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Check them out traduction Espagnol

488 traduction parallèle
I get it. You check them out.
Ya, pruebas.
The two of us could check them out tonight.
Los dos podríamos comprobarlo esta noche.
and you, too. Even if it's the gas company, you check them out first, right? - But what...
Y tú igual. incluso a los del gas, compruébalo antes.
Check them out, Bones. Their attitude was inconsistent with their actions.
Su actitud fue inconsistente con sus acciones.
- Ah. Mr Spock, check them out.
- Compruébelas.
I'll check them out and then I'll get back to you. All right, Chief?
Las iré a ver y lo llamaré, ¿ bien, jefe?
They look authentic, but I'll check them out anyway.
Bueno, parecen auténticas, pero investigaré.
Let's go check them out.
Vayamos a inspeccionarlos.
Soon as you check them out, they vanished.
Tan pronto como vas a comprobarlas, desaparecen.
Check them out.
Check them out for anything odd.
Que busquen detalles sospechosos
- We'll check them out.
- Las verificaremos aquí.
Gotta check them out.
Tenemos que ir a ver.
Check them out for me, will you?
Revísalas por mi, por favor.
You'll have to check them out.
Es como él.
I'll send the robot down to check them out.
Enviaré al robot abajo a averiguarlo.
So when T.C. And Rick came up with two possible suspects, I decided to check them out.
Así que cuando T.C. y Rick me dijeron que tenían dos sospechosos decidí investigarlos inmediatamente.
Here's a list of homerooms, Check them out, all right?
Aquí tiene la lista de cuartos de hotel, revíselas, de acuerdo?
Check them out!
¡ Miren ustedes!
Hey, check them out!
¡ Oye, vengan a verlos!
I thought you might like to check them out with me.
Pense que talvez quieras ir a verlos
Then tell me who they are and I'll check them out.
Entonces dígame quienes son así yo los chequeo.
- Check them out.
- Revisen.
In the archives, you'll find his father's files. Check them out.
Saca del archivo el historial del viejo Orwicz.
Why don't you go check it out, there is a very beautiful girl among them.
¿ Por qué no vais a echar un vistazo? Hay muchas chicas bonitas por ahí.
You wait outside. Check them and count them as we throw them out.
Esperadnos fuera.
I threw them out the window and I didn't check them!
¿ El agujero? Ah no pide por la ventana. Que no los escuté.
Now stop asking those foolish questions and let me out of here to check them horses.
Para ya de decir tonterías y déjame ocuparme de los caballos.
You're to check out some ROK pilots in the 51 s, train them in our tactics.
Revisarás y entrenarás pilotos coreanos en los aviones 51.
Maybe you should have gone to them, if they weren't coming to you, to check out what was happening.
Tal vez debería haber ido a ellos, si no se viene a ti, para comprobar lo que estaba sucediendo.
Ask them who's responsible for forgetting all the luggage. You better come in here and check me out.
Tu bola rapida es suficiente para sacar a cualquiera. respira profundamente
Hey, this guy is so loaded, he could pay off the national debt out of petty cash. But didn't you check those entries after you made them?
que podría pagar la deuda nacional solo con el dinero de sus gastos pequeños.
I want your personal check in that amount or i'll have to send a few sign painters out to the deidrich tool and die company and have them cross off the name deidrich!
Todo lo que poseo... todo. Sean testigos de un homicidio.
Don Hernando, con su permiso me gustaría tenerlos aquí y confirmar su historia.
Así que investigaremos a todos- -
I'll check them all out immediately, Chief.
Las investigaré a todas de inmediato.
Look, I want them all out of here until I check the damage.
Sáquelos de aquí hasta que compruebe los desperfectos.
Check out who pays their taxes... who were the attorneys who filed for them.
Comprueba quién paga sus impuestos y qué abogados trabajan para ellos.
Let me take you to the dispensary, have them check you out.
Déjame llevarte al dispensario.
Every day I check it for bacteria and to find out whether your blood has not made them ill.
Todos los días investigo si hay bacterias en él y si no enferman tu sangre.
- You'll check them all out, naturally.
- Verifíquelos todos.
I'm gonna try to pull one of them out, so I can analyze its blood and check its cells.
Trataré de sacar a uno para poder analizarle la sangre y las células.
We'll go out to the mine in the morning check, make sure we got rid of all of them.
Iremos a la mina por la mañana y nos aseguraremos de matarlos a todos.
Get the whole thing full and go on down to the check-out counter and look for somebody with just one item, and ask them if you can get ahead of them.
¡ Llenadlo todo e id a la linea de cajas y buscad a alguien que lleve un solo artículo! ¡ Y preguntadle si podéis pasar delante!
Give them an excuse to check out the environmentalists, dancing societies organic-food freaks and, uh, oh, yes, the lefty priests.
Darles una excusa para investigar a los ambientalistas, clubes de baile los chiflados de la comida orgánica y, si, los curas de izquierda.
I called H.Q. I had them check this guy out from here to Tokyo.
Investigué a este sujeto desde aquí hasta Tokio.
Check them inside and out, please.
Analízalos por dentro y por fuera, por favor.
Maybe we better take you to houston, Have them really check you out.
Tal vez deberíamos Ilevarte a Houston, para que te examinen.
The trouble is, I think Comtron talked the sheriff into letting them check out the car.
Creo que Comtron convenció al sheriff de dejarlos revisarlo.
Tommy, don't you think it's kind of easy for them to figure out... check out who put that building up for you in the first place?
Tommy, ¿ no crees que puedan averiguar fácilmente a quién contrataste para construir el edificio?
- I didn't even see them check out.
- Ni siquiera los vi despedirse.

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