 in running shoes... a DVD that was completely blank, by the way... that was A-okay with you?
¿ Entonces cuando Benji le presentó a Frank una grabación suya robando 70.000 en zapatillas de deporte... una grabación que, dicho sea de paso, estaba completamente en blanco... está bien, según usted?
So are you, by the way.
Como tú, por cierto.
I'm sorry, did you mean something by that?
Lo siento, ¿ qué has querido decir con eso?
You're welcome, by the way.
De nada, por cierto.
You will be the first politician taken down by a never-had-sex tape.
Serás el primer político saboteado por una película porno jamás grabada.
These Scorpion guys are trying to slow its spread, but once it closes that gap by half, you evacuate immediately. Understood?
Los muchachos de Scorpion están tratando de atrasar el esparcimiento, pero una vez que cierren la abertura por la mitad, evacúen inmediatamente. ¿ Entendido?
You'll be whole by 2094.
Lo tendrás todo para el 2094.
In order to do business in Bangladesh, you have to be invited by a local company.
Para poder hacer negocios en Bangladesh tienes que ser invitado por una empresa local.
So you party in the afternoon, and then you're home by dinner.
Así, estás de fiesta por la tarde y vuelves a casa a cenar.
- Um... don't you mean by that, Dr. Mara...
¿ No quiere decir con eso, Dr. Mara...?
I was wondering if you'd ever come by.
Me estaba preguntando si vendrías.
Well, you could start by putting brutal cops in jail.
Bien, podría empezar encerrando a los polis salvajes.
You're saying the ovum ended up here by mistake?
¿ Dice que los óvulos acabaron aquí por error?
So you would destroy Laura's chance of creating life by taking her embryo and raiding it for its genes?
¿ Entonces destruiría la oportunidad de Laura de crear vida cogiendo su embrión y atacándolo por sus genes?
By order of the Cook County Circuit Court, you must immediately cease generating false news about Maia Rindell until a hearing can be held on the merits of her case against you.
Por orden de los tribunales del condado de Cook, debe dejar inmediatamente de generar noticias falsas sobre Maia Rindell hasta que pueda haber una audiencia de su caso contra usted.
So you do know, by doing this, by helping your father, you've implicated yourself in wrongdoing?
¿ Sabes que haciendo esto, ayudando a tu padre, te has implicado tú misma en el delito?
Why couldn't you prove your point by using a small part, a brief part?
¿ Por qué no podía demostrarlas usando una pequeña parte, un extracto?
How much did you make by uploading the episode?
¿ Cuánto dinero ha ganado subiendo el episodio?
You implicated yourself by downloading that list and getting it to your father, but that would require your father turning on you, and he wouldn't turn on you, would he?
Te has implicado descargando esa lista y dándosela a tu padre, pero eso requeriría que tu padre se volviera en contra tuya, y no lo va a hacer, ¿ verdad?
I'm sure you'll be disgusted by what you find in here, but it's not just bad, it's also hurting my business.
Estoy seguro que os molestará lo que encontréis aquí, pero no es solo negativo, también es malo para mi negocio.
Then I sympathize with you, but I don't think speech should be judged by those who feel the most harmed.
Entonces sentiría pena por ti, pero no creo que los comentarios deban ser juzgado por aquellos a lo que más dañan.
If you see him, tell him Marissa dropped by, and I love his "Seven doesn't equal eight" post.
Si lo ves, dile que Marissa ha venido, y que me encanta su mensaje de "siete no es igual a ocho".
What's worse is you're a smart clown who occasionally has a point, a point you destroy by mixing it up with racism and misogyny you probably don't even believe.
Lo malo es que es un payaso inteligente que ocasionalmente tiene razón, una razón que destroza mezclándola con racismo y misoginia en los que seguramente ni siquiera cree.
by your command 18
by yourself 153
by your side 24
by your leave 27
by your own admission 19
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
by yourself 153
by your side 24
by your leave 27
by your own admission 19
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741